Prediction prediliction

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Registered Member
As part of my work, I am looking into possible future discoveries/advancements which may prove pivotal in the near future of mankind. To this end I would appreciate any (and I mean any) ideas or guesses, any of you have, about the changing face of technology in the next 100 years.
This could include the discoveries/advancements themselves, their political, economic or social influence or anything else which could be considered a landmark in human/technlogical development.
All responses, no matter how humble, would be gratefully received.
as an interesting idea, how about quantum comuter advancement?
expanding of the UN till everyones in it? (you know what i mean)
this EU freakin constitution perhaps
will it be suppressed and buggered by the public ignorantéé and the media, with ideas such as 'grey goo' just as GM was fecked by ideas of clone armies (among the real issues, granted) and all that jazz...
will it take off, launching medicine into a new era, or will it be discarded into the dustbin of brilliant things that never were?
  • Nano computers made.More than Million processors running,Solaris become Great O.S.
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