Proof of the apple 'pulling' the earth?


Registered Senior Member
Newton'a law of gravity has three elements to it.

1/ The inverse square law

2/ A direct proportion between mass and gravity strength

3/ Every particle attracting every other particle.

The first two seem to pass scrutiny.

With the third can anyone point to empirical evidence of a smaller mass 'pulling' a larger mass. The tides and cavendish experiments don't do it from all the published imformation I've seen.

In the case of cavendish experiments only the small mass moves and with the high tide under the moon, all that is observed is a lesser gravitation towards the earth because of the interaction of earth and moon gravities. Which, of course isn't a gravitation towards the moon.

Any ideas?
Astronomers measure the "wobble" of stars being yanked around by planets too small to see directly.

One can also measure the deflection of the earth from it's orbit, by the moon's pull.
Newton'a law of gravity has three elements to it.

1/ The inverse square law

2/ A direct proportion between mass and gravity strength

3/ Every particle attracting every other particle.

The first two seem to pass scrutiny.

With the third can anyone point to empirical evidence of a smaller mass 'pulling' a larger mass. The tides and cavendish experiments don't do it from all the published imformation I've seen.

In the case of cavendish experiments only the small mass moves and with the high tide under the moon, all that is observed is a lesser gravitation towards the earth because of the interaction of earth and moon gravities. Which, of course isn't a gravitation towards the moon.

Any ideas?

The Earth and the Moon ?
Anyway, way would only larger objects pull smaller objects ?
If the Earth pulls on an apple does the mean nothing can pull on the Earth ?
look at the wobble of the sun as the planets orbit, especially pluto because its orbit is so ecliptical. If only a large pulls a small the sun would stay exactly sationary in relation to the rest of the solar system, if its not then something is causing it to wobble
The Earth and the Moon ?
Anyway, way would only larger objects pull smaller objects ?
If the Earth pulls on an apple does the mean nothing can pull on the Earth ?

The earth is not the biggest mass in the universe. So no.

iceaura said:
Astronomers measure the "wobble" of stars being yanked around by planets too small to see directly.

One can also measure the deflection of the earth from it's orbit, by the moon's pull.

This seems to be in conflict with the high tide under the moon being the result only of an interaction of earth and moon gravities.

In mathematics, the moon's gravity doesn't reach the earth. It lessens the earth's gravity to cause a high tide. Doesn't actually pull the ocean. To theorize from there that the moon's 'pull' accounts for the earth criss cross of it's solar orbit is interesting but not to the point.

asguard said:
look at the wobble of the sun as the planets orbit, especially pluto because its orbit is so ecliptical. If only a large pulls a small the sun would stay exactly sationary in relation to the rest of the solar system, if its not then something is causing it to wobble

You are arguing against every particle 'pulling' every other particle when you pre-suppose that only solar system particles can affect the sun's position in space.

Has anybody set up a small mass in a lab and demonstrate that it 'pulls' a larger nearby mass?
no im not, my theory works either way. If ANYTHING that has a mas smaller than the sun pulls it anyway then your theory is wrong.
your also forgeting that netonian science has been disproven, try relitivity.
Think about holding an apple in you hand. The apple pushes down on your hand with the same force that your hand pushes up on the apple, it's called equilibrium. In the same way the gravitational pull from the earth to the moon is the same as teh moon to the earth. The real issue is that there is no such thing as a gravitational force. See the thread on curved space lower down.
no im not, my theory works either way. If ANYTHING that has a mas smaller than the sun pulls it anyway then your theory is wrong.

I don't actually have a theory. Just inquiring to find out if anyone knows of a a large mass moving towards a smaller mass under laboratory conditions.

Just Curious said:
Think about holding an apple in you hand. The apple pushes down on your hand with the same force that your hand pushes up on the apple, it's called equilibrium. In the same way the gravitational pull from the earth to the moon is the same as teh moon to the earth. The real issue is that there is no such thing as a gravitational force. See the thread on curved space lower down.

You can measure the force of the apple on the hand. If you trace the opposite force to this force you find that it is the force down on the direct opposite side of the earth. (in your logic the ground supports the hand owner, the earth's mantle supports the ground and so on until you find that the equal and opposite vector to the one the apple exerts on the hand is the weight of the earth on the direct opposite side of the earth.)

With respect of your real issue, I am just after a link to an observation of a large mass moving towards a small mass.

We know that mathematical analysis of the high tide under the moon yields the high tide being a result of the earth and moon gravities interacting.

I.E. You subtract the moon's gravity at an ocean from the earth's gravity at an ocean and you are at the beginning of mathematical logic of why the ocean weighs less under the moon. The moon's gravity has lessened the earth's gravity under the moon.

This logic only deals with rates of acceleration through space. In no way does it indicate that every lunar particle is hooking up with every particle of the earth and 'pulling' said particles. Which is what the third element of Newton's law of gravity specifies happens.

If you read Newton's opening burst in Principia, where he says we must allow that every particle in the universe is attracting every other particle in the universe, the only smaller mass pulling a larger mass he cites is the moon pulling the earth (evidenced by a high tide in his critique).

Cavendish experiments do not show a large mass moving towards a large mass. Does anyone know of someone hanging a large mass next to a small mass and observing the large mass moving towards the small mass. Cheers
it would be almost impossable to do any meaningful experiment on the earth because the gravity of the earth would get in the way

however if you look at puto and her moon (sorry the name escapes me) they are both relitivly small and they orbit a common point rather than eachother. Now if you make the observations of the earth and OUR moon the center of orbit will be much closer to the core of the earth but not quite because the moon has mass to. If you calculate the center of orbit and compare the 2 as well as the relitive masses of both sets. If they are of a similar ration then you have proved it, if they are way off then they arnt

anything i missed in the calculations?
like volocity or distance?
I don't actually have a theory. Just inquiring to find out if anyone knows of a a large mass moving towards a smaller mass under laboratory conditions.

Well, of COURSE you won't find this in the lab. The large mass and small mass will fall towards a common center of mass. Likewise, in stable orbits, large masses and small masses orbit about the center of mass---for the earth-sun system, this center of mass is actually inside the sun (if i recall correctly) which is why the sun ``wobbles''.

In this sense, measuring the ``wobble'' of a more massive object confirms the Newtonian prediction.

In your apple-Earth system, the center of mass is pretty damned close to the center of the earth. You could do the calculation, but what you'd find is something like

$$\frac{M_{apple}}{M_{earth}}\times r$$

where r is the distance between the COM of the apple and the Earth. (If anyone can do the calculation outright, then please do! I am on my way to work.)

So yes---the Earth and the apple fall to the point $$\frac{M_{apple}}{M_{earth}}\times r$$.
Nice thread/

I have a theory going right now that forces between each other such as gravity is nothing but an electrostatic power. We haven't seen gravitational waves, which should vibrate the universe... neither have we seen a graviton...

It begs the question whether we have the idea right, and that Einstein might have followed an illusion.

With the third can anyone point to empirical evidence of a smaller mass 'pulling' a larger mass.

The moon pulling on the Earth is a good example. The Moon creates tides on Earth, and the Earth obviously pulls on the Moon because otherwise the Moon would not orbit the Earth.

This seems to be in conflict with the high tide under the moon being the result only of an interaction of earth and moon gravities.

In mathematics, the moon's gravity doesn't reach the earth. It lessens the earth's gravity to cause a high tide. Doesn't actually pull the ocean. To theorize from there that the moon's 'pull' accounts for the earth criss cross of it's solar orbit is interesting but not to the point.

Gravity is an inverse-square law. The gravity of a particular mass, like the moon, NEVER goes to zero, although it drops off with distance.

The moon doesn't "lessen" Earth's gravity. The Moon's own gravity combines with (technically, adds vectorially to) the Earth's gravity to create a net force on the oceans.

We know that mathematical analysis of the high tide under the moon yields the high tide being a result of the earth and moon gravities interacting.

I.E. You subtract the moon's gravity at an ocean from the earth's gravity at an ocean and you are at the beginning of mathematical logic of why the ocean weighs less under the moon. The moon's gravity has lessened the earth's gravity under the moon.

That explanation is ok, but in making it you're already presupposing that the Moon exerts a force on the ocean, which proves the point that the Moon attracts the Earth.

Oooh... wait a minute. Are you saying that the moon (a large mass) only attracts the oceans (a smaller mass), but not the entire Earth (which is larger than the moon)?

Are you saying that masses somehow "know" which one is bigger, and the bigger one then dominates? If so, think about this:

Suppose I have two 1-kilogram masses in space, side by side. Then, I add 1 gram to mass number 1. Mass number 1 is then bigger than mass 2, so by your argument, mass 2 is attracted by mass 1's gravity, but mass 1 doesn't attract mass 2 at all. On the other hand, if I added the 1 gram to mass 2 instead, the opposite would happen. Is that what you're claiming? In other words, what determines the entire attraction is not the 1000 grams of mass in each object we started with, but really the 1 gram that is added at the end? Does that not seem a little strange to you?


I should say that there are very good theoretical reasons why a small mass must attract a large mass.

First and foremost we have Newton's third law: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This says, in effect, that all forces involve an interaction between two objects. When object A exerts a force on object B, object B always exerts a force of equal magnitude but in the opposite direction on object A.

If this was not true, laws of physics such as the conservation of momentum in collisions simply would not hold, and yet thousands of experiments are taking place every day which verify the law of conservation of momentum.

Second, you can look at Newton's law of gravity itself.
$$F = \frac{GMm}{r^2}$$

This law does not make a distinction between M and m. Swap the positions of the two masses and the magnitude of the force is the same.


There are many astronomical examples where a smaller mass clearly pulls on a larger one. These include binary stars orbiting each other, the "wobbles" of stars due to planets pulling on them (mentioned earlier), even the motion of galaxies in our local group.
it would be almost impossable to do any meaningful experiment on the earth because the gravity of the earth would get in the way

This is a bit troubling when Cavendish experiments do measure the movement of the smaller mass.

however if you look at puto and her moon (sorry the name escapes me) they are both relitivly small and they orbit a common point rather than eachother. Now if you make the observations of the earth and OUR moon the center of orbit will be much closer to the core of the earth but not quite because the moon has mass to. If you calculate the center of orbit and compare the 2 as well as the relitive masses of both sets. If they are of a similar ration then you have proved it, if they are way off then they arnt

anything i missed in the calculations?
like volocity or distance?

The earth crisscrossing its solar orbit might give a first glance indication of the moon ‘pulling’ the earth. However the numbers don’t stack up. The sun’s gravity at the earth is much stronger than the moon’s.

When the moon is outside the earth’s orbit (further from the sun than the earth), how does the weaker moon gravity overcome the sun gravity.

And that’s before we get to the question of the earth spinning on two axes concurrently. For example get a car wheel. Put a rod through each of two stud holes. Then try and get the wheel to spin around both concurrently.

Well, of COURSE you won't find this in the lab. The large mass and small mass will fall towards a common center of mass.

Can you explain why they will fall to a common centre Ben. That’s the question. If you can show that it is more than a presumption on your part, I’ll be a happy little camper.


The moon pulling on the Earth is a good example. The Moon creates tides on Earth, and the Earth obviously pulls on the Moon because otherwise the Moon would not orbit the Earth.

You use an interesting word three in and further on as well. Can you explain the physics of a ‘pull’? A push is an exertion of one particle upon another. But just what is the description of the pull. The term appears constantly during gravity discussions but just what is it?. 'Creates' is a word with a bit of license to. How does the moon create tides on earth?

Gravity is an inverse-square law. The gravity of a particular mass, like the moon, NEVER goes to zero, although it drops off with distance.

The moon doesn't "lessen" Earth's gravity. The Moon's own gravity combines with (technically, adds vectorially to) the Earth's gravity to create a net force on the oceans.

That explanation is ok, but in making it you're already presupposing that the Moon exerts a force on the ocean, which proves the point that the Moon attracts the Earth.

Oooh... wait a minute. Are you saying that the moon (a large mass) only attracts the oceans (a smaller mass), but not the entire Earth (which is larger than the moon)?

Are you saying that masses somehow "know" which one is bigger, and the bigger one then dominates? If so, think about this:

Suppose I have two 1-kilogram masses in space, side by side. Then, I add 1 gram to mass number 1. Mass number 1 is then bigger than mass 2, so by your argument, mass 2 is attracted by mass 1's gravity, but mass 1 doesn't attract mass 2 at all. On the other hand, if I added the 1 gram to mass 2 instead, the opposite would happen. Is that what you're claiming? In other words, what determines the entire attraction is not the 1000 grams of mass in each object we started with, but really the 1 gram that is added at the end? Does that not seem a little strange to you?


I should say that there are very good theoretical reasons why a small mass must attract a large mass.

First and foremost we have Newton's third law: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This says, in effect, that all forces involve an interaction between two objects. When object A exerts a force on object B, object B always exerts a force of equal magnitude but in the opposite direction on object A.

If this was not true, laws of physics such as the conservation of momentum in collisions simply would not hold, and yet thousands of experiments are taking place every day which verify the law of conservation of momentum.

Second, you can look at Newton's law of gravity itself.
$$F = \frac{GMm}{r^2}$$

This law does not make a distinction between M and m. Swap the positions of the two masses and the magnitude of the force is the same.


There are many astronomical examples where a smaller mass clearly pulls on a larger one. These include binary stars orbiting each other, the "wobbles" of stars due to planets pulling on them (mentioned earlier), even the motion of galaxies in our local group.

Forgive me if you did not follow what I posted.

The earth’s rate of acceleration due to gravity at sea level and under the moon = 9.8 m/s/s. The moon’s gravity in the same vicinity = 0.0003 m/s/s (approx).

Resultant rate of acceleration at an ocean under the moon = 9.7997 m/s/s.

Which is a lesser weighting of an ocean towards the centre of the earth than what would be the case if the moon wasn’t present. Thus a high tide under the moon.

Presuming you are okey doke with that, it is just simple mathematical analysis of the situation so you should be, it is not mathematical evidence of the moon pulling the ocean or the earth. Thus is not evidence of a smaller mass ‘pulling’ a larger mass. It is just evidence of opposite directions of gravity interacting. There is no ‘pull’ whatsoever involved.

I do appreciate that you are putting a bit of faith in binary stars as proof of an apple attracting the earth but you can perhaps see that if the high tide under the moon is not evidence of apple attracting the earth, then perhaps binary stars and the like aren't either. Also happy to discuss your theoretical reasons if you want, but we probably should get the high tide under the moon out of the road first. It simply is not evidence of an apple attracting the earth.
Can you explain why they will fall to a common centre Ben. That’s the question. If you can show that it is more than a presumption on your part, I’ll be a happy little camper.

If by ``presumption'' you mean ``empirically measured fact'' then I don't need to explain it---it is what Newton predicted, it is measured in the lab. What's so difficult about this?
If by ``presumption'' you mean ``empirically measured fact'' then I don't need to explain it---it is what Newton predicted, it is measured in the lab. What's so difficult about this?

What lab are you referring? Cavendish experiments only have the small mass moving.

But, no I mean can you explain why two masses would fall towards a common centre. The nitty gritty reason.

What do you think about my thought experiment:

JR said:
Suppose I have two 1-kilogram masses in space, side by side. Then, I add 1 gram to mass number 1. Mass number 1 is then bigger than mass 2, so by your argument, mass 2 is attracted by mass 1's gravity, but mass 1 doesn't attract mass 2 at all. On the other hand, if I added the 1 gram to mass 2 instead, the opposite would happen. Is that what you're claiming? In other words, what determines the entire attraction is not the 1000 grams of mass in each object we started with, but really the 1 gram that is added at the end? Does that not seem a little strange to you?
Plane: How would the larger mass know it was the larger one, and the smaller one know it was the smaller, so as to cancel or employ their "pull" appropriately ? Wouldn't they have to somehow have to gauge distance, etc, to make that decision ?

What happens if they are exactly the same mass ?

And I still don't know how the earth's wobble in orbit, in synchrony with the moon's obit, is explained without invoking some kind of "pull" by the moon.
The earth crisscrossing its solar orbit might give a first glance indication of the moon ‘pulling’ the earth. However the numbers don’t stack up. The sun’s gravity at the earth is much stronger than the moon’s.

When the moon is outside the earth’s orbit (further from the sun than the earth), how does the weaker moon gravity overcome the sun gravity.
The Earth is in orbit around the Sun. Without going a lot deeper into orbital mechanics, this can be simply described as a tug of war between the Earth's natural tendancy to fly off in a straight line and the Sun's gravity. For a circular orbit this tug of war is perfectly balanced and the Earth manitains a constant distance from the Sun. The moon simply upsets this balance. When it is outside of the Earth, its pull tips things very slighty in favor of the Earth traveling in a straight line and the Earth starts to drift slowly away from the Sun. When it is on the inside, it tips things in favor of the Sun and the Earth drifts slowly towards the Sun. This causes the Earth to weave in and out from the Sun.
The fact that the Sun's gravity on the Earth is so much stronger than the Moon's is not a factor as the Sun's gravity pull on the Earth is "all used up" just holding the Earth in orbit.
And that’s before we get to the question of the earth spinning on two axes concurrently. For example get a car wheel. Put a rod through each of two stud holes. Then try and get the wheel to spin around both concurrently.
False analogy, as you are trying to make the second axis located at a physical point of the wheel and this is not the case. Here's a more accurate analogy. Put one rod through the center hub hole. After the rod extends out the bottom bend it at a right angle. Then at a pont equal to the distance of one of the stud holes from the center of the wheel bend it at a right angel in the downward direction (away from the wheel). This gives you something that looks like a crank. The part of the rod sticking through the wheel is the "handle" of the crank and the part extending downward is its axis of rotation. The wheel can both spin on the handle and the crank can turn (carrying the axis of the turning wheel in a circle at the same time. The two motions are indendent of each other.
The earth’s rate of acceleration due to gravity at sea level and under the moon = 9.8 m/s/s. The moon’s gravity in the same vicinity = 0.0003 m/s/s (approx).

Resultant rate of acceleration at an ocean under the moon = 9.7997 m/s/s.

Which is a lesser weighting of an ocean towards the centre of the earth than what would be the case if the moon wasn’t present. Thus a high tide under the moon.

Presuming you are okey doke with that, it is just simple mathematical analysis of the situation so you should be, it is not mathematical evidence of the moon pulling the ocean or the earth. Thus is not evidence of a smaller mass ‘pulling’ a larger mass. It is just evidence of opposite directions of gravity interacting. There is no ‘pull’ whatsoever involved.

You do realise that the Moon produces two tidal bulges? There is a high tide bulge on the side directly under the Moon as well as one on the side opposite that of the Earth. This is why high tides are a roughly 12.5 hrs apart rather than roughly 25 hrs apart.

Your "lessening of opposite directions of gravity interacting" theory doesn't fit this fact, as on the opposite side of the Earth the gravities would work in the same direction, increasing the acceleration due to gravity, and causing a low tide rather than a high tide.

What does explain it is the differential pull of the Moon across the diameter of the Earth. The near side of the Earth feels a stronger pull from the Moon than the center of the Earth does and the far side even less than the Center. This difference creates a net pull that tends to stretch the oceans (and to a certain extent the Earth itself) along a line that joins the Earth and Moon, causing the two tidal bulges.
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