Predator & Prey


Staff member
Is there a psychic or wireless link between predator and prey? Female of the specis are more sensitive to such information since they try to protect the young ones....those hair at the back of the neck feeling...those evil feelings...gut feelings...whatever...
I tend to think I have a link or whatever you call it with my dad and that girl I had a major crush on. But if the prey had a link with the predator then I think that nothing would get done. Everyone would starve.
"I disagree, but will wait to hear from our female members before giving examples...."

You called?

What you describe as a 'psychic link' is easily explained by intuition.

What causes intuition? This is not well known (at least by me) but I would suspect that intuition is a sort of consciousness of small clues, the way a branch is rustling, a unfamiliar smell, a barely-heard sound....

To postulate an unverified psychic link where a verified sense could easily explain the phenomena is unsound.
This reminds me of a conversation I had with Bebelina or someone a few months ago I think, about how somehow humans could understand any language psychically, or at least the bare bones-essentials of a language (simple sentence structure, nouns, some verbs, maybe adjectives). The conversation was about how in the WW2 Pacific Theatre the US used the 'navajo battle tongue' or something like that to communicate codes between bases. The Japanese just couldn't decifer the language, and someone put forth that it was because they were not face to face, that they were not psychically linked.

I just said that to understand human language you have to look at what's universal: hand movements, facial expressions, and body motions. I guess the Japanese just couldn't get it because of that or they were just really bad a breaking codes...

But anyway, using hokum's razor here (if that's what it's called) it is very likely that this link between predator and prey is nothing more than the crack of a twig on a quiet night, that sort of thing. But please, put forth your examples.
Does the sentence "sensing danger" then have any meaning? It has been documented that persons choose to stay away from harms way (train, plane, or automobile) because that day, they had bad vibes, omens or whatever...

Is that just some nonsense?

If you are walking down a busy street, and someone specifically following you, can you feel it? And those who sense it - are they just guessing?
It could be psychological, but usually if someone's following you around, or you think that they are, you'll have noticed that they've been with you for awhile. Bad vibes are just bad vibes, thats all, I don't recall hearing any stories about bad vibes for any of the people who were killed on 9/11. That's about as bad as it gets.
Yes, of course there is a link. Why things happen anyway is because people neglect to listen to their intuition, or chose to be the prey for whatever conscious, unconscious or subconscious reasons.
If someone thinks or feels something regarding someone other , that other always feels this in some way. And that goes for benevolent as for violent intentions.

At the moment I feel that either I have a 'link' with my parents or that our minds work at the same speed, in the same direction. Whenever I remember something, like how my computer time is about to be up, or how it already is :)D) a second later I'll here one of my parents yelling at me. I have to watch over my thoughts, they betray me.
What if the link between prey and preditor is not phsycic at all ,but more physical in nature. What if the predator gives of a scent or pheremones or some such, due to adrenalin or the excitement of the impending kill and as with all physical abilities some prey are better at picking up this scent if you will which is mistaken for phsycic ability.
That happens too and is something different than the psychic ability, it's the physical ability. :)
Originally posted by Pollux V
The conversation was about how in the WW2 Pacific Theatre the US used the 'navajo battle tongue' or something like that to communicate codes between bases. The Japanese just couldn't decifer the language, and someone put forth that it was because they were not face to face, that they were not psychically linked.

Just want to point out that the Japanese could not decipher the Navajo language is that they were NOT trying to translate a language, they did not have linguistics people working on it, they had code-breakers. It was not a code, therefore code-breakers were useless.
Aha. That was definitely not a good idea then. I think I'll go fill up a car with chocolate milk and hope that it runs....
Bear with me cos I'm doing this from memory but I saw a documentary a while back about a blind man who could see. (No really) What I mean is he couldn't see the way we do but in all clinical trials he could sense movement and in which direction it was taking place.

Most optical processing take place in the occipital region at the back of the brain. Doctors following this man and using CAT and MR scanners discovered that there is another area just above the occiput which is responsible for what he was seeing.

Ok here's the link.
The theory it was that it was an assist to the flight response so when you see things out of the corner of your eye as it were your not actually seeing them at all just sensing their movement.

It was suggested that many animals have a much more refined sense like this, (Or maybe we just lost ours along the way)

It's a bit like an early warning system.

I don't think this fully answers the question but there is a lot we're still learning hope it helps :D

I think if I remember correctly the Pineal Body is extremely reactive to Ultra-violet light, it's a portion of the brain that dictates to the rest of the body how much Melalin is released (to be turned into Melatonin).

This chemical reaction occurs when you sleep at night, when the UV is low, to a person that sleeps funny hours though this can effect the body. Even make the person anaemic.

In later life this body can become Calciumfied (which lowers the melalin produced and makes a person anaemic regardless of what time they sleep)

Perhaps that is what you are suggesting of a movement sensor, but wouldn't this only be of use if the light source happened to be in the direction your looking?

My thoughts:
Well I have come to a decision about how preminition can be created, and the reason is down to my own haphazard "multi-loop Universe" theory

Where there are people explaining of a Cyclic Universe, they place fowards that the whole timeline is looped from the beginning to somewhere in the future, to make a never ending loop.

My understanding is this loop is Too Large, I've in fact realised that the loops are much smaller.

An Example follows:

I with a trusty piece of machinery that accelerates the amplitude of lght, can now send information in such a way that it defies light speed. (This as Physicist put would create entrapy)

I can send a message to myself from the future, in which I can change the way the universe is. I do this, I tell myself the winning lotto numbers (just to visualise the experiment of course).

I send the numbers 5 minutes after they are drawn, back to 15 minutes before the ticket sales stop (in all 50 minutes)
Now an original timeline, I would have lost if the equipment had not existed, but because it exists, I get the numbers, buy the ticket, win the lotto and then place the numbers back into the system to make sure that I don't change my singular universe.

Now heres the point, This cycle of numbers being sent back for those 50 minutes although only occurs for that instance of time, to supposedly never to be repeated in the future (unless I'm greedy)

The instance is in fact, repeated Infinitely in a parallel line, in fact it's cycling so many times that my whole quantum layering is now defined by the parallels created. (This is pretty much String Theory)

I mention this because this cycling event, or loop although occurs at one instance has now changed the interaction of the universe at that point. It also has changed the universes actions leading up to that point and after that point.

Now if these Cycles create "Deja Vu", then this would increase the likelihood of preminitions. Notibly in the context of hunters, the preminition of the kill, or for the prey the preminition of extreme paralysing fear (their untimely death)

Now this can explain a few paranormal episodes, but there is also the explaination that I like to use that involves my information passing light speed is working within a relay system, that "Incriments instances of time, and re-aligns the parallels to be offset ot each other". This would mean that these cycles now could occur at any given time within the timeline.

(This opens up how holograms could be inserted into past or future points in a timeline, or how a person could be manipulated using psychotronics and a dosing of history.)

To try and ease this explaination, There is the theory that Time can be represented like the frame panels of an old film. The universe though doesn't exist like one length of film, but mutliple layers of the same film, that have their panels offsetted so the borders to each frame aren't dense enough through overlaying.

A film would remain constant, and have "Frames" that went over the borders making it constant.

I'm sure this explaination although seemingly indepth might explain to the few that can read it without it going over their head, what I actually see of our universe.
Perhaps that is what you are suggesting of a movement sensor, but wouldn't this only be of use if the light source happened to be in the direction your looking?

Quite possibly but the thing is it wasn't always a light source in that sense it was a hand or an object. Like I said probably nowhere near the whole answer maybe it's a mish mash of lots of things or as Beb says it's all to do with astral eyes and we just haven't figured it all out yet.
I've got another piece to place into this conundrum, it follows on from a post that Kmguru placed in the Intelligence and Machines forum on the subject of Quantum Brains/Computers.

The understanding is simple:

When you see an object your mind captures a kind of meta-image of it as a memory, the thing is that the image isn't a full one, it's like placing flags along where a wall would be at a building site.

You can't see the wall, but you know where one belongs.

Simply your mind works on this process when you see a similar face, the flags fit in locations that trigger the thought of who it is, and that in turn can spawn other thoughts that are probably flagged in between the face flags, to give you the macro of how you feel about the person, what your relationship is with them, what the last thing you and they did together etc.

Now I've mentioned how the mind stores an image and other info (in my theory of how it works based loosely on the impression from others to, I just wish I could remember who lol)

simply you have to image that the universe you are in doesn't always follow the same route (this is dictated by Chaos theory), this means if an animal attacks you on one plain of existance, it might not on another. This causes a quantum paradox, a paradox that inhabits the very quanta of your makeup through universal weights being shifted by the changes.

The attack would leave an image in you mind at the point of attack, while the world you didn't get attacked might see that image as a set of Flags.

The same flagging could occur with such techniques as to implant information similar to HHGTTG's Legendary "42".