Proof of Consciousness


Every object we observe is reaching us as information, c, or at lightspeed. To think is not to know. To think is to assume. The mind is one consciousness, never individualized or divided. We are a single mind/spirit. We are God consciousness, and that consciousness is indivisible.

Limitless being is therefore what permits our ability to create meaning to that God consciousness and to embrace that Holy Spirit fully and completely.

There is no proof that anything exists outside of us. Therefore, it cannot exist because we percieve things according to "Yes/No" binary thingies. Reality is therefore 1 (when pervieved BY and only by us) or 0 (when self is percieved AS reality no other, because the I AM THAT = 0, the only non-bias truth). A concept cannot exist because if it did, it would be an object, which is not real. Only the mind contains the reality not the reality contains the mind. MIND - REALITY = 0! No difference can be real, and therefore Mind would be contained as UNREAL by reality because "NO" (containee) - "YES" (container) = 0 = MIND (container) Reality (containee) = 0. So as mind consitently contains reality, reality says "Yes" and that is how we maintain the illusion of a mutual respect between reality and self. But self does not exist because it would be a concept only and would therefore become DUAL. The concept would cause the false belief that reality contained the mind when it is the opposite. If reality contained the mind it would result in the background God (information/assumption/perception of the external world) negating awareness God (cognition/ Mind) and therefore resulting in the concept of the assumption instead of what is real, the immediacy of the mind. The mind is what is actual and prior to the supposed external concept of reality. Therefore, in order for the mind to become equal to the reality, it must be recognized as containing only a supposition/assumption of reality, otherwise mind would be the supposition/assumption or concept, which is subject to "Yes/No" contradictions, assumptions, etc.

"The seeker is he who is in search of himself. Give up all
questions except one: "Who am I?" After all, the only fact
you are sure of is that you are. The "I am" is certain. The
"I am this" is not. Struggle to find out what you are in
reality. To know what you are, you must first investigate
and know what you are not. Discover all that you are not --
body, feelings thoughts, time, space, this or that --
nothing, concrete or abstract, which you perceive can be
you. The very act of perceiving shows that you are not what
you perceive. The clearer you understand on the level of
mind you can be described in negative terms only, the
quicker will you come to the end of your search and realise
that you are the limitless being". - Sri Nisargadatta

Appearance/assumption/concept/belief/thought/objectification/object are not reality, they are apparition, which can be manipulated by what is real and therefore appear as unreal. This is why we say mind is the container of reality, otherwise it would not be equal to reality and thus be virtually "real". Notice I said "virtually", as virtual reality is the "reality" (able to fit connectively and self-confirgure and respond with "Yes" (immanent mind) or "No" (easily incorrectly percieved reality, which is strictly (assumption/perception, unlike mind which is the absolute and only thing that can be real, God consciousness is connected consciousness that is needed for perception to operate))
hi, welcome
my name is gustav
currently 40 times removed from the words you read right now
who are you?


a minefield, baby. a semantical nightmare! think not?
Appearance/assumption/concept/belief/thought/objectification/object are not reality, they are apparition,

take "thought" out of there or i'll have you removed as a bot
you have been warned ;)

Nice post. Great example of wonderful gibberish splattered with logical fallacies.

To think is not to know.
But knowledge comes through thinking.

To think is to assume.
And assumptions might be right or wrong. It is through the practice of rational thought that we can acquire knowledge.

The mind is one consciousness, never individualized or divided.
Each mind/consciousness is unique to each individual having developed from conception.

We are a single mind/spirit.
Each person has their own unique and separate mind. “Spirit” is undefined and meaningless in this context.

We are God consciousness,
God is undefined and meaningless in this context.

and that consciousness is indivisible.
Once again we observe that each individual has their own unique identity (consciousness). Identity of any object is a necessary axiom. Every object has unique characteristics that define its identity. The universe is comprised of separateness and hence is necessarily divisible. If this were not so then you would not be able to say “I am” and have that make sense.

Limitless being is therefore what permits our ability to create meaning to that God consciousness and to embrace that Holy Spirit fully and completely.
Undefined and unsupported assertions.

There is no proof that anything exists outside of us.
If nothing existed outside of you then you could not exist since you cannot exist without a supporting environment and you could not have been conceived without an outside environment. If you can say “I am” then you exist and if you exist then there is a necessary outside that supports you.

Therefore, it cannot exist because we perceive things according to "Yes/No" binary thingies.
False. We can also perceive that we often do not know; the third option.

Reality is …….. and self.
Large set of gibberish deleted since no rational comment seemed possible.

But self does not exist because it would be a concept
When you say “I am” then you have recognized self and your unique identity and hence admitted you are a separate object and as such must exist in reality.

Unable to respond meaningfully to that gibberish as well.

“ "The seeker is he who is in search of himself. Give up all
questions except one: "Who am I?" After all, the only fact
you are sure of is that you are. The "I am" is certain.

To know what you are, you must first investigate
and know what you are not.
No that does not follow and is a logical fallacy. You cannot be defined by a negative. You cannot be defined by what you are not. All that you can conclude from examining others things is that you are not those things. To discover what you are you must examine yourself.

Discover all that you are not --
body, feelings thoughts, time, space, this or that --
nothing, concrete or abstract, which you perceive can be
you. The very act of perceiving shows that you are not what
you perceive. The clearer you understand on the level of
mind you can be described in negative terms only, the
quicker will you come to the end of your search and realise
that you are the limitless being". - Sri Nisargadatta
Maharaj ”
Wonderful nonsense.

Appearance/assumption/concept/belief/thought/objectification/object are not reality
”There is only one reality, which is the one we perceive. Reality, he said, exists as an objective absolute and it is the task of our consciousness to perceive reality” – Aristotle.

, they are apparition, which can be manipulated by what is real and therefore appear as unreal. This is why we say mind is the container of reality, otherwise it would not be equal to reality and thus be virtually "real". Notice I said "virtually", as virtual reality is the "reality" (able to fit connectively and self-confirgure and respond with "Yes" (immanent mind) or "No" (easily incorrectly percieved reality, which is strictly (assumption/perception, unlike mind which is the absolute and only thing that can be real,
This feels very much like a variation on the nonsense espoused by Plato.

“Reality, he said, exists as an objective absolute and it is the task of our consciousness to perceive reality, not to create it. Abstractions are man’s means of integrating what is perceived. We perceive what is. A is A, he said — a thing is itself independent of what we may want it to be.” – Aristotle.

IOWs your mind/consciousness does not create reality which is what is being implied, but mind/consciousness can only be used to perceive and to know reality.

God consciousness is connected consciousness that is needed for perception to operate))
God is undefined and meaningless in this context.
I am not sure this is actual proof of consciousness, but I agree with your notion that the world has no independant existence of rhe mind...ofcourse there are innumerable realities/universes that exists, we each exist in our own personal universe/reality/space-time
given that only consciousness is capable of proving things in the first place (ever tried to convince an assembly of microphone stands on some essential truth?) its not clear where the difficulty lies.

Listen to the opening of what Langan is asking, "are you seeing me?"
So the issue becomes one of defining the question before it can be answered with yes or no. E.g. is seeing a recorded image of someone actually seeing them? One could argue for yes or no. I'd consider the question sufficiently ambiguous that I would not be able answer with yes or no until the conditions were clarified.

As with the case with many things in life there is often no need to reach a decision or make a choice. The idea that one must either believe that a god exists or believe that a god does not exist denies the option that there is no way to tell and hence conclude the question cannot be rationally answered with a yes or no.

Perhaps the real issue is understanding the question is the paramount concern.

I believe the Kung Fu TV series began - I seek not to know the answers but to understand the questions.
“Physics give rise to observer-participant, observer-participant gives rise to information, information gives rise to physics.” Thus the universe explains observers, and observers explain the universe. Wheeler thereby rejected the notion of the universe as a machine subject to fixed a priori laws and replaced it with a self-synthesizing world he called “the participatory universe.”

Are We Passive Observers Or Powerful Creators?

What Does It Mean to “Participate” in the Universe?

As mentioned, physicist John Wheeler suggests that not only do we play a role in what he calls a “participatory universe,” but we fulfill the primary role. The key to Wheeler’s proposition is the word participatory. In this type of universe, you and I are part of the equation. We’re both catalysts for the events of our lives, as well as the “experiencers” of what we create…these things are happening at the same time! We’re “part of a universe that is a work in progress.” In this unfinished creation, “we are tiny patches of the universe looking at itself—and building itself.”
I am not sure this is actual proof of consciousness, but I agree with your notion that the world has no independant existence of rhe mind...ofcourse there are innumerable realities/universes that exists, we each exist in our own personal universe/reality/space-time

the proof of my conciousness are in these words. the proof of yours, in your words. a shared reality is proved by this discussion.

your own personal reality/universe however is best shared b/w you and your shrink. that is unless you wanna keep it all bottled up and whatnot
the proof of my conciousness are in these words. the proof of yours, in your words. a shared reality is proved by this discussion.

your own personal reality/universe however is best shared b/w you and your shrink. that is unless you wanna keep it all bottled up and whatnot
Well it proves consciousness, but not any true consciousness or awareness existing independently of the brain

The materialist will say it's just chemical reactions, that matter = consciousness
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Once again we observe that each individual has their own unique identity (consciousness). Identity of any object is a necessary axiom. Every object has unique characteristics that define its identity. The universe is comprised of separateness and hence is necessarily divisible. If this were not so then you would not be able to say “I am” and have that make sense.

I will be sure to respond to this further this weekend.
Reality can be but one as we know, otherwise it would be perceived as disjoint. But the disjointedness is an illusion because of syndiffeonesis (diference in sameness).

Some definitions;

Disjoint: If sets A and B have no elements in common, i.e. if no element of A is in B and no element of B is in A, then we say that A and B are disjoint. (Lipschutz, 5)

Holistic identity: the proposition that the external area of a thing, A, is inclusive in its identity if its identity is a result of its difference from not-A. So its identity is this whole difference relation.

Syndiffeonesis - The expression and/or existence of any difference relation entails a common medium and syntax. Reality is a relation, and every relation is a syndiffeonic relation exhibiting syndiffeonesis or "difference-in-sameness". Therefore, reality is a syndiffeonic relation. Syndiffeonesis implies that any assertion to the effect that two things are different implies that they are reductively the same; if their difference is real, then they both reduce to a common reality and are to that extent similar. Syndiffeonesis, the most general of all reductive principles, forms the basis of a new view of the relational structure of reality.. (see CTMU Primer)

The bold highlight explains why we are able to perceive each other as "individual" identities (difference), when in fact we are a holistic identity (sameness/oneness/monic/holistic).
Cris said:
Each mind/consciousness is unique to each individual having developed from conception.

everyone has a unique personality because everyone has unique thoughts. but consciousness is not a thought, it's the same feeling that everyone has... the feeling that I AM.

everyone is the same I AM (god, existence). that's why i can never cease to be, because I AM everything.

it doesn't matter if i lose my memory and my thoughts (when my body dies). my thoughts are not me because they're my thoughts, my creations... they are not me, the creator.

were you not you when you were 1 years old? your personality, thoughts and memories change all the time, so you're a new person every day, but you are always you...

if you are not you in your next life (when you've lost all your current memory and thoughts), then you are not you in this life because you don't remember your past life.
Well it proves consciousness, but not any true consciousness or awareness existing indpendently of the brain

The materialist will say it's just chemical reactions, that matter = consciousness

it has been proved. what it is, where it is, its nature, is unknown. anyone who claims otherwise better come up with a damn good explanation. current status of consciousness? its there. independent of what it apprehends. thats what i know. thats all i know. and that, bugs the shit out of me.

imagine not knowing who and what you are? how the fuck did this happen. its goddamn cruel joke! if i find the shit that is responsible for this state of affairs, why i am gonna get real metaphysical on his ass.

as for the materialists, do not argue with them. just treat them with contempt and disdain. or perhaps if you are a gentle sort, indulge as were a child.

i personally like to slip into my steel caps and stomp them into the sidewalk
lottsa fun to be had
everyone has a unique personality because everyone has unique thoughts. but consciousness is not a thought, it's the same feeling that everyone has... the feeling that I AM.

you cannot nail it down. i am currently a million times removed from the consciousness that produces the words you are reading. regression however, is a matter of choice. you can remain within the initial dynamic of the experience/ experiencer or regress infinitely. dont (latter). it is a futile and boring exercise

everyone is the same I AM (god, existence). that's why i can never cease to be, because I AM everything.

the "AM" is not necessary. i used to stop at "I", but realized that it was produced by something that experiences the notion of "I" thru a process that takes place within our physical selves (brain).

something still doesnt sound quite right there. needs more refining. maybe even junk

it doesn't matter if i lose my memory and my thoughts (when my body dies). my thoughts are not me because they're my thoughts, my creations... they are not me, the creator.


were you not you when you were 1 years old? your personality, thoughts and memories change all the time, so you're a new person every day, but you are always you...

the hebrews have a real cool way expressing that. "who are you now?"
just a soundbite really, semantical bullshit. a distinction of unimport. related to the fields of medicine not metaphysics

if you are not you in your next life (when you've lost all your current memory and thoughts), then you are not you in this life because you don't remember your past life.

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you cannot nail it down. i am currently a million times removed from the consciousness that produces the words you are reading.

i'm not sure what you're talking about, but when you become more conscious, you can move your consciousness to other bodies. you can see the world through their eyes.
consciousness exhibits by default, a duality. a distinction b/w the experiencer and the experience itself. until it has been conclusively proven to be wrong, and a viable alternative offered up to replace it. i will accept at face value

law of parsimony and whatnot