Proper Revenge


Recovering christian
Registered Senior Member
Ever heard a really good revenge story.
Jilted lovers, shitty bosses etc?

Two of my favourites are from the same person who found out his fastidiously house proud and severly smartly dressed partner had been cheating on him.

Alone in the house he packed and left, but before he went he planted cress seed in the bedroom carpet and pissed in the steam iron:D

Priceless!:D :D

Tell me more!
Oh, that was disgusting.....:D
Unfortunately I have no stories to tell, how boring am I....:rolleyes:
A long time back some aquaintances went to another town to double date. Before one had left he stole some sleeping pills from his mother. On the way they stopped at a store and he got a couple of colas and doctored his buddy's cola with the pills. On the date his buddy could not stay awake.

The payback came a few months later. The fellow who had the pills slipped in his drink bought some feniments(?) (laxative). He also bought come chiclets that look just like them. (chiclets are a coated gum in square form) There was not a lot of dating going on that time either...
Well my scumsuckin boyfriend was cheating on me (womans instinct) - so I found some phone numbers and called them and Ill be damned - he was cheating on me with 2 girls! So, I went to pick the girls up (after a long explanation) and we drove over to his house, all three went up and knocked on his door. You should of seen his face. Priceless!
He was so mortified he shut the door while we went away laughing. Total loser!

Groove on
That was priceless! :D
It´s good to hear when women stick together in situations like that.
Many years ago, I registered with the Mens Hair Club the name of my balding supervisor, giving our employer's address as his personal mailing address. He's been wearing a hat since. Come to think of it, the receptionist has probably seen arrive in the mail, and addressed to his name, a few pamplets regarding viagra, too.
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I once knew a guy who always went around goosing those who were jumpy.

One day one of his victums got some sardine oil from a sardine can and put in the tormenters sweat band of his hard hat. After a couple of days you could see this guy stop, look around, sniff the air, and then continue on. By that time eveyone else was in on the joke and it was hilarious to see him try to determine where that smell was coming from. He finally figured it out after nearly a week...