Project Chanology


Registered Member
Did a search on this forum but no hits.

Basically 4chan started a war against Scientology. At first I thought it was gonna be just another joke, but it looks pretty serious. Both online and offline serious attacks have been made, more are being planned. Worldwide.

It started with the infamous Tom Cruise video on youtube that was removed after the legal team of scientology threatened with lawsuits. This was the proverbial drop in the bucket for many and it was decided then and there that this dangerous cult needs to be attacked on all fronts

Project Chanology
I think it was the hacker group "Anonymous." However I am sure they surf 4chan as well. I've been keeping up with this and it's really hilarious if you ask me. They released the full 45 minute version of Toms video, a ~70meg zip file of documents followed up by another set of ~40 IIRC documents. I find it hilarious.
Oh snap, before I forget, they also released a document that stated Scientologiests teach that "Jesus was a pedophile!"