

Registered Member
May be this is just coincidence and to be honest I feel a bit strange doing what Im doing right now, but hear goes anyway. When there have been major earthquakes and similar happenings I have viewed them in my dreams. A few years back there were terrible earthquakes in Turkey, I believe they had a few. Before each earthquake happened I would dream of it and see the devistaion and after effects of what had happened in my dream. I think there were a total of 3 earthquakes? Each time before it happened I would have a vivid and real like dream. The most recent dream I had was of the Earths core and the different layers it has. I was being shown and warned something bad was going to happen. All I knew, that what ever was going to happen, would be underneath the top layer and not in view for all to see. In the same dream I then saw a wave, so big that you could'nt see the sky, just a huge wave. I remeber feeling complete devistation for what was about to happen and almost like an ending to something. As the wave came down I woke up out of mt dream and spoke to my husband about it. It's not often I have these dreams but when I do I always share them with him. 1 week after having this dream the Tsunami disaster happened and as you can imagine this made me feel very concerned why I had dreamed like this again. If anyone has any thoughts or info that could help me understand why I have these dreams I would be very greatfull.
As you know these earthquakes happened a while ago now but if my memory serves me correct, I would say about 7 to 10 days prior to the dream. With the latest dream re the Tsunami disaster this again was about 7 to 10 days prior to it happening. Thanks for your interest, I just need someone to understand my dreams and not think Im mad!!
So Angelface, the next time you dream of an earthquake please describe here on Sciforums all of what you saw. We may therefore verify your so-called 'preminissions' (premonitions).

Oh, and make sure you describe what happens before the earthquake occurs, not after, OK?
I knew you would ask that.

Did you see that in a dream?

I just need someone to understand my dreams and not think Im mad!!

I don't think you're mad.
Hello Danielb, I will try my best to answer your questions.
When I had the dreams of the earthquakes there were no people to be seen. It was just me looking at what had happened, seeing the after effects. Trees that had fallen, places of where people lived crushed and huge cracks in the ground, almost desert like. It was a feeling of being the only one there. With the latest dream, when I was being warned and shown what was happening to the earths core, I remember 2 other people being with me. They were not people I knew. I was on my own again when the wave came, there were no other people just me. The feeling of devistation was not for people because there were no people in my dream but an overwhelming feeling of an end. I knew that it was for me as I was under the huge wave and the earth. I wish I had not woke up at that point because the dream would have continued and perhaps I would have learnt more from it. I hope this explains more about the dreams and sorry if Im not explaining them too well, Angelface.

danielb said:
I believe you because of past experience but am puzzled at the topic that the
dreams center around being you were not in personal danger and likely no
one you knew was in danger.

Do you know why you felt devastation? Were you thinking about how others
would be harmed or was that feeling from unknown origin?
Hello Q, notes and points taken. I have descibed as best I can to danielb, please read my reply to him, Angelface.

(Q) said:
So Angelface, the next time you dream of an earthquake please describe here on Sciforums all of what you saw. We may therefore verify your so-called 'preminissions' (premonitions).

Oh, and make sure you describe what happens before the earthquake occurs, not after, OK?
I hope this explains more about the dreams

Or more likely, what you saw on TV after the event.

I have descibed as best I can to danielb

I'm sure danielb watched the images on TV as well.

I remember watching a very old black and white film that showed a crop duster smashing into a barn in a field. Funny though, after that I had a dream about a plane flying into a building. Premonition?
It sounds like dream experiences greatly vary from person to person.

I guess this should be no surprise as cognitive abilities greatly vary
from person to person when awake. Greatly appreciated insights from Q
is proof of that.

In such case(s) cooperative information can create understanding & knowledge
greater than an individual effort.

Thank you for your contribution, Angelface.

It sounds like your dream may have resulted from a cooperative effort.
If you are not the type of person that ponders a lot on the physical sciences
then, in my opinion, this is likely the case.
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I guess I did do the wrong thing after all. That is trying to find out why and what my dreams meant. Obviously I have wasted my time and trust. I will not seek answers to my questions here.

(Q) said:
I hope this explains more about the dreams

Or more likely, what you saw on TV after the event.

I have descibed as best I can to danielb

I'm sure danielb watched the images on TV as well.

I remember watching a very old black and white film that showed a crop duster smashing into a barn in a field. Funny though, after that I had a dream about a plane flying into a building. Premonition?
Thanks for reading and answering my questions (dreams). All I am trying to do is understand my dreams no more no less. Once again thanks for your time danielb :)

danielb said:
It sounds like dream experiences greatly vary from person to person.

I guess this should be no surprise as cognitive abilities greatly vary
from person to person when awake. Greatly appreciated insights from Q
is proof of that.

In such case(s) cooperative information can create understanding & knowledge
greater than an individual effort.

Thank you for your contribution, Angelface.

It sounds like your dream may have resulted from a cooperative effort.
If you are not the type of person that ponders a lot on the physical sciences
then, in my opinion, this is likely the case.
Angelface said:
I just need someone to understand my dreams and not think Im mad!!

there there Angelface. Do not despair. I too have had a premonition of the Tsunami. Let me take you elsewhere.