proof the bible can be interpeted anyway you want

Originally posted by some_guy01
I found this interesting...

Proof that the bible can be interpreted anyway you want? No, it is proof that sinful man will do anything to redefine sin.

Instead of repenting and living for God, they redefine sin, slander the Bible and even blaspheme Jesus himself, all in an effort to "make themselves feel better".

Sad, but not surprising to me.

Re: Re: proof the bible can be interpeted anyway you want

Originally posted by Ekimklaw
Proof that the bible can be interpreted anyway you want? No, it is proof that sinful man will do anything to redefine sin.

Redefinition is the survival tool of organized religion. It would probably be very interesting to compare your beliefs to those of the Christian church, say in the year 100. Beliefs that Christians take for granted today would have given the Church in the middle ages cause to torture and execute them. What's to say that some of the tenets in the article aren't beliefs of most Christian churches 100 years from now?

Prove that Jesus wasn't gay.

He never had any heterosexual relations. He had plenty of opportunities for homosexual relations. Homosexuality wasn't as big an issue back then.

How would we know that he wasn't shacking up with John and Judas?
Who cares about Jesus' sexual orientation, seriously. It's not like you could prove it either way.

And as for 'proof' that one can interpret the bible any way they want, anyone can interpret anything they want anyway they want. Especially documents of such length and debth.

A better 'proof' is simply the existance of sooooo many 'doctrines' of christian faith proffessing that they 'believe in the bible' and only the bible as 100% historical fact, and yet they have so many different dogmas(and what about all those silly contradictions, just typos?). quiet silly!
See S. baptist, charismatic movement, evangelicals, assembly of al.
Who cares about Jesus' sexual orientation, seriously. It's not like you could prove it either way.
That was actually my point. Perhaps next time I should include smiley faces to denote my sarcasm.

What we know about Jesus we know from 4 peoples sermonizing 70-100 years after the events. These are fairy tales about a man who can heal spontaneously and walk on water. Theists search the pages of their books for more insight yet forget how many reissues, alterations and shaky foundations that have produced this vague document. The level of error is almost 100%.