Principles of Self Development in Islam


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
Principles of Self Development in Islam

Dr. Syed Imtiaz Ahmad
Vice President of ISNA Canada

Development carries the notion of enhancement of one’s capabilities and potentials. It implies a forward movement from a given position to a position of greater achievement, opportunity and benefit. In order to develop, individually or collectively, it is necessary to define the goals one wishes to achieve, factors that influence development, and the process of achieving the desired goals for development. Each human being is born with some basic faculties. How these faculties are molded depends on inherent capacities, nurturing environment and other external influences.

Islam places a great deal of emphasis on 'self-development' where an individual takes the responsibility for understanding the purpose of human life, and for shaping that life in the best possible manner, for one’s own benefit and the benefit of the society at large; Islam also provides comprehensive guidance to achieve this goal.

Human development consists of processes of growth and change that takes place from birth to the end of life. The development process is externally influenced from sensory inputs through the organs, and it is internally self-propelled from things which happen within the human body and mind. Our focus here is the development of the human mind, which takes place through sensory inputs and internal mental processes. This development includes learning through the senses and cognition that occurs when learning is abstracted into knowledge for subsequent use.

Islam identifies two sources which play the roles of nurturing or corrupting human development. Inspiration from divine guidance nurtures human development. Not paying attention to divine guidance and succumbing to conspiracies, arising from within or externally environment, corrupts human development.
Proud_Muslim said:
Principles of Self Development in Islam

In order to develop, individually or collectively, it is necessary to define the goals one wishes to achieve, factors that influence development, and the process of achieving the desired goals for development. Each human being is born with some basic faculties. How these faculties are molded depends on inherent capacities, nurturing environment and other external influences.

Otherwise claiming that your "god" has nothing to do with destiny. Ever heard of a thing called predestination by the way? Take your "inherent capacities, nurturing environment and other external influences" and choke on them all you will, because God DIRECTS the path of men, it is in the Bible and I hope even you will agree with that.
"Development carries the notion of enhancement of one’s capabilities and potentials."
Not necessarily, development could just be greater awareness of reality.

"it is necessary to define the goals one wishes to achieve, factors that influence development, and the process of achieving the desired goals for development."
Without development, how can one know the goal, or how to get there? This presupposes that development never reveals anything new.

...where an individual takes the responsibility for understanding the purpose of human life
This assumes there is a single purpose to be known, and that humans are the species to whom this purpose is applicable. This is assuming alot.

succumbing to conspiracies, arising from within or externally environment, corrupts human development.
Hmmmm..... like the Zionists Control the Media Conspiracy? Or the Christians Seek Destruction of Islam Conspiracy? ect... By this definition, some Muslims we know have been stunted in their development...
Well, these are not conspiracy theories, they are conspiracy facts, who better to know about them but the ones who suffer from their implications ( Muslims ) !!
What does Islam want from the rest of the world? - Sympathy - Huh, Tough shit muslim.

You've made your bed of nails, now you must lie on it. :D