Project Cold Witness: info wanted


Registered Member
Hi all,

For several years now, I've been working on a novel set in Orford, Suffolk, England. UFO enthusiasts will probably be aware of the "Orfordness Lighthouse theory" regarding the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident ... well, it's that Orford. Although the Rendlesham Incident plays a minor point in the plot, my main area of interest is the classified research conducted on the Island from 1969 onwards.

My research has uncovered a great deal of information about Project Cobra Mist, the OTH radar project that was disbanded in 1973 for reasons which are still not entirely explicit. This novel is set in 1980. I am basing it on the premise that, as some writers have suggested, work did not stop at the Cobra Mist facility following the downfall of the AN/FPS-95 system. It has been suggested that the Cobra Mist radar had certain side-effects ... namely the ability to disrupt communications and other electronics on passing ships and overhead satellites. The premise is that Cobra Mist went underground, with the new name of Project Cold Witness.

Now, I know that in real life, the Cobra Mist facility was used for radio broadcasts from the mid seventies onwards, but I'm not concerned about that. I don't particularly care what's true and what isn't; I've found a good idea for a story, and I'm willing to bend reality a bit if I can improve the plot.

However, I have been able to find very little reliable information about the alleged Project Cold Witness, other than a plethora of websites rambling on about the "Secret Shadow Government". All of these sites are incorrect, by the way--Cobra Mist was an OTH radar set, NOT a plasmoid energy beam research programme. I've read the technical documentation and am perfectly satisfied as to their authenticity. Cold Witness was the supposed energy beam project.

So, I guess my question is this ... does anyone know anything about Cold Witness, and are there any reliable sources out there? By reliable, I mean sources that are based on at least a little evidence, not speculation, and which have as few associations with UFO folklore and conspiracy theories as possible. I have an open mind, but in this case I'm looking for scientific facts, not ideas.

Thanks for your help,
As I said, I try to keep an open mind. There certainly seems to be some evidence that a "secret shadow government" exists ... but I don't know enough about that field to make my mind up either way. To be honest it doesn't worry me that much.

What I meant was that all these references to what appear to be the same document have got their facts wrong. Cobra Mist and Cold Witness are both mentioned. Here is the quote:

Project Cobra Mist
SDI energy -beam (plasmoid?) weapon research.

Project Cold Witness
SDI weapons - Classified

Source: The Secret Shadow Government: A Structural Analysis, by Richard Boylan

It is a fact that, at the time Project Cobra Mist was dismantled in June 1973, the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) had not even been imagined. And it most certainly was not a weapons research facility. Most of the information regarding the project has now been declassified, and Cobra Mist has been proven to be a failed radar array, designed to detect Russian and Chinese test missile launches.

I guess I'm just frustrated by the contradictory and fragmentary information I've managed to find so far!
Well, as far as most governments don't have the peoples best interests at heart, then yes. But I don't think there is an 'Illuminati de la MattMarr' style hidden government.
i find it reasonable that responses should respect and work within the topic post
only assholes would jack this thread

bregorzloth said:
So, I guess my question is this ... does anyone know anything about Cold Witness, and are there any reliable sources out there? By reliable, I mean sources that are based on at least a little evidence, not speculation, and which have as few associations with UFO folklore and conspiracy theories as possible. I have an open mind, but in this case I'm looking for scientific facts, not ideas.

Thanks for your help,
Oh, I'm sorry. Rather harsh to call me an asshole though, isn't it? Not as though I'm blaming aliens and hidden governments on Islam, like some people.
i did not call you an asshole
it was a general statement
i am sure you had no intention of jacking anything

On the topic of secret organisations, perhaps some Psychologists should identify the factors that makeup a current time "Meglomaniac". I believe that Meglomaniac's thrive on attention, therefore secrecy would rob them of this.

Thats why I suggest there is no secret government or group of people working together to hide the truth because they would crave the same attention as such meglomaniacs.

As for research on the project in question, I would suggest talking to the locals of that area that can remember the early 1970's. Don't prepose what you are researching, just ask about the period of time and if they noticed anything odd like for instance "Ban the bomb" rally's etc.
I've done a lot of research among the local people who were around at the time (I only live a few miles away from Orford). Some of them remember the array, mostly in terms of the amount of interference it generated on radio sets, televisions and so on. There are rumours of "funny goings-on" at the Island, but people seem unwilling to talk about it. I seem to have reached something of an impasse in terms of first-hand research!
well I can remember someone talking about a project, however I don't know what name it was given however it involved "Broadcasting Energy" offshore, namely transporting Electricity via radiowaves as apposed to wires.

I don't know if it has anything to do with the project you refer to or not, but it was around the same time period.
the meglomania IS te secrecy and the power. go look at its 'micro' form as in bullying, and then add BILLIONS and BILLIONSof notes
Perhaps we should move the discussion to a different thread so as not to hijack this threads original topic.
bregorzloth, sounds like you've got enough fact to base your novel in, and you can just make the rest up. Judging by the gullibility of folks on this board, you might be able to do an L. Ron. if you make it any more realistic!
Yeah, that's true ... any novel that contains anything about UFOs will probably attract a certain kind of reader, and they'll probably believe anything ... ;)