President's approval rating goes up and down with gas prices

Will gas prices determine the outcome of the election?

  • Total voters
I don't think that's the only factor, but it is important to Americans, with our "non-negotiable" high-energy free-motoring way of life.
spidergoat said:
I don't think that's the only factor, but it is important to Americans, with our "non-negotiable" high-energy free-motoring way of life.

What would you say are the top considerations that citizens of American look for in a president?

Also why do so few people vote?
People are stupid if their vote is based off gasoline prices (which I don't doubt some do) because all they're doing is being played as a fool. Prices are still more expensive than they were over a year ago so they aren't saving any money with these price drops.. the oil companies still make a huge ass profit. Until prices go below what they were over a year ago, THEN they'll start saving some money, but still at a loss. As it is now, even with gasoline at under $3 a gallon, they're getting gouged badly.

How silly. Thank you guys for price gouging me, just not as bad as you used to even though I'm still being gouged, lol, so I'll vote for you even though I'm a moron being played for a fool at the pump.

- N
Neildo said:
People are stupid if their vote is based off gasoline prices (which I don't doubt some do) because all they're doing is being played as a fool. Prices are still more expensive than they were over a year ago so they aren't saving any money with these price drops.. the oil companies still make a huge ass profit. Until prices go below what they were over a year ago, THEN they'll start saving some money, but still at a loss. As it is now, even with gasoline at under $3 a gallon, they're getting gouged badly.

How silly. Thank you guys for price gouging me, just not as bad as you used to even though I'm still being gouged, lol, so I'll vote for you even though I'm a moron being played for a fool at the pump.

- N

People vote based off the economy. Energy prices greatly affect all sectors of the economy. Ergo, gas prices determine elections.

Furthermore, due to the incredibly competitive nature of the gas market, we're not being gouged for gas prices (so much as where you decide to live and what you want to drive, it will always be your fault if you insist on filling up your "compensation"), there's such high demand in a highly inelastic market that we're willing to pay just about anything for gas.

That's not gouging. That's addiction.
samcdkey said:
No comments? Any Americans here?
Yes. Immediate comfort is of the utmost importance to the 25% of Americans that vote. We will overlook a criminal administration, an illegal war, a liar of a President, the stripping of civil liberties, more war deaths, more debt and unprecedented expansion of our government as long as we can still fill up at less than $3 a gallon. Americans haven't had to face consequences since WW2 and any prez that keeps us from accepting the consequences of our voting and malaise will win the election, war criminal alcoholic fraud or not.
Genji said:
Yes. Immediate comfort is of the utmost importance to the 25% of Americans that vote. We will overlook a criminal administration, an illegal war, a liar of a President, the stripping of civil liberties, more war deaths, more debt and unprecedented expansion of our government as long as we can still fill up at less than $3 a gallon. Americans haven't had to face consequences since WW2 and any prez that keeps us from accepting the consequences of our voting and malaise will win the election, war criminal alcoholic fraud or not.

Well said.
Not that I'm American, and this thread has little to do with Ethics Morality or Justice, but is it seriously surprising to anyone that there's a correlation between approval rating and a consumer index in the States?

glaucon said:
Not that I'm American, and this thread has little to do with Ethics Morality or Justice, but is it seriously surprising to anyone that there's a correlation between approval rating and a consumer index in the States?

Precisely. An oil baron for president and boom! Elections are near and prices plummet. Where did all the profits go for all the high summer gas prices?? Oh Yeah! I forgot to mention the oil barons JUST DISCOVERED new oil deposits in the Gulf of Mexico!!!!! Yaay Bush!!! Yaaay Jesus!! But you cannot audibly comment on that here. You will be considered a whining librull and a defeatist serving the turrorists. GOD I hate this country now.
What surprises me most about the position you find yourself in is that your entire nation's creation stems from revolution, specifically, revolution against an economically over-agressive government. Furthermore, your Constitution and Legislation provides the means for your people to legally overthrow any Governing opressor.
And yet...... nothing gets done towards this.

Can you say: opiated masses???

I knew you could..
glaucon said:
What surprises me most about the position you find yourself in is that your entire nation's creation stems from revolution, specifically, revolution against an economically over-agressive government. Furthermore, your Constitution and Legislation provides the means for your people to legally overthrow any Governing opressor.
And yet...... nothing gets done towards this.

Can you say: opiated masses???

I knew you could..
What ruined us was the birth of the Twin Party System. Thanks alot FDR :rolleyes: Both capitalist and corrupted 'choices' for a lazy self absorbed population. Churches have become political recruiting centers for religious zealots and they vote. Just like militant Islamists recruit the dumb and fearful in Lebanon and Occupied Palestine. The people have no control over their destiny and it doesn't seem to bother anyone. Only multi millionaires can be President, or billionaires. We can all see what money did for our current chimp in charge. You can actually watch him try to conjugate as he speaks. :rolleyes: "The Decider" is exactly what we deserve over here.
Intersting points.

Did you know (as it seems few Americans do...) that according to classical [John Stuart Mill, Jean Jaques Rousseau, et. al.] political philosophy, the United States cannot even classify itself as a Democracy??

A true Democracy must maintain at least 3 Federal parties.
glaucon said:
Intersting points.

Did you know (as it seems few Americans do...) that according to classical [John Stuart Mill, Jean Jaques Rousseau, et. al.] political philosophy, the United States cannot even classify itself as a Democracy??

A true Democracy must maintain at least 3 Federal parties.
Quite true. We have an oligarchy instead.