Prophet of Islam In Bible?


Registered Senior Member
To all the hardcore and softcore christians; What do you say about a Muslim claim that Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) was predicted in Bible?. Let me give you that verse also that most of muslims refer to.

"“And the Lord said unto me, they have well spoken that which they have spoken, I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.“ (Deuteronomy 18:17-18)

Three important elements are included in this prophecy: A prophet will come from among the “brethren” of the Israelites; this prophet will be “like unto Moses”; God will put his words in the mouth of this prophet.

So what is your stand.
Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
Well, seeing as no other prophet has arisen with much acclaim, I think you're right.

But I'm not a Christian :p

Let us see what does christians have to say.:)
Hm, this is rather interesting. Take care not to get assassinated by the RCC!! :D

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
Originally posted by Markx
To all the hardcore and softcore christians; What do you say about a Muslim claim that Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) was predicted in Bible?. Let me give you that verse also that most of muslims refer to.

"“And the Lord said unto me, they have well spoken that which they have spoken, I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.“ (Deuteronomy 18:17-18)

Three important elements are included in this prophecy: A prophet will come from among the “brethren” of the Israelites; this prophet will be “like unto Moses”; God will put his words in the mouth of this prophet.

So what is your stand.

Hi Markx,

I am not a Christian, in the traditional sense of the word, but do have tremendous respect for Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).Here is some more of the passage you gave;

18:10 There must never be found among you anyone who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, anyone who practices divination, a soothsayer, an augurer, a sorcerer,
18:11 one who casts spells, one who consults a ghost, a practitioner of the occult, or a necromancer.

Not too long ago, i was reading a book which gave an account of the religion of the ancient Arabs. In short, the description of the practises, worship and mindset, given by God in the above passage, matches the account in the book i read.
It could well be that the Prohpet Muhammad (pbuh), is the one mentioned.

In the Bhavishya Purana, the Puranic section of the Vedas, there is a nice shloka (verse), which fortells the coming of Mohammad (pbuh). It can be found in Parva 3, Adhya 3 shlokas 5-6);

etan mitrantare mleccha
archaryena samanvitah
Mahamad iti Khyatah
Siyyagrasva samanvitah


"An illiterate teacher will come along, Mohammad by name, and he will give religion to his fifth-class companiouns."


Jan Ardena.
Re: Re: Prophet of Islam In Bible?

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Hi Markx,

etan mitrantare mleccha
archaryena samanvitah
Mahamad iti Khyatah
Siyyagrasva samanvitah


"An illiterate teacher will come along, Mohammad by name, and he will give religion to his fifth-class companiouns."


Jan Ardena.

Thank you Jan. I have also read some more from Hindu Scriptures. Also there are more then one places in Bible where it was prophicised. So let's assume if it was Mohammad(pbuh), then it would validate Islam according to Bible? . But thank you again for taking time to reply.
whatsupyall or Inspector? Any thoughts? I am still waiting for an argument here.
Ok I will try to summarize my post..

God and the human race is a family. There are 3 entitys that makes up ONE God, as in human beings (mind, heart, and spirit), separate entitys all independent but works as ONE, your mind isnt always telling you the same thing as the heart, and the spirit in the heart changes, depending the input on the mind, as we are created in the image of God. From mind to heart to spirit....
The church (which was reffered to as "woman" in Genesis and "revelation") is the soul and reflection of God (woman being taken out the ribs ("12"), later on identified as the 12 tribes of israel, 12 apostles, etc.)...
And the human soul is united with the soul of God (church), "Emmanuel" God with us...

What is the point of these? Just to explain to you that Human family is a lot like the God and the human race..

About your question Mark of prophet Muhammed, there are many claimed prophets, there is also prophet John smith for Mormons, who claimed that his book are one of the gospels, etc. Some claimed an angel came to them at night, take Saddam Hossein for example, I saw his documentary in Cinemax, he claimed he is the direct descendant of the prophet muhammed and that he came to him during the night and told him where to point his missiles to...
Again there are many prophets..

But this is my conclusion...God and the human race is a lot like our family as we are designed after his likeness...

When a child is born, his brain is premature, and does not understand things around him very much. I remmembered when I was young, I believed that there was really little man about5 inches tall running around under our house. But as a child grows, he becomes wiser and wiser, and things around him beegan to reveal itself slowly and slowly.
When I was younger (about 4 yrs old), I used to think my dad was the strongest man in the world, he used to carry me all the time, and when we swim, I would be on his back....
Overtime, I realized that my dad is just a human being, he died when I was 5 years old...
What is the point of these? Just to show to you that human race are as well growing mature in their understanding with God..
Take the bible for example, it is so simple and applicable 2000 yrs ago, but today that must be translated considering that it is too ancient to applicable today...
This analogy is applied to the human race. Take cavemans 25,000 years ago for example, they theorize of some gods, and have some form of worship (scientificly theorized). But their understanding of things are too narrow minded, because their mind havent matured yet..God didnt reveal Himself to the human race until about 6,000 years ago. Through the prophet Adam and Eve, the first human species to encounter God..And the church was born, and sin was born as well "Where there is no law there is no sin"..
Just as when you are younger, there are things your dad wioll not reveal to you but only when your ready for it. 16 you can date, 18 you dont have a curfew anymore, and at 21 you can now drink, the reason is maturity...

In the same way with God and the human race. The church back then have limited knowledge concerning the world and God, and good and evil.."Mysteries hidden for generations now revealed"- St. Paul...there are mysteriees before, from God to the world, that wwas hidden before and now revealed....

If you ask me, I believe in Jesus Christ being the true prophet, our true brother, and father...
As a true Father wwishes the best for his children, just as God wishes the best for the human race whom he created....
Jesus never condemned sinners or tax collectors, even pagans (such as the roman soldiers). Jesus asked us to love all regardless of race, religion, and occupation, but respect all and even love your enemies.

there are some truths in other reliigons, but it is important that the religion in which you believe TEACHES TO LOVE ALL REGARDLESS, OTHERWISE CHAOS LURKS INN THIS EARTH....

Prophet Muhammed, there are some teachings I accept, but theres also some I dont; There is some moral values in his teaching, and theres also some that arent. There are some teachings good for civilized gov't, but theres also some that arent. But Jesus teachings I ACCEPT ALL OF THEM..There are some truths in religion, BUT THE FULLNESS OF TRUTH COMES FROM CHRIST...
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Originally posted by whatsupyall
Ok I will try to summarize my post..

I appreciate the reply, but you missed the main topic about either that prophecy is related to "Him" or not. Also there are few more prophecies that I was refering to. Also I would like to ask you something, since you said you follow all the teachings of Christ. Also do you believe that Christ has answer or did he provide teachings or answers to all the problems or questions? or not. Also were there any more prophets after Jesus or not?

Prophet Muhammed, there are some teachings I accept, but theres also some I dont; There is some moral values in his teaching, and theres also some that arent. There are some teachings good for civilized gov't, but theres also some that arent. But Jesus teachings I ACCEPT ALL OF THEM..There are some truths in religion, BUT THE FULLNESS OF TRUTH COMES FROM CHRIST...
"A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth.
He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth
with his fingers; frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief
continually; he soweth discord. Therefore shall his calamity come
suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy. These six
things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto
him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent
blood, an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be
swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies,
and he that soweth discord among brethren."
-Proverbs 6:12-19 (KJV)
Originally posted by Markx
Also I would like to ask you something, since you said you follow all the teachings of Christ. Also do you believe that Christ has answer or did he provide teachings or answers to all the problems or questions? or not. Also were there any more prophets after Jesus or not?

The name of "Jesus" the "Christ" is not like "John Stewart", but are much more deeper than that...Jesus is the "Word incarnate". "My WORDS are spirit and life"-John.."I am the way, the truth, and the life"- Jesus..
Jesus said to the apostles before ascending into heaven ""For this you can do greater things than me"....And Jesus "Breathe into them the Holy Spirit" before departhing...

If you say "Does Jesus have the answer to everything?" I say YES, to love all regardless is an answer to everything. The law can be summarized "Love God above all and love your neighbors as you love yoourself"..Yes to be patient, kind, mercifull, generous, forgiving, thoughtfull of others answers everything. Jesus have the answer to everything, thats the proper way to view it for he is the WORD INCARNATE, THE SPIRIT THAT DWELLS WITHIN THOSE WHO ACCEPT HIM. For those who accept him he breathes into them the Holy Spirit as he did with the apostles..

Now, if you take in a literall human sense. Jesus as an individual who was on earth for 33 years doesnt have an answer to everything. For the church is a lot like a seed, starts out small but grows overtime when cultivated and taken care of.
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To Evilpoet,

I dont have a lying tounge (and if there is a lie that i said here, point it so I may confess, otherwise stop falsely accusing me), I havent shed innocent blood, well I may have some wicked imagination I admit. I dont swindel anyone or a scam artist. I have not testified not to follow virtues, but to accept Christ and follow him THOUGH ACCEPTING and following him DOESNT MEAN ''PERFECTION'. Who is perfect? St. Paul said "Woe to me for my flesh is taking me to death", HE IS A SINNER, and so am I.
I would be lying if I said Im not a sinner. And yes I am proud, I admit, I boast in the things of the Lord, but of myself I donot boast. I am proud of my faith in God, and of God, but of myself I am not proud...
I wouldn't be either whatsupyall :D:D

Sorry everyone, that was too good to pass up.
Originally posted by whatsupyall
Some claimed an angel came to them at night, take Saddam Hossein for example, I saw his documentary in Cinemax, he claimed he is the direct descendant of the prophet muhammed and that he came to him during the night and told him where to point his missiles to...
Again there are many prophets..

Not sure where that came from. I have never heard of that. But anyways. Since you mentioned that some one calimed that at night Angel came to them etc etc. Wasn't that the case with Paul? or Saul?. He claimed thatn Jsues came to him etc etc? Why should you or someone else would believe him? Isn't he the father of christianity and trinity? I mean Jesus never called himself Christian or Never carried a cross in his hand or neck etc etc.
Originally posted by Markx
Not sure where that came from. I have never heard of that. But anyways. Since you mentioned that some one calimed that at night Angel came to them etc etc. Wasn't that the case with Paul? or Saul?. He claimed thatn Jsues came to him etc etc? Why should you or someone else would believe him? Isn't he the father of christianity and trinity? I mean Jesus never called himself Christian or Never carried a cross in his hand or neck etc etc.

There are many those who claimed to be a prophet, but you will know them by their fruits, in other words by their works....Its not the sins that makes someone a false prophet, but their ways. In other words what they promote in their words and actions, in other words WHAT'S IN THEIR HEARTS, in which they defend, rationalize and promote.
Saddam Hosein, and others who claim to be a prophet but doesnt lift a finger to help his dying people, and when asked to do so RATIONALIZED and defended the right for him to buy mansion houses for himself instead of feeding the poor. He promotes violence, teaches to attack United States is for good cause, etc. INDEED A FALSE PREACHER, FOR YOU KNOW THEM BY THEIR WORKS.....

note: If your confused whether someine is a right prophet or not, I say just be virtues and live a morally based life, persevere and be patient, in due time God will guide you to the true path....
whatsup, do you believe that there could be some atheists out there who exhibit the properties of goodwill and love toward fellow people? Do you really think that being atheist automatically makes you evil or delusional? Is that it?

If so you shouldn't call yourself christian. You should call yourself antiatheist activist.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
Originally posted by whatsupyall
There are many those who claimed to be a prophet, but you will know them by their fruits, in other words by their works....Its not the sins that makes someone a false prophet, but their ways. In other words what they promote in their words and actions, in other words WHAT'S IN THEIR HEARTS, in which they defend, rationalize and promote.
Saddam Hosein, and others who claim to be a prophet but doesnt lift a finger to help his dying people, and when asked to do so RATIONALIZED and defended the right for him to buy mansion houses for himself instead of feeding the poor. He promotes violence, teaches to attack United States is for good cause, etc. INDEED A FALSE PREACHER, FOR YOU KNOW THEM BY THEIR WORKS.....

note: If your confused whether someine is a right prophet or not, I say just be virtues and live a morally based life, persevere and be patient, in due time God will guide you to the true path....

well that could be totally different debate since I have never heard of Saddam hussien claiming to be a prophet or anything like that. Sounds like load crap. Never ever heard of anything of that sort or nature. I hope it is not a chruch thing. Anyways, Now you mentioned about following the right virtues and live morally based life, So do you believe that Jesus was GOD or not. Simple question. Was he GOD himself or not. OR was he a Mighty Prophet?. Please think carefully before you answer. Again I appreciate you time. Thank you.

On second thought. I should start a new thread, since no one here was able to answer the main question posed by me. So I will start a new thread with different topic. If you don't want to answer here that is fine. I will post a new one soon. This thread is lost now unless some one wants to address the real topic again.