And the reason there is no equality of outcomes is because of bigotry and discrimination.
The is no equality of outcomes because that's not how life works. Blacks are what 14% of the population? Does that mean that 14% of violin players should be black in the absence of any discrimination? Should 14% of all Olympic swimmers be black? How about the diamond trade, should most in that trade be white rather than Jewish?
Is there no legitimate reason for blacks to not have as many assets as whites, or Jews or Asians? Is none of it cultural or individual choices?
How many poor hispanic kids have Air Jordans? How many black women have less money but better cars than white women of the same income bracket? People are individuals and make individual decisions and it's not reasonable to expect equal outcomes.
How many black female physicists are there? If it's not many is that because of racism?
How many tornadoes are there in each country around the world? Most of them are in the American Mid-West. Most of the diamonds are in Africa. These things aren't distributed equally.
People's choices of occupations aren't distributed equally either. Most guys don't go into nursing. You don't end up with equal assets unless you go into higher paying professions in equal numbers. You don't end up with equal assets unless you have smaller families in equal numbers. Those who defer self-gratification end up with more assets.
Those are the largest factors. Yes, if there were smaller differences between black and white assets you could make more valid arguments about history, racism, etc.
In law there is a concept called mitigation of damages. Someone could bump into your car and do a little damage. If you just leave the car there with all the windows open and walk away and it rains for a month and instead of asking for $1,000 in damages for the small dent you ask for $20,000 because your car is now flooded from all the rain the other side will invoke the concept of mitigation of damages. You did nothing to keep the likelihood of further damages down.
If your ancestors were slaves 200 years ago and you weren't able to go to college 60 years ago and they follow you around in the jewelry shop today because they think you might shoplift...that's not "fair" and it might explain why you aren't quite as well of as some white guy. It doesn't explain the 10 to 1 difference.
It may explain 10% of the difference. The 90% of the difference is that you didn't choose to go to college within the last 50 years of affirmative action, college grants, loans, the fact that you work at Costco but have 6 kids and you spend more than you save and you didn't buy a house, etc.
If you are black and that's not what you did. You do have a lot more assets than those numbers are talking about. If you have an education and 2 kids and two income earners in your have a lot more assets than that average black asset number indicates.
There are plenty of white people who went to college, didn't delay self-gratification and retire with very little. It doesn't just show up because one is white.
What does that tell us? That while there is racism it's not nearly enough to explain the disparity. That's leaves personal initiative and decisions.
Bells, do you have roughly the same amount of assets for your age group as every other group in Australia? If so, racism isn't a significant factor for you.
It's the same in the U.S. except the gap is a little wider for all groups because there is more money at the top. The "rich" have a lot more money than everyone. It's not a white or black thing.
There is a difference between saying there is some racism, there is some poverty, there is some unemployment and saying every problem that you have is caused by one of those things rather than by your own choices in life.
All white people don't have the same assets either. That can't be because of racism.