Proof at last: there is no god

I didn't click your link which I have already foreseen to be stupid. But I have seen Ghost in the Shell, 1st Gig and found it to be truly interesting. Last of all, there is proof that there IS a God and that all scientist up until now have been severely narrow minded.

The most fun I can have now is to go on the religion forums and scare the crap out of people. But there is a God, he is Christian, and he does want you to GET OUT before his wrath.
I'm saying that I have inside information at this point that automatically allows me to make judgments about statements that I already know to be false.

Scientists are pretty much done at this point. There is no tracing the universe back further than they have already done, which is ten to the whatever negative seconds that is.

I know a lot about the Big Bang, Stephen Hawkings quest for the TOE, and religion, and have been blessed to see the universe from a angel's eye view. And it's not my fault that it required becoming a functional schizophrenic. :shrug:

And I might look at your video later. That is, if I feel like it.
I'm saying that I have inside information at this point ...

You talk to God directly, do you? I see.

Scientists are pretty much done at this point. There is no tracing the universe back further than they have already done, which is ten to the whatever negative seconds that is.

I didn't realise you were a cosmologist. Which university do you work at?

I know a lot about the Big Bang, Stephen Hawkings quest for the TOE, and religion, and have been blessed to see the universe from a angel's eye view. And it's not my fault that it required becoming a functional schizophrenic. :shrug:

You do realise that schizophrenics have delusions, don't you?

And I might look at your video later. That is, if I feel like it.

I certainly hope so, after all the time and effort you've wasted commenting about it when you haven't even watched it. But it's up to you.
I really don't have time to waste with people who practice quick brainstorming with the intentions of maximizing the wit of their retorts.

Lesson to you, you didn't brainstorm long enough.
But you are wasting your time talking to me, Teetotaler. You keep replying. Why don't you head off and chat to an angel?
But you are wasting your time talking to me, Teetotaler. You keep replying. Why don't you head off and chat to an angel?

If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut. Albert Einstein.

I'm Playing. :p
Another theist with no sense of humour. My, they are coming out of the woodwork this week.

I can sense the humour, but it's not funny.
Those particular comedy actors are quite humorous, but not really funny.
Now, if you want funny, Jim Carey is the man.

Jim Carrey? Meh. Too over the top for my tastes. Most of his stuff is slapstick.
Slapstick can be fun, but Carrey's range is limited. He's the same in every movie.