Precognitive Dreams


Registered Member
I am new to the board and I must say that I am very impressed with the range of subjects covered here.

I am looking for information on Precognitive dreaming as I have had the ability to do so for many years now and I have never looked into it. I have dreams about meeting people, getting jobs, failing to get jobs, events that are going to happen and even future conversations. I am not actually aware that these are truly precognitive dreams but when I awake they 'feel' different if that makes any sense. I have pushed these events to the back of my mind in the past and not remembered them until I am actually in the situation.

I know it may sound strange and complicated but I would appreciate any help or places to investigate this further.
aaahhhhh... LOL synchro manifested...

See this can somewhat explain what I mean by transcending time! LOL in the psychic test post. Experiencing the beginning and ending.

Like precognitive dreams... notice how it dreams can somewhat tell the future? When you sleep the mind and body are "still" and when that happens your pure being , consciousness. And you return to the source, where there is no time, and you see different things depending on what part of the whole you touch, for example precognitive dreams, you see the future in a way cuz there is no time on the higher dimensions like I say beginning and ending happen at once. And since you have consciousness what you see is sometimes remembered when you wake.
Sigh I dont know if that was a good explanation but I got it in my head. Words limit my thought.
I also have this wierd sort of recurring dream thing as well where I am in a different place and I suppose in an astral plain (as I have experienced this with proof before, another story but I don't wanna bore people) and when I come back to the bedroom in which I sleep I rush backwards through a blue tunnel which looks like blue crystal and a light at the end but I am moving away from the light and I can hear voices speaking to me in many different languages and dialects. When I wake up I am sweating and a little disturbed to say the least. :(

I have had experience with clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychometry and empathic feelings. Am I insane or what? :eek:
I need some help to try to sort all of these things out.
My partner thinks I may have 'gifts' but I have always experienced this from a very young age and never really considered it to be strange until recently.
Any helpful advice (Other than I am some kind of lunatic) would be helpful.
This is something that is beginning to concern me now! :confused:
LOL!!!! YOUR CRAZY!!! HEH I'm just playing:rolleyes:

So what do you think or feel about all of it? Do you like it? I know I would but it probably can be scary wondering what is happening. Just offer no resistance, like you said a "gift" and think of it that way. Dont think negative about it otherwise you will probably experience real bad things thru it.
Other languages... heh I've experienced that many many times but my head seems to interpret them somehow. A blue crystal tunnel that sounds like something wonderful to look at! wow.
I see things like that in meditation but nothing happens I just "see" it.
Remember dont worry about it, its a gift. Let it be as it is. resistance will just bring more worry. Maybe you'll learn something :) Think good happy thoughts. Like peter pan says think happy thoughts and you will fly!!!!! LOL!
And if especially you go to the astral plain... well thats something totally different from dreaming but similar... i know.
Emotions rule there depending what level you are on. Likes attract likes. Be scared the scene will be scary. Think happy, the scene will be happy. The mind is very potent in astral dimensions. LoL maybe you should get into meditations and stuff, it will ease your fears.
LOL! BEWARE OF THE EVIL SPIRITS! the bad energies... LOL! SERIOUS! They are attracted to ignorant innocence when dealing with higher dimensions and such. But rise above that and they cant touch you. Offer no resistance and they'll past thru you. LOL like from the dune movie... I will face my fears. I will let it pass thru me. heh

Hi! I also have precognitive dreams, and I think they're linked to deja vu. I think that when we're asleep our souls can travel to other dimensions (ie the 4th and 5th dimensions, time and space.) When we awake, we may or may not remember our dreams, but as we move through life we make decisions that lead us to certain points of space in time. If our decisions have led us to the space-time point we 'dreamt' about, we experience deja vu. Our souls experience it for a second time, even thought it's the first time for our bodies. Does that make sense?
I've never been to these boards before today, I love paranormal stuff though and thought I'd look around. I ran into this thread and had to reply because the same thing happens to me. I'll be somewhere, anywhere, and I'll suddenly realize what's happening around me happened in a dream. I know what people are going to say and how they're going to say it. But i dont know it much before hand so its not all that useful. It doesnt happen all the time either, just rarely. I just wanted to let you know you're not the only one out there.
It is said that image comes to the brain too late as the impuls, so u think u saw it before, or something like that.
Originally posted by hehe
It is said that image comes to the brain too late as the impuls, so u think u saw it before, or something like that.

While this does happen fairly often, my precognitive dreams, in combination with my scientific nature, brought me to write down my dreams in a journal, and date them. That way, I had pretty concrete evidence that my pre-cog dreams were not just caused by what you mention.

I also got into the habit of telling one of a few different people about the dream, so that if the event happened, I had some coroboration.

I also once had a conversation where I suddenly realized what the other person was about to say. so I told them I had dreampt the conversation, and proceeded to reciet both sides of the conversation for the next minute or so. the person look scared as hell, and walked away. Nice guy, but he's a very devout Christain, as well as a professor of Botany (very scientific mind), so he didn't know quite what to make of the whole thing.

Precognitive dreaming is real, I have enough statistical data and and evidence to have proved it to the worst of critics - myself.
river wind

God i wish i could do that.
i have pre-cognitive dreams maybe once a week, but i only remember them in their entirety... maybe once out of four? Anyway, whenever i do, i always see the next day, from waking to falling asleep again. And so the next day unfolds exactly like i saw it before (i even failed a history test twice, and the second time i knew all the answers!). i feel very powerless and extremely frightened, but i can never say anything until the next day, and then of course no one will believe me. It's quite frightening.
So... i'm sure i had something helpful to add, but it's escaped me. Terribly sorry... ah well...
hehe: yes, I believe it is indeed something like that, I have been working on that exact hypothesis, but...

cuesy: I want you to try something for me and the rest of us, okay? Next time you have a dream that seems like that... write it down and date it, or rather, you could just write down every dream. But, if you truly do not remember any dream until you are experiencing the actual event, you are probably experiencing what hehe said.
I have been experiencing pre cogs in the form of dreams, day dreams and what feel like future memories for about ten years. What has been doing my head in is the idea of pre planned destiny or fate. If i can see the future, it must be decided. Or am i only seeing possibilities? If so, why am i only seeing the ones that come true!!! Anyone else a little freaked out by this?
your dreams are wierd and not understanding to me.

Hi I am Kinetic Spirit I visit this bord 3 times a day. I would like to tell you that your dreams are more likly to be pointing to the future. These dreams probably precist because its trying to tell you something...maybe it's danger maybe its wonderful...Maybe its something you can't understand. But these dreams will most likely end if you try and sit down with yourself and think about what these dreams are trying to say to you.

:( Im sorry I have no answer or anything that could really help you in your struggle to find out what these dreams are trying to tell you. All I can offer is my advice.

Goodbye..Until we meet again....
The future has not occurred yet. Don't listen to the new age babble, please, for your own sake. Don't take easy, simple answers that require no thinking or logic.

It is most likely that you simply remember the ones that occur and forget the ones that don't.
Think about this: do you remember every dream you have had in the past 5 years? No. If something happened that was similar and you suddenly remembered one of those dreams, it would seem as though you are dreaming the future.
I am going to call a bullshit! on that one.

8 years? What about all of the other dreams you had or visions or whatever else it may be, that have yet to come true? So do you think it is possible, assuming you actually had this thought those eight years before, that it was just one in a million or so possibility that that one actually occurred and not others?

Wow, that was confusing... I mean- what about all your other dreams or whatever? if any of them "came true", would they be called pre-cognitions as well? Or perhaps a more likely explanation is that your mind merely distorted time... You thought you had that dream, when in fact you hadn't... almost like deja vu... trust me, I've had it happen...

back in eighth grade 4 years ago... I rode my bike into a tree, broke my nose... anyway... right as I was going toward the tree I remembered having a dream about that exact event, occurring exactly the same way. The thing was, I didn't remember the dream until it happened. The human mind merely distorted it.... nothing special is happening... just normal human functioning.

Originally posted by Oleander Somniferum
not true.
I had some precognitive dreams, which came to true after 8 years

I have precognitive dreams for as far as I can remember , and in my case most of them come to happen in a year , two , theree and so on , very few of them come soon , and that's why when I have them they make little or no sense at all , and the scaryest thing is not knowing when they 'll happen and knowing that you can't change or do anything that would prevent them from happening , for some time now I try not to remember them , cause it's better not to know
the longest time differential between having a dream and the events in the dream occuring is 5years, 6 months, I told my best friend about the dream @ the time, because he was in it. He and I stopped hanging out for about 3 years, then he got kicked out of his house, ended up living in my basement. I'm driving him to work one day about 5 months ago, and I stop dead. "do you remember that dream I tld you about back in High school? About us talking while driving somewhere?"
"oh, crap yeah. we just had that exact conversation, didn't we?"
"yep, I think we did"

Ellimist: "The future has not yet happened" Since you seem to be a very scientific mind, then would you argue this: The world we live in is largely a cause and effect world. Hack away at the trunk of a tree enough, and it will fall over. cause...effect.

So no, the future has not happened yet, but aren't the fundimental foundations for how the future will unfold being layed down right now?

What would be your argument of recorded pre-cog dreams? ones where others in the dream were told of it days before it happens? Where multiple individuals are then party to the information prior to it occuring?

MiTo: yeah, man....I know the feeling... :(
I have to agree with River on this one.

You see, when I first started exploring this aspect of my experience as an early teen, I unwittingly conducted an interesting experiment. As an impatient youth, I was quite frustrated by the vague and cryptic terms of my precognitive dreams (which to assuage your pessimism, I am actually aware that there is something different about my precognitive dreams *WHILE* experiencing them... and as such, I make a point to remember them and attempt to decipher them for some time once I wake up). So I both consciously and unconsciously expressed a desire (in many different forms) for my dreams to be more precise and accurate. Much to my surprise and initial glee, my wish was granted.

So what does this have to do with causality and inescapable fate? Well, it wasn't long before my glee turned to dismay, as you see my dreams were not only more symbolically clear (to the point of being downright literal), but they were also more *immediate*! I would wake up sometimes to the beginning of a chain of events that I had just dreamt. Given that my adolescence was a largely unhappy and miserable time for me, it was quite frustrating to me to be given a preview of just how miserable my day was going to be. So I began to attempt to change things. While my initial attempts failed and led me to conclude something along the lines of the "uncurbable river of destiny", my experiences as I've grown older have changed that idea quite a bit.

You see, I dream about the important elements of my life well in advance. The people, places, purposes. I remember them (the old fashioned way, I'm a bit wary of writing things down, though the enthusiasm for it here is making me reconsider it) and have gotten much much better about not only understanding them, but also being able to put them "to the music" (so to speak) much sooner than I used to be able to. Like our sceptic from above pointed out, it's a natural function of the human brain to realise we've dreamt about something immediately before it happens. What he failed to mention however, is that there's nothing silly or mistaken about it when it is a dream that you had spent a lot of time thinking about or attempting to recall *BEFORE* the event happened. But that's neither here nor there.

In all of my learning how to interpret and understand my dreams better though, I've discovered that (at least in my own case) I *CAN* screw things up by not acting on them properly. (I say screw things up because I'm most concerned with bringing to fruition the rewarding and fulfilling glimpses that I've had.) But that cuts both ways as I also *CAN* avert things I see happening, and actually have learned to do so reflexively and intuitively as I'm dreaming, so as to test the viability of my reactions! It's an interesting thing, and it has seemed to provide me with good information on how I can change events before they turn out to my disliking.

The one thing I would suggest though (which I think is one of the things that I failed to notice when I was younger), is that simply because you fail to change an event you foresaw in a Dream, it does not have to mean that that event was unalterable. There is the decided problem with only realizing that you've dreamt about an event *as* it's happening, that you may be left being able to do to little, to late.

To pose a hypothetical situation; say you've had a dream about walking with a loved one down the street at night and being accosted by an armed robber who hurt your loved one. If you don't recall the dream until the robber has already approached you, your options are quite limited. If you realise your situation upon first seeing the robber, you've got a little more room with which to work. And if you realise your situation as you turn onto that street, or even go out for a walk at all, you're options are much more open, and provide you with a very favorable chance for averting that stream of events.

The only question then is whether you've convinced yourself that the robber would have sought you out, or whether he would have kept on his merry way. It's good to keep in mind when asking that question though, that not *everyone* is sensitive to the possibility that lies before them, as most folks simply deal with the concrete aspects of reality that they can see, hear, and touch. I've experienced a definite power (and risk) in freedom of choice, and I hope that it can benefit you too in providing you with an idea of the experiences of no longer living in fear of the future you may have seen.

I hope that all goes well for you.
There was a good book at one time called "An Experiment in Time" by John Donne (I think) where he posits that everyone dreams in the 'past', 'present' and 'future' intertwined. He suggests that everyone who reads the book become part of his ongoing experiment by; writing down your dreams as soon as you can and reading them back in (arbitrarily) 2 days (unless the dream is date specific, ie; there will be a major quake in LA on Sep 4, 2007..) Because of the intermingling of images, one might not readily recognize the 'future' bit amongst the 'other' bits. I have found that there is evidence of validity in his hypothesis. Try it. You will be amazed.