Proof of moon lading fake!??


Registered Senior Member
Fake moon landing?? What do you think? Could it have been made by the 'hoaxer claimants' themselves?? I heard that they gave the appearace of less gravity by slowing down the film but this footage does not appear to use that method.

What do you think??
Im only asking about the footage joeman, not the theory as a whole! Ive never seen this footage before.
man, this has been done so many times. Im downloading the video and if it can be explained with a rational explanation i will be not surprised in the slightest.
I can Prove it's a Fake

They are useing the incorrect moon suit! All the spacesuits for Apollo were redesigned in 1967-68 as a result of the Apollo 1 fire. Thus, if the footage was shot in 1965, as the website states it was, the astronaut should be wearing the earlier moon suit. He is in fact, wearing a suit like that worn by Armstrong in 1969.

It was a good try... but one little detail...
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I've waited a long time for them to go back to the moon? Mabey it was fake, anyway, Armstrong did pop some dude for denying it.
Someone said that to me before Lady: "why hasnt it been done since!?". Surely scientific research on 'moon rock' would produce more excitement that it did! Why isnt there gold on the moon!?.
(because the Americans 'went there' and even if there was then they dont want anyone to find anymore because they are sitting on most of the earths supply! ;) :D :)
Or the fact it is made mostly of silicacious dust might have something to do with it.
All political and economical. Moon dust could potentially be very valuable for fusion development, and there are many other reasons for going back. But we cancelled the Apollo program, and are stuck in LEO now, 30+ years later.
That's Uncle Sam for you... cuts anything worthwhile in favor or payraises and waste programs.
If the Big Bang theory is correct then surely the moon should be made of similar things as the earth. Plus it is close enough to the sun for life to have 'evolved' surely! (if the energy from the sun caused life to come into existence)
it was definately fake, cause i saw tupac shakur in the background,

also the russian kgb helped the americans with the fake landing by admitting that the americans went to the moon
Originally posted by Neville
If the Big Bang theory is correct then surely the moon should be made of similar things as the earth. Plus it is close enough to the sun for life to have 'evolved' surely! (if the energy from the sun caused life to come into existence)
Well, the moon is not massive enough to hold an atmosphere... which means it's not likely to ever be able to support any life (that we're familiar with).

- Warren