In other words it is simply a novel hydro electric generator that works in the deep ocean...I dont see that. When you have to pump something it doesn't generate electricity, it uses electricity. How can you generate electricity (not energy) when you have to use electricity to pump? If you mean storing energy by pumping and creating say hydraulic pressure , sure but that's not what that system does. The pressure already exists in the ocean headwater. When you open the valve the water forceflows with enormous kinetic pressure through the turbine which generates electricity (not stored energy) into the tailwater storage, until the tail water equals the ocean pressure. This electricity is free, no pumping involved. What uses electricity is pumping out the stored tailwater back into the ocean and creating an empty tailwater storage for the next pressurized ocean water to forceflow in and activating the turbine generator.
I don't think so. This is what I have been saying. They don't want to store anything at all, they want to directly generate electricity and transmit it to the surface grid. This is done by using the ocean's natural kinetic water pressure to rune the turbine generator. The tailwater tanks don't store any energy, they fill until their pressure equals that of the exterior ocean. Then they get pumped out without generating anything for creating empty space, which allows for the next batch of electricity to be generated by in flowing (not in-pumping) ocean water.
No dams or river needed etc...location can be any where in the ocean... and so on...