Precog Dreams!!!


Registered Member
I need all the information I can get on precog dreams. A list of psychologists who believed in precog dreams would be nice, and maybe some personal stories. I am currently working on a short story about precog dreaming, so any and all information is welcome.
I don't know of any psychologists that believe in precognitive dreams, professionally at least. I've had precogs, but nothing sweeping. Usually it's just a normal scene out of a normal day, and then it happens in reality a few days later. Last week was kind of funny, though. We were giving the Camaro a shakedown cruise after a major repair. My husband was driving and as the car seemed to be behaving itself, the conversation turned to idle chit-chat (music, movies, nothing big). Then it hit me that I had dreamed the whole scene two nights prior, but with our roles reversed. I had been driving in the dream, and everything my husband said was what I had said in the dream, and vice versa. I laughed and told him about it, but then my blood ran a little cold.

"Of course," I said. "In my dream we got broadsided by a van."

This apparently freaked him out a little, because he downshifted and took the next turn at a slower speed than he would have. The van missed us by inches.

Now, my Dad had one that he never forgot to his dying day. My Mom verified the story. He'd been having dreams about a building on fire. Each night the dream showed more detail about this one particular firefighter. Over the course of a week the dreams revealed the man's name and phone number. It bugged him, but one night, just before the dream ended, a voice said loudly "Call him now!".

Put yourself in the other party's shoes. The phone rings. A man with a frantic voice asks if there's a man by a particular name at this number. You're a woman, and the name is your husband's. You say 'yes, but he's at work.' There's panicked breathing and the line goes dead. The phone rings again and the same panicked voice asks "Is he a fireman?" Yes, he is. The line goes dead again. What that poor woman must have been going through at that point! The phone rings a third time, and now it's a woman's voice, calmly explaining things.

"There's a building, maybe four or five stories tall. It's completely ablaze. A fireman is on the roof trying to get to the edge to get off before the building collapses. The part by the vent pipe looks sturdy. He crosses, then the whole section collapses all the way to the ground floor, killing him."

The woman thought my parents were just being cranks until they gave her his badge number, company number, and full name. (This was back in the fifties, before the information superhighway.) My Mom gave her their phone number just in case they wanted to talk to her or my Dad.

Two days later they got a phone call from the fireman. His wife had told him about the disturbing phone calls. That night a four story building went up like a match. He had been on the roof and started to cross by the vent pipe. Remembering the conversation, he turned to cross at another point only to see the section by the vent pipe collapse into the blaze below.

My parents were living in California, the fireman was in Philadelphia, a place my parents had never been to.
rat_002 said:
I need all the information I can get on precog dreams. A list of psychologists who believed in precog dreams would be nice, and maybe some personal stories. I am currently working on a short story about precog dreaming, so any and all information is welcome.
'Charles T.Tart: A Case of Predictive Psi, wit Comments on Analytical, Associative and Theoretical Overlay'

'Miscellanea of sites on Psychical Reseach'
Oxygen said:
I don't know of any psychologists that believe in precognitive dreams, professionally at least. I've had precogs, but nothing sweeping. Usually it's just a normal scene out of a normal day, and then it happens in reality a few days later. Last week was kind of funny, though. We were giving the Camaro a shakedown cruise after a major repair. My husband was driving and as the car seemed to be behaving itself, the conversation turned to idle chit-chat (music, movies, nothing big). Then it hit me that I had dreamed the whole scene two nights prior, but with our roles reversed. I had been driving in the dream, and everything my husband said was what I had said in the dream, and vice versa. I laughed and told him about it, but then my blood ran a little cold.

"Of course," I said. "In my dream we got broadsided by a van."

This apparently freaked him out a little, because he downshifted and took the next turn at a slower speed than he would have. The van missed us by inches.

Now, my Dad had one that he never forgot to his dying day. My Mom verified the story. He'd been having dreams about a building on fire. Each night the dream showed more detail about this one particular firefighter. Over the course of a week the dreams revealed the man's name and phone number. It bugged him, but one night, just before the dream ended, a voice said loudly "Call him now!".

Put yourself in the other party's shoes. The phone rings. A man with a frantic voice asks if there's a man by a particular name at this number. You're a woman, and the name is your husband's. You say 'yes, but he's at work.' There's panicked breathing and the line goes dead. The phone rings again and the same panicked voice asks "Is he a fireman?" Yes, he is. The line goes dead again. What that poor woman must have been going through at that point! The phone rings a third time, and now it's a woman's voice, calmly explaining things.

"There's a building, maybe four or five stories tall. It's completely ablaze. A fireman is on the roof trying to get to the edge to get off before the building collapses. The part by the vent pipe looks sturdy. He crosses, then the whole section collapses all the way to the ground floor, killing him."

The woman thought my parents were just being cranks until they gave her his badge number, company number, and full name. (This was back in the fifties, before the information superhighway.) My Mom gave her their phone number just in case they wanted to talk to her or my Dad.

Two days later they got a phone call from the fireman. His wife had told him about the disturbing phone calls. That night a four story building went up like a match. He had been on the roof and started to cross by the vent pipe. Remembering the conversation, he turned to cross at another point only to see the section by the vent pipe collapse into the blaze below.

My parents were living in California, the fireman was in Philadelphia, a place my parents had never been to.

amazing :eek:

mine are always useless

example: i was looking a palm tree in Crete which made irritating birdy noises through a hidden sound system. I think it was meant to repel birds. I dreamt this very same scene a month before. It was my first time in crete so I couldn't have remembered that from another thing. Besides, a palm tree with those noises ... still strange :d
Another example was a dream where I was in huge greenhouses full of roses. A man was angry with me and shouted. i didn't understand why and was a bit upset. A few months later, I worked during weekends in greenhouses cutting roses. When I told the boss I wanted to drop sunday, he got angry and fired me. It was exactly the same scene: in the greenhouse, red roses everywhere, me puzzled. I had never been in such greenhouses before in my life. I didn't know I was going to work there either within 2 months.
The question is: what the fuck am I supposed to do with such unsignificant dreams? :bugeye:
Last dream I had, I was standing in a landscape containg huge, huge rolling fields of graves, with my family. They were talking to some other people and I was wandering around. i kept finding myself standing in ovregrown empty graves. Eventually they finished talking and we walked back to the car, down a country lane lined with hedges. I knew all these buried dead bodies (tens of thousands of them [or at least thats what i thought in the dream, that number]) were about to become zombies, so I urged my family to gio quickly back to the car. They carried on walking normally. Halfway to the car the zombies arose and started shambling in ourdirection (although by now we were abut 2 miles [number not in dream] ahead). We get to the car as the zombies were in visual range, but we drive off and escape. (this whole walking segment was about half the dream long).
We get back to town, and everythinbg is fine for a while, but then I sense that the zombies are still shambling ever closer towards us. this time my family take notice, and we head to my dads shop. The zombies are in etehr, masses of them, all pressed up against what looks like newspaper and table/chair legs. We send my younger brother in the close and lock a door. We are all waiting outside, worrying whether he will emerge alright. Soon he does. We drive off, away from town (now inhabited by zombies, and people are evacuating). End of dream.

Analyse that.
I think probably the only precog dream i am able to remember was back in 1st grade. even before school started i had a dream about walking down a certain hallway in a single file line behind what turned out to be my teacher and classmates. when school started i was walking down the hall in single file line and looked up and saw the exact same picture as i can remember from my dream.