Proof of Noah's Ark.

Daiel Hegarty

Registered Member
There is proof that Jesus does exist. I have read about it and seen it on television. There is also evidence of Noah's Ark(pieces of an ark in the place where noah's ark was presumed to be.
Originally posted by Daiel Hegarty
There is proof that Jesus does exist. I have read
about it and seen it on television. There is also
evidence of Noah's Ark(pieces of an ark in the place
where noah's ark was presumed to be.
Where did you read it? Which TV show?
What evidence?

Can you post a link or two about it? :)
Nearly every year christians go to turkey in search of the ark.

So far, nothing has been found. Not to mention that there is zero proof that there was a worldwide flood. Are you going to justify the tower of babel story next?

You lose.
I saw on the Discovery channel, sometime during the summer, that they have satellite pictures of a mountain in Turkey that has something very supsicious. It resemblems the ark in every way and cannot be explained would a huge structure of wood wind up ontop a mountain? Furthermore, the area where the structure is located, is unaccesible to scientists and even worse is the the Turkish government has restricted access to the mountain because of something military...I think it was a war, can't remember that. The government is now in the process of giving a team of scientist access to the mountain, but getting to the side of the mountain where the structure is, will be a journey by itself....the show ended with that.

If the mountain restricted access to people due to a military installation, the unknown thing just might be part of a military installation.
Daiel - you wrote - There is proof that Jesus does exist.

A claim of proof is one thing but can you show it? Not only does he not exist now but it is highly doubtful he ever existed even as a man let alone as a deity.
I am no friend of organised religion and misticism , but I doubt that a whole religion would form on a man that's never existed.
He was a deity or not is another question:D
I think he was a misunderstood phylosopher
Originally posted by Xev
Well, that's just great. I'm glad to
know that there is religiously based
porn in the world.

Does Jesus also scream "fuck me, you whore" too? :rolleyes:

Seems God was just about done creating the universe, but he
had two extra things left in his bag of creations, so he decided to
split them between Adam and Eve.

He told the couple that one of the things he had to give away
was the ability to stand up while urinating. "It's a very handy
thing," God told the couple, who he found hanging around under
an apple tree. "I was wondering if either one of you wanted that

Adam jumped up and blurted, "Oh, give that to me! When I'm
working in the garden or naming the animals, I could just stand
there and let it fly. It'd be so cool I could write my name in the
sand. Oh, please God, let it be me who you give that gift to, let
me stand and pee, oh please."

On and on he went like an excited little boy who had to pee. Eve
just smiled and told God that if Adam really wanted that so badly
he could have it. It seemed to be the sort of thing that would
make him happy, and she really wouldn't mind if Adam was the
one given this ability.

And so Adam was given the ability to control the direction of his
urination while in a vertical position. And lo, he was happy and
did celebrate by wetting down the bark on the tree nearest him,
laughing with delight all the while. And it was good.

"Fine", God said, looking back into his bag of leftover gifts.
"What's left here? Oh yes, multiple orgasms."
If everyone in the world was destryed by some massive flood except one guy and his family, how did the rest of the world re-populate? Especially places like America or Australia which arent even connected to the cotinent that the few surviviors lived in.
Avatar – you wrote –
I am no friend of organised religion and misticism , but I doubt that a whole religion would form on a man that's never existed.

There is no historical record of a Jesus being a Christ. The only record that exists has been shown to be fraudulent. However, there were numerous contenders to a powerful someone who would “save” the Jews from the oppression of the Romans, none did, although hundreds were crucified for frequent attempted rebellions. The name Jesus was not uncommon at the time and its Hebrew root means “savior”. The word Christ is of Greek origin and also means “savior”, or more strictly “messiah” (deliverer of the Jews to freedom).

The subjugation by the Romans was brutal and perfect; there was no hope of a physical rebellion ever succeeding. But there was a desperate need to find a way out. There was only one hope of escape that the Romans could not prevent – a spiritual escape. The mythmakers were perfectly able to weave the stories about a fictional spiritual savior (a Jesus), or a Christ, since there were many examples of heroes who had attempted rebellion and were cruelly crucified. The mixture of Greek and Hebrew confused the stories with the result that the terms Jesus and Christ became interchangeable. Combine these stories with the events from the great Jewish war, the fall of the Roman empire, and the eventual total disregard for the Roman gods and you can see how war legends and the desperate failed attempts by would-be crucified heroes at the time of the Roman oppression led to the creation of the Christian myth.

There was no single man who was a great teacher, who had been born in a manger, and heralded by angels, etc. etc. These stories were all stolen from much earlier myths. The myth of Christianity was not based on any one man but hundreds of would be heroes who gallantly tried desperately to be the savior from Jewish prophecy, a prophecy the Jews still expect to occur one day. The creating fathers of Christianity eventuality simplified the myths into a single man and then deified him. This then created the paradox of the trinity of course, but that is another story.
The story of Noah is about a local flood that would have seemed overwhelming to the local people of the time.
There are record that Jesus was a real person. These records have given us what we now consider as a history of the time. Apparently, Jesus was a story teller, and the groupies of the time, told stories about him. These stories were passed on and mutated beyond regonition until it was written down by some priest, which is today known as the bible.

I think Jesus was the mans name and Christ came from something else...

Another good reason for people of the time to be so angry at him was that he was talking all this crap about one god, blah blah blah.:bugeye:

I have heard these stories but I don't believe they have a factual basis. Do you have a reputable source that you can state here?
heh, quite simply no. But I don't think that a fictional character would become such a great ledgend. Can you agree that most ledgend are based on a real person, but distorted to make it more interesting?
It seems that almost every people have a myth of the great flood. For so many different cultures to have the same basic story of a long rain with high water could lead one to believe that such did happen in the early days of humanity. Some of these cultures are isolated and could not have picked up the myth from the others.

Whether it is true or not is another question.

If I remember correctly, the side of Mount Ararat that is of interest is in China and at present they are not giving out welcome mats to go look see.