proof that god can not be all-powerful in any way


Worship me or suffer eternally
Valued Senior Member
Can he think of a riddle that he couldn't solve himself?
Can he create a boulder so heavy that he can't lift it himself?

If yes than he isn't all-powerful because he can't solve the riddle/lift the boulder and if no, he also can't be all-powerful because he can't create it in the first place. Thus, since this can be applied to any property a god is claimed to be unlimited or all-powerful in, all religions that claim that their God is all-powerful or all-knowing in any way are invalid.
Okay, you don't believe in God. So what?

And just because you don't believe something is no sign that you should make fun of or denigrate others that do. Tolerance is a fine trait for humans ...try it some time.

Baron Max
It's a legitimate question Baron. Just because you can't explain your concept of God doesnt mean you should feel denigrated.
And just because you don't believe something is no sign that you should make fun of or denigrate others that do. Tolerance is a fine trait for humans

He's doing no such thing. I see no instance in his post of making fun or or deingrating others. Perhaps it is just an example of your intolerance of others questioning gods?
Can he think of a riddle that he couldn't solve himself?
Can he create a boulder so heavy that he can't lift it himself?

If yes than he isn't all-powerful because he can't solve the riddle/lift the boulder and if no, he also can't be all-powerful because he can't create it in the first place. Thus, since this can be applied to any property a god is claimed to be unlimited or all-powerful in, all religions that claim that their God is all-powerful or all-knowing in any way are invalid.

God is defined by His inspired Word, the bible, and this is what it says:

2 Timothy 2:13 If we believe not, [yet] he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.

God would not do anything to contradict Himself.
Your questions are not applicable. You seem to be asking if God would do things to contradict Himself. You should not ask if He can. You should ask if He would.
Your questions are not applicable. You seem to be asking if God would do things to contradict Himself. You should not ask if He can. You should ask if He would.

Interesting. So one does not determine omnipotence or lack thereof by what one can or can't do, but by what one wont do? I wont do this, that and that.. ergo I too am omnipotent?

Interesting. So one does not determine omnipotence or lack thereof by what one can or can't do, but by what one wont do? I wont do this, that and that.. ergo I too am omnipotent?


I think you are either joking or deluded.
PS. --Get saved or He is going to get you.
I think you are either joking or deluded.

How so? Explain with something a bit better than "you're joking or deluded" which frankly offers nothing.

PS. --Get saved or He is going to get you.

Yes yes, and the leprechauns wont bring me a pot of gold and santa wont bring me presents. Get real.
Okay, you don't believe in God. So what?

He never once stated his beliefs. He is making a point that the claims of theists are invalid because they're logical contradictions.

And just because you don't believe something is no sign that you should make fun of or denigrate others that do. Tolerance is a fine trait for humans ...try it some time.

You've just demonstrated intolerance to the OP's author based on your own unsubstantiated assertions - are we to gather this is the tolerance of which you preach?
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Can he think of a riddle that he couldn't solve himself?
Can he create a boulder so heavy that he can't lift it himself?

If yes than he isn't all-powerful because he can't solve the riddle/lift the boulder and if no, he also can't be all-powerful because he can't create it in the first place. Thus, since this can be applied to any property a god is claimed to be unlimited or all-powerful in, all religions that claim that their God is all-powerful or all-knowing in any way are invalid.

First of all you're riding on a paradox, you can find paradoxes like these for virtually ANYTHING...

Second of all, ROFL, the answer is easy, its simply "NO"...why? If God can create ANY riddle/boulder but cannot create one that he cannot solve/lift then it indicates that he has unlimited power, where as if God can create a boulder/riddle that he cannot solve then it indicates that he has limited power, limited abilities...for instance people can create boulders that they cannot lift or riddles that they cannot solve, and this indicates their flawed nature, their limited power...

Try again ;)
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Can he think of a riddle that he couldn't solve himself?
Can he create a boulder so heavy that he can't lift it himself?

If yes than he isn't all-powerful because he can't solve the riddle/lift the boulder and if no, he also can't be all-powerful because he can't create it in the first place. Thus, since this can be applied to any property a god is claimed to be unlimited or all-powerful in, all religions that claim that their God is all-powerful or all-knowing in any way are invalid.

number 13
First of all you're riding on a paradox, you can find paradoxes like these for virtually ANYTHING...

Second of all, ROFL, the answer is easy, its simply "NO"...why? If God can create ANY riddle/boulder but cannot create one that he cannot solve/lift then it indicates that he has unlimited power, where as if God can create a boulder/riddle that he cannot solve then it indicates that he has limited power, limited abilities...for instance people can create boulders that they cannot lift or riddles that they cannot solve, and this indicates their flawed nature, their limited power...

Try again ;)

No, if he is all-powerful nothing should be impossible for him to do/create. But I've shown that this is not possible. Thus he can not be all-powerful in any way and all religions that claim this are invalid.

What a load of BS. I'll destroy his first argument:

Since there is (currently) no scientifically verifiable evidence to support
either side of the God question, both theism and atheism have to be called

If there is no evidence to support something then there is no scientifically correct reason to believe in its existence. Thus theists are the only one that believe here, not atheists who simply do not believe in something for which there is no evidence.

His answer to the last argument somewhat comparable to the point made in this thread is also wrong since with "Can God run and walk at the same time?" and "Everything I say is a lie." someone would be doing those contradicting things at the same time and obviously that is impossible for any single entity. This raises another question: can god contradict himself and still be right? (after all he's all-powerful) But we're talking about it being impossible for any entity to BE all-powerful in any way, not about whether it is possible for someone or a single entity to do something that contradicts itself in itself.
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No, if he is all-powerful nothing should be impossible for him to do/create. But I've shown that this is not possible. Thus he can not be all-powerful in any way and all religions that claim this are invalid.

But you stated the question in a way that no matter what the answer is God is not considered all-powerful, this is yet another cheap atheistic tactic used...its like me saying "If nothing is impossible then isn't it impossible for nothing to be impossible" or any other cheap tactic....

The answer is God can create ANYTHING, but can lift/solve ANYTHING and thus has unlimited power where as if he can create ANYTHING but cannot solve/lift something then he has limited problem solved...ahaha you cheap atheists try anything...
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
number 13

What a load of BS. I'll destroy his first argument:
she has some premises in her arguments that I feel could be better, but its a pretty good effort of presenting all you can expect to encounter from atheism.

anyway, I was specifically mentioning no. 13, particularly the bit in bold

13. "Can your all-powerful God create a rock that is too heavy for Him to

If you answer, "No," then the atheist will reply, "Then your God can't
create such a rock and therefore isn't all-powerful."

If you answer, "Yes," then the atheist will reply, "Then your God won't be
able to move the rock and therefore isn't all-powerful."

I've read a few long and complicated "answers" to this apparent dilemma,
but the fact is, the question itself is problematic, much like the question,
"Can God run and walk at the same time?" or even the often-quoted statement,
"Everything I say is a lie." (If everything I say is a lie, then that
statement itself is a lie, so I must therefore be telling the truth. But if
I'm telling the truth, then everything I say must be a lie, and we're back
to square one.) All three examples illustrate the limitations of the human
mind and its logic. The "rock" question doesn't say anything about the
nature of God nor His power, but our own inability to comprehend something
that is beyond our understanding.

His answer to the last argument somewhat comparable to the point made in this thread is also wrong since with "Can God run and walk at the same time?" and "Everything I say is a lie." someone would be doing those contradicting things at the same time and obviously that is impossible for any single entity. This raises another question: can god contradict himself and still be right? (after all he's all-powerful)
I think you miss the point
the "Everything I say is a lie" example illustrates the limits of logic as a means of understanding - this is why computers (which essentially operate on algorithms) constantly require computer programers to de-bug them

But we're talking about it being impossible for any entity to BE all-powerful in any way, not about whether it is possible for someone or a single entity to do something that contradicts itself in itself.
and you do or don't discern this by perceiving a logical contradiction in god's nature?