Prideful judging


Registered Senior Member
I want to be humble and show pride only when I am not showing pride by making myself out to be better than someone else. It is great to feel prideful for someone praising you, but if you feel pride because you think you are better than someone else, and being better than someone else makes you feel good, I would argue that that is the bad kind of pride.

Do you people think that it is possible to judge someone as being too prideful, without being prideful yourself?
Do you people think that it is possible to judge someone as being too prideful, without being prideful yourself?

I think it's possible; it depends, I suppose, on the degree of judgment and the action it inspires.

After all, there's no sin in observing reality. In principle, I ought to be able to observe the overdose of pride in someone like President Bush without committing a similar overdose on my own part. People treat one another as if that overdose is a given, when the challnege is, in actuality, whether or not one engages that level.

In just about anything one does, it is possible to be too prideful. That pride, however, does not necessarily preclude or supercede the observations that lead to pride. What there is and what we do with it are separate issues entirely.
Woe to you who judge, for you who judge practice the same things.

Matthew 7
4How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

Only the blameless will judge, for how will the blind judge the blind, or a prostitute judge another?
Do you people think that it is possible to judge someone as being too prideful, without being prideful yourself?

Hm. I think we often judge people as beeing too proud with a hint of jealousy in our hearts. Of course, as Tiassa said, there's no sin in mere observation of facts. However, to merely observe means to be detached, and very few people can mind their own business to that extent.
It is impossible not to judge, and judging is an important aspect of our lives - we need to judge other people. If they are healthy, nice, rude, evil - watching a movie alone inspires judgments about the characters.
--But to judge pride and not be guilty of pride yourself, is food for thought (i am caught thinking of the movie 'Seven') I don't think that you should call someone who judges another persons pride a hypocrite, but at the same time you cannot say that they are free from pride themselves

I'm talking myself in circles
It is possible to decide someone is being too proud without being overly proud yourself. The mere fact that you say someone is such doesn't necessarily mean you are saying anything about yourself at all. Someone might say it insinuates that you are the opposite of what you are claiming they are, but that's just an interpretation. The verse SouthStar pointed out simply means check yourself before judging others. You can judge someone that way, but you just have to be sure it's a fair assessment. But you have to do that in any situation