Problematic Time Warp


The truth is out there
Registered Senior Member
Can God allow us to uncover time warp in the future? The answer is most probably NO.

First of all, God may not allow us to change our fate in the pass and in the future, that something had happened is not reversible. We can't reverse orbiting planet to its original position, we can't revive dying star and human or any other life on earth. We can't go back to the Big Bang moment. God may not allow us to unlock this secret. Collided or destroyed galaxies, remnants in the universe can't be recreated. Energy expended in the stars and the sun can't be restored back to original, it will take tremendous energy to undo all these matter, not just to the earth but also to the whole universe.

Energy compensation is needed for every joule spent when going back in time. We can't reverse our biological clock but we can slow down the biological clock by freezing, resting and using barbiturate drugs, this can reduce the aging speed. Earth 'Time' is also applicable to space. By altering the earth 'Time', it is also altering the whole universe space-time which made impossible in the given scale.

The above description is applicable for back to the pass. But warping to the future time is vice versa of my above description. Go to the future will need same amount of energy to alter every mentioned condition such as to accelerate the burning rate of every star to achieve the given 'Time' frame, or to complete the number of orbit of all the planets orbiting the stars in the universe etc.

Perhaps there is one matter can do time warp, that is GOD. Space warping and new levitational force are within our reach in the future science. Stay tune...
but we can slow down the biological clock by freezing, resting and using barbiturate drugs
[citation needed]
Earth 'Time' is also applicable to space.
No, time here and time elsewhere can 'flow' at different rates given the right conditions of matter and energy. Space-time is not rigid.
Perhaps there is one matter can do time warp, that is GOD.
God is corporeal? Why should time have an effect on God? Isn't he all knowing, all present, all powerful? Why would the behaviour of time apply to him?
Space warping and new levitational force are within our reach in the future science. Stay tune...
You clearly tuned out.
Can God allow us to uncover time warp in the future? The answer is most probably NO.

First of all, God may not allow us to change our fate in the pass and in the future, that something had happened is not reversible. We can't reverse orbiting planet to its original position, we can't revive dying star and human or any other life on earth. We can't go back to the Big Bang moment. God may not allow us to unlock this secret. Collided or destroyed galaxies, remnants in the universe can't be recreated. Energy expended in the stars and the sun can't be restored back to original, it will take tremendous energy to undo all these matter, not just to the earth but also to the whole universe.

Energy compensation is needed for every joule spent when going back in time. We can't reverse our biological clock but we can slow down the biological clock by freezing, resting and using barbiturate drugs, this can reduce the aging speed. Earth 'Time' is also applicable to space. By altering the earth 'Time', it is also altering the whole universe space-time which made impossible in the given scale.

The above description is applicable for back to the pass. But warping to the future time is vice versa of my above description. Go to the future will need same amount of energy to alter every mentioned condition such as to accelerate the burning rate of every star to achieve the given 'Time' frame, or to complete the number of orbit of all the planets orbiting the stars in the universe etc.

Perhaps there is one matter can do time warp, that is GOD. Space warping and new levitational force are within our reach in the future science. Stay tune...

And yet another great articla Albert.

here is a link on water crystals, you should see how our thoughts can directly affect molecules, i have reason to believe this may play a big roll in time travel when we master it. I can pm you more info if you want, i would put it here but those that don't understand it will ridicul it, and I'm not looking for another argument.

Mensajes Ocultos En El Agua - (Dr Masaru Emoto) messages from ...

Here is time travel and it's possibility's explained by science. search his name, he has actually built a time travel machine, at least for tiny particles at this time. travel&emb=0

Time Travel: Einstein's big idea (Theory of Relativity)
