"Proof of God"


Blind Pathos
Registered Senior Member
On “Springer” when they want one side to win they set some unstable genetic fragment up to defend the losing side. On this subject we may all fit the category. I've spent time around scientists and creative free-thinking people. There are few who believe straight up church dogma, even less who believe in no spirituality. Faith seems to be the issue. Atheists have faith in science? Religious have faith in spirit? Seems the agnostics are the only ones that can prove they're stance. Agnostics or "not knowers" don't know. The rest claim to… what?

One issue is the structure of “Proof” and what is considered “Proof". Most is based on 5 senses and the rest on democratic and technocratic consensus. That is, if we all see it it's real.... that other guy takes the medicine. If all but one scientist feels that the sun circles the earth we don't buy the odd guy’s book or we burn him at the stake. Under the current set of proofs.... love cannot be proved.

Consider... Man is superior to the computer in certain respects, that we created it and not visa versa. If one wanted a true calculation from a computer we would have to run multiple tests to get a higher validity value. The more tests the higher the rating of it not being a mal-function, so if we asked 6 billion people if there is a supreme being... that would be considered 6 billion tests. Say it's more than 90%, which doesn’t make it true, only popular. These people make up the intellectual community as well and of similar demographics. The problem is folks who want to tell people what to do and claim ‘God said’ or tell another what to feel or think. The idea that an omni present, all powerful, creator of all couldn't or wouldn't also create evolution would be a contradiction. All is All.

What we have proved in history is ... People love to push people around. People love to promote ideas that fit or make them comfortable. People will change the peg if the hole isn’t' right or change the hole if the peg won't change. We are not comfortable with NON SOLUTION. We will take wrong answers in lieu of no answers. The words ”I DON’T KNOW" are intellectual sin.

It seems there is more we don't know than do. There is more to be done than has been done. On any given second there is more in front of us than we can take in or account for. Basically we are bathed in ignorance, so the human mind truly works off of estimates, guesstimates and hunches.

It would be easier to believe that there was a God and we didn't see it than to say we know there isn't without any doubt. Maybe folks that do or don't believe might seriously examine what they think and feel. Have a unique individual experience. Then be open. Regardless, let’s be kind to one another.
bpathos, trust in the known and repeatable of science is not 'faith'; belief in a particular unknown is 'faith', such as in invisible evil spirits doing something.
Atheists have faith in science?

Seems the agnostics are the only ones that can prove they're stance.
Prove their stance? :shrug:

Most is based on 5 senses
We have more than 5 senses.

and the rest on democratic and technocratic consensus.
Not exactly true.

Under the current set of proofs.... love cannot be proved.
Also wrong.

If one wanted a true calculation from a computer we would have to run multiple tests to get a higher validity value.

The more tests the higher the rating of it not being a mal-function, so if we asked 6 billion people if there is a supreme being... that would be considered 6 billion tests. Say it's more than 90%, which doesn’t make it true, only popular.
So what's your point?

It would be easier to believe that there was a God and we didn't see it than to say we know there isn't without any doubt.
Easier for whom?
Many people have little problem saying there's no god.
People love to promote ideas that fit or make them comfortable. People will change the peg if the hole isn’t' right or change the hole if the peg won't change. We are not comfortable with NON SOLUTION. We will take wrong answers in lieu of no answers.

Yes, they will ignore and neglect what is, in favor of their wishes for what ought to be. One can see this on SciForum.
The issue is proofs. What are acceptable and not. What we don't know and what we do are both holding us back. We are in an information revolution. Information is growing faster than we can sort it. What will be considered absolute proof? How many moves are we making based on it? We are forced to act out of ignorance because of time constraints. Because something happens over and over in the past won't have any point when it changes. A repeatable experiment may be all we have, but it's not proof. Mental abstraction and a legacy of data collection is not the truth. Unless we believe it to be so and then we wait ... then after it's shown to be tweaked we lay down another "un shake able" proof. It's all theory, accepted or not, used or not. No one wants to think how fuzzy and lost we are. Old skins don't hold new wine and old science can't hold the truth. What is your difference between "Trust", "Faith", "Belief", or "Known"? What is simular is action. People act on them and stop when it ends. What is proof?
Science is not about what ought to be, as religion is, but about what is, about which religion has proved to be universally incorrect. Humans were not made intact; forms are not immutable; the sky is not a firmament; the Earth is not fixed in place.