proof from the truth


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"What is more, in a century where, for many, scientific truth has dealt a deathblow to religious belief, it is precisely the discoveries of science that, in an objective examination of the Islamic Revelation, have highlighted the supernatural character of certain aspects of the Revelation.

"The Quran contains infinitely more precise details [than many scientific discoveries today] which are directly related to facts discovered by modern science: these are what exercise a magnetic attraction for today's scientists.

"It is not faith in Islam that first guided my steps, but simple research for the truth. [What led me to this conviction was the fact that it would be unthinkable] for a man of Muhammad's time to have been the author of such statements on account of the state of knowledge in his days." ~ Dr. Maurice Bucaille, an eminent medical scientist and a member of the French Academy of Medicine. He is the author of the book entitled "The Bible, The Quran and Science."

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"The Quran contains infinitely more precise details [than many scientific discoveries today] which are directly related to facts discovered by modern science: these are what exercise a magnetic attraction for today's scientists.

For example? Does it contain the value of the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron correct to one part in a billion?
For example? Does it contain the value of the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron correct to one part in a billion?

Surely God created the electron, set that value and you. Who else could have done that?!
"What is more, in a century where, for many, scientific truth has dealt a deathblow to religious belief, it is precisely the discoveries of science that, in an objective examination of the Islamic Revelation, have highlighted the supernatural character of certain aspects of the Revelation.

From context below, I take it that "Islamic revelation" is referring to the Quran. So precisely what content does that collection of 7'th century CE verses contain that supposedly highlights its "supernatural character"?

"The Quran contains infinitely more precise details [than many scientific discoveries today] which are directly related to facts discovered by modern science: these are what exercise a magnetic attraction for today's scientists.

Here in the United States, natural scientists display no visible interest in the book. What scholarly interest we do see comes from the social scientists and from scholars of religion who are interested in the history and doctrinal foundations of Islam.

The Quran may indeed be excellent Arabic poetry. (That doesn't translate well into English.) But culturally and philosophically it looks rather crude, oftentimes a reworking of stories from the Hebrew scriptures and like those 1000-year-earlier writings, illustrative of the social and intellectual attitudes of its time and place. It seems to contain little or no explicitly scientific content, certainly no "infinitely more precise details [than many scientific discoveries today]".
Surely God created the electron, set that value and you. Who else could have done that?!

The laws of our universe could be arbitrary or random.

"The Quran contains infinitely more precise details [than many scientific discoveries today] which are directly related to facts discovered by modern science: these are what exercise a magnetic attraction for today's scientists
These kind of statements are the result of religious propaganda. Nothing in Islam could not have been known at the time it was written.