Prevention of criminal reproduction


Slightly extreme
Registered Senior Member
It has come to my attention that if a criminal spends time in prison they are prevented from passing on their genes and reproducing, is this good for mankind?
The accuracy of "Criminals in Prison" isn't necessarily correct. What I mean is that the laws of the land sometimes get misinterpreted and somebody will be placed into prison to something thats only deemed an offense.

(For instance the non-payment of a fine because the person has no income causes them to end up serving time, the only criminal thing here is not having enough money to spend)

There is also the likelihood that most of those criminals that find themselves in Prison probably have already started families in which the other partner no longer wants anything to do with them because of their lifestyle.

So you could suggest that their abscence in the life of their children has a factor on how those children grow up. (Not so much genetics as abscentee parent)

"Eugenics" and the removal of traits by stunting isn't the best way of making positive changes in society, afterall us humans are suppose to be more intelligent than other lifeforms on the planet and have the capacity to adapt to situations. This suggests that as long as a person regrets a crime that they had committed, and the crime was not too violent or involved the taking of another life, that person can make up for what they did and mend their ways. (For instance Cliptomania)
errrrrrr, i dont think that criminals actually pass on their 'evil' genes, if theyr a criminal because of violence, they are more than likely to have had a violent ubringing i.e. aggresive father.., if theyr in the clap coz of sex abuse, more likely than not THEY were abused as kids, so being in jail means that their not having kids, and so therefore the behavioural defects are not being passed on to the youth, therefore i guess it is good for mankind...
Nature Vs Nuture.... Nuture wins in this won so the idea that criminals will dissappear or something is completely false.
ALthough nuture can play a big part and there is no firm evidence of an "evil gene" mental illness such as Schizophrenia can cause people to commit crimes and also has a genetic link
Stryder said:
...the capacity to adapt to situations. This suggests that as long as a person regrets a crime that they had committed, and the crime was not too violent or involved the taking of another life, that person can make up for what they did and mend their ways.

Well, maybe they have the "capacity", but research shows that they usually DON'T mend their ways and end up right back in prison. And you know as well as I that most any criminal will SAY that he's sorry just to get let out on early parole. They're criminals ...and research proves that they'll be right back doing crimes again.

I have a question: Why would any society want to keep violent criminals within their society? Even in prisons, cages or whatnot ...why do we keep them? Why do we want people like that?

Baron Max
Interestingly, putting people in prison tends to not motivate them to mend their ways, but studies of providing high-level reading and philosophy courses in prisons tended to have a very high rate of successful reform.

So yes, let’s cut education spending, and put more people in jail for things like pot use (which, coincidentally, reduces sperm count).
river-wind said:
Interestingly, putting people in prison tends to not motivate them to mend their ways, ...

The role of prisons is NOT to be surrogate mothers to criminals, but to PUNISH them for disobeying the law. If you want to mother the criminals, please do so at your own damned expense ....NOT mine!

Baron Max
Keeping people in rison is very expensive, however- much more expensive that other ways of stopping people committing crimes. If you are willing to spend money keeping people locked up, that's entirely up to you, but why should I subsidise your tastes?
The other reason for keeping people in prison is that it is a very effective Keynesian solution to unemployment while denying that it is so. Lock people up and you keep them out of the labour market. Pay a lot of other people to keep them locked up and they've got nice secure jobs. Unemployment problems partly, if expensively solved.
Thersites said:
Keeping people in prison is very expensive, however- much more expensive than other ways of stopping people committing crimes. (spelling/typos corrected)

Like what ways? And do you have evidence that it's successful? Please explain (in some detail, as opposed to your or someone elses opinion).

Thersites said:
If you are willing to spend money keeping people locked up, that's entirely up to you, but why should I subsidise your tastes?

Oh, ya' got me wrong! I don't want to keep them in prison, I want to shoot them the minute they're convicted of any violent crime ....right out behind the courthouse! And, I might add, it's very, very effective in keeping them from EVER doing it again. it will give people some good target practice, too!

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
The role of prisons is NOT to be surrogate mothers to criminals, but to PUNISH them for disobeying the law. If you want to mother the criminals, please do so at your own damned expense ....NOT mine!
It's not about being surrogate mother.
It also shouldn't be about punishment.
The point should be to make society safer.

Punishment is not a very effective deterrent at all.
You said yourself, statistics show that people who are locked up generally end up returning to prison.
Also, as statistics show, offering proper education, stress management classes and money handling classes helps to keep people from returning to prison by helping to offer "criminals" an alternative to the lifestyle they previously had.

You basically have two choices:
1.) Kill, or otherwise dispose of all criminals, regardless of the severity of their crime, to be "rid" of the criminal element (which actually would just result in getting rid of the poor criminals more than anything else).
2.) Help the criminals leave their life of crime behind by offering them other opportunitits, while they pay their debt to society in prison.

As you said, imprisonment does not end criminal behavior, however, education DOES seem to help.
So, if you want safer streets, educate people to get them OFF the streets.
Or we can continue doing what we are doing, and continue to blame the criminals, and get absolutely nowhere.

Any member of a society is a product of that society.
Just as bad kids should (most often) be blamed on bad parenting, bad citizens should (most often) be blamed on bad domestic policy.
By locking criminals away and forgetting about them we are simply sweeping our own failures under the rug rather than owning up to the responsibility.
Baron Max said:
Oh, ya' got me wrong! I don't want to keep them in prison, I want to shoot them the minute they're convicted of any violent crime ....right out behind the courthouse! And, I might add, it's very, very effective in keeping them from EVER doing it again. it will give people some good target practice, too!

Learn a little history.
Death penalty for crime has never once been a successful deterrent.
Most often societies that have employed the death penalty saw a rise in violent crime.
one_raven said:
Also, as statistics show, offering proper education, stress management classes and money handling classes helps to keep people from returning to prison by helping to offer "criminals" an alternative to the lifestyle they previously had.

Please provide those statistics ...I'd be highly interested!

one_raven said:
Learn a little history. Death penalty for crime has never once been a successful deterrent.

I'm not talking about the idiotic death penalty conditions that we now have ....where we convict and sentence the criminal, then wait years and years before we carry out the sentence .....if at all!

I'm talking about carrying out the death sentence 27 seconds after the jury convicts the bastard! Take him out behind the courthouse and blow his fuckin' brains out. And now, please tell me how that man will ever commit another crime? Deterrent? It's the best one there is ...he'll never, ever commit another crime.

You can baby the criminals and pretend to educate them all you want, but you can't seem to realize that they had all of those chances BEFORE they turned to crime ....why? Because crime PAYS, dammit, that's why! And criminals use you bleeding heart liberals and laugh all the way to the next rape or murder or robbery or theft or ....... And even when they're caught, our laws are so lax and liberal, that many don't even get convicted ....and they laugh all the way to their next crime!

one_raven said:
Any member of a society is a product of that society.

Shit is also a product of society .....what do we do with IT? Or are you planning to mother and coddle and educate shit, too?

Baron Max