Proof of a global flood?


Registered Senior Member
there is tremendous evidence of fossils high in the mountain strata around the world. Plus the Bible explains the process clearly as well as how the mountain elevations were changed to accommodate the increased water volume after the flood.

What is this guy talking about exactly?
While you are at it, he also says:

you don’t allow for lost manufacturing arts several of which can not be duplicated today. A simple example: say web silk from the common house spider is stronger than tensil steel is today size for size. Now the knowledge inherent in such a simple item speaks volumes as to the ability of it’s source. There are more examples of much greater significance than a spider web but I hope you see the point. There is undeniable evidence of a master creator who has a name that has placed an entire earth his creation at the disposal of man.

I plan to mention about the laryngeal nerve in giraffes as an example of an unintelligent designer.
He's talking about mountains that used to be the floor of ancient oceans that were uplifted by continental drift. He mistakenly thinks this is due to a flood leaving them there. He's a young Earth creationist.

His second example is the mistake of seeing the products of evolution's trial and error as the work of a single entity that must necessarily have been intelligent.
He's talking about mountains that used to be the floor of ancient oceans that were uplifted by continental drift. He mistakenly thinks this is due to a flood leaving them there. He's a young Earth creationist.

His second example is the mistake of seeing the products of evolution's trial and error as the work of a single entity that must necessarily have been intelligent.

Thanks. This guy believes in a global flood, but he believes the Earth is the same as what scientists say it is. So not a YEC. Does that make it a problem for his argument? lol So I should say something like:

What you are saying about fossils being at the top of mountains are typically arguments that Young Earth Creationists use. If you believe the Earth was molded over billions of years old, you should have no problem with accepting the scientific explanation of that, which is that modern mountains that used to be the floor of ancient oceans were uplifted by continental drift (thereby causing them to become mountains).
