Proof that Padilla is guilty: gov't says so


Valued Senior Member
Padilla 'planned apartment bombs'

US terror suspect Jose Padilla had been planning to blow up apartment buildings and use a "dirty bomb", according to US Deputy Attorney General James Comey.

The former Chicago gang member has been held without charge at a US military prison as an "enemy combatant" for the past two years.

Mr Comey said the US Justice Department was releasing new information about him in order to explain his imprisonment.

Whew! I’m glad they cleared that up. For a while there I thought Padilla might be worthy of a trial. Obviously no trial is necessary. Mr. Comey's word is good enough.
American Justice, 21st century style.

How much of this can be waived by executive privilege? Or can we tack Bush to the wall when all is said and done? Can you imagine Dubya having to retire to England or Spain or Poland after he's done because he's wanted everywhere else in the world? Oh, or Israel. But can you just imagine if we got to tack him up for everything he's pulled?

I figure Padilla's probably dumb enough to be guilty of talking sh@t to the wrong people, but I'm not sure that makes him a threat. Understand, I've watched friends get wrapped up in the simplest, stupidest ideologies: Kennedy Assassination Symposium, religion, various versions of black magick, self-defense machismo ... at some point, they all became dangerous. (Okay, the Kennedy assassination thing was just weird; that's the only time any of my friends ever came begging for money but couldn't tell me what they were up to for fear of the CIA ... :bugeye: )

I personally think everybody ought to go to, like, alt.american.patriotism (does it exist?) or some similar group and post vague and merely implicit threats. Menacing rhetoric, lots of anger. But nothing specific. We ought to draw our line in the dirt and say, "This is as far as you come. We'll take our chances from here."

Justice in the New American Century sucks.
To think the country has gone so far down a rat hole that the Supreme Court has to decide whether or not someone can be held indefinitely without a trial. And they will tackle the question only for American citizens.