Precog dreamer


Registered Member
Hello all, I'm new to this forum but thought I would share some of my experiences with dreams. I've had precog dreams since I've been a young girl and have found they should be not be taken lightly and could be very helpful or not.

One of the first precog dreams I can remember having was about my 3 y.o. nephew falling into a small ditch of running water. I couldn't see anything else in the dream except him going under, then I grabbed him and pulled him out. Roughly 2 months later, myself, my sister-n-law(his mother) and he flew to California to visit my mom. We had a family gathering at a park which ironically had a small ditch running through it. Having had the dream, I had this in mind and tried to watch for him to not get by the water. One of the older kids in our party took him to the play area to push him on the swing and being just a kid himself lost track of him.
The next thing I knew I looked up to see my nephew falling into the ditch and I ran over in time to pull him out.

Another dream I had was when I was 4 months pregnant, and in my dream I was sitting on a bench and there was this small "being" sitting next to me telling me I was not going to get to "keep" him. One week later I had a horrible miscarriage.

I had dreams of my mother's death. One I cannot really remember to well, but the second one was exactly as it actually happend. Right down to the room we were in and the people around her. I didn't tell her of it because I didn't want to scare her, but I did tell my sister of it. Three months later, she died the same way she died in my dream.

Not long ago, I had a dream of a plane going down in our city, about 2-3 months after I had this dream, a Jet went down in a housing area not far from our base.

My most recent one was of my employee. I had a dream that she was standing, holding a new baby. 3 weeks later, she told me she's pregnant.

I have had countless dreams throughout my life like this. Some have put me in a position to be helpfull and some not.

I also have many premonitions throughout the days. Not all days, but most.

Anyone esle ever have these types of experiences to share?
If what you say is true, then it is undeniably a rare gift (or hindrance) that you possess. I would suggest keeping a diary of your dreams and a record of the actual events that follow and that correlate to those dreams. Once you have enough information you could offer scientists a chance to make some studies of your brain patterns or whatever. Maybe one day you can write a book about it.
I agree, if what you say is true maybe you can be the first recorded case of psychic powers. Record the dreams you think are going to come true in a diary (which can easily be proven, like the plane crashing) and hand them off to a researcher before it has come to pass. After a few hits people should start to listen...

BTW that dream, "you cant keep him", is really creepy....
Yes, it was a bit strange, but it mostly broke my heart. I chose to look at it as if it were a warning to me.

I do find though that most of these dreams that do come true, are very intense and different from others in that I seem to remember every thing thats in them and I will think about it throughout the day(s).

Smart advice about writing these down. I have already begun to. Thank you both.
Dear Diamond

Q1 Have any of you dreams or precogs been defferent when they actuly happen, as in you r still in the same place with the same people and the same things happen but just slightly different than you had invisioned it.

Q2 Have you been able to stop a event from happening or have you ever even tryed to stop an event. In sorts have you tryed to change the future?
DirtyMurder said:
Dear Diamond

Q1 Have any of you dreams or precogs been defferent when they actuly happen, as in you r still in the same place with the same people and the same things happen but just slightly different than you had invisioned it.

Mostly, the dreams have been much on the mark as in, the people for the most part are the same. Some of the places I cannot quite recognize...some of the types of dreams such as the plane going down actually happened, but in my dream, I saw several people that I didn't know, all of which seemed to die. When the Jet actually crashed, it only had two people in it who managed to get out. As for the one dream about my mother dying, it was exactly as it happened. Even the area in which she died and the people standing around her.

Q2 Have you been able to stop a event from happening or have you ever even tryed to stop an event. In sorts have you tryed to change the future?

I have not tried to "stop" an event from happening, mostly because I don't know how to trust which will come to life against the ones that don't. I am finding though and I am paying more attention to the dreams that are extremely vivid and that I can't seem to forget, becuase these are usually the ones that will happen.. I'm hopefull that I can put these together and learn how to read these better. I just try to be more aware of my surroundings and if ever I can relate a situation back to my dreams to be helpful I will, such as in the case of my nephew.

I have begun writing these down now giving thanks for the suggestions on this site and will be interested in seeing what happens against what doesn't.

The trouble is things don't always tend to happen right away. Some events are far apart, but with writing them down and keeping a log should prove to be helpful.
Id never ask a Laidy her age but ill be 22 this year and iv been having precogs for most of my life but lately they have been getting Stonger or worse depending on your point of view . (Thats why i joined this site to try and find some answers. not that there is answers.)

Was there a point in your life where they got more intense or more frequint ?
Diamond, in the case of Cassondra, it was prophesied that she would know the future and no one would beleive it. Apparently, the tongue can change that which is forseen.
diamond said:
Hello all, I'm new to this forum but thought I would share some of my experiences with dreams. I've had precog dreams since I've been a young girl and have found they should be not be taken lightly and could be very helpful or not.

One of the first precog dreams I can remember having was about my 3 y.o. nephew falling into a small ditch of running water. I couldn't see anything else in the dream except him going under, then I grabbed him and pulled him out. Roughly 2 months later, myself, my sister-n-law(his mother) and he flew to California to visit my mom. We had a family gathering at a park which ironically had a small ditch running through it. Having had the dream, I had this in mind and tried to watch for him to not get by the water. One of the older kids in our party took him to the play area to push him on the swing and being just a kid himself lost track of him.
The next thing I knew I looked up to see my nephew falling into the ditch and I ran over in time to pull him out.

Another dream I had was when I was 4 months pregnant, and in my dream I was sitting on a bench and there was this small "being" sitting next to me telling me I was not going to get to "keep" him. One week later I had a horrible miscarriage.

I had dreams of my mother's death. One I cannot really remember to well, but the second one was exactly as it actually happend. Right down to the room we were in and the people around her. I didn't tell her of it because I didn't want to scare her, but I did tell my sister of it. Three months later, she died the same way she died in my dream.

Not long ago, I had a dream of a plane going down in our city, about 2-3 months after I had this dream, a Jet went down in a housing area not far from our base.

My most recent one was of my employee. I had a dream that she was standing, holding a new baby. 3 weeks later, she told me she's pregnant.

I have had countless dreams throughout my life like this. Some have put me in a position to be helpfull and some not.

I also have many premonitions throughout the days. Not all days, but most.

Anyone esle ever have these types of experiences to share?

You are not alone... I have to start writing things down, too...
Interesting Precogs. I have had a few in my life-time as well as my 13 yr old daughter and my mother. My 2 younger brothers have not. I think it runs in the family. Also, I am interested in knowing more about the little being you encountered. I have seen them as well as my daughter and my ex-wife.
Regarding precogs, my daughter and I have discussed the matter and agree that if you see it in yur non-dream it will happen. You will not be able to prevent it from occurring. It just seems like it will happen as a matter of fact.
I wish I could do it more often though. I have read and listened to psychics and have tried to gleen information on how to do it, but no luck thus far. it just happens every yr or so and can be about anything, it soes not have to be traumatic, although it mostly is an event that is emotionally charged.

This brings me to one hypothesis that I have as to why or how precogs happen. I do not have any particular attachment to the idea and heartedly welcome any criticism. It is somewhat morbid, but here goes.

First, most people can not learn how to do it. Either u can or u can not.
Now the big stretch into the imaginitve....When some of us are at the edge of our death, and we still have sufficient brain activity, our ego/self refuses to believe it is dying. Instead of accepting death, the ego/self attaches itself to its memories as far back as it can and begins to replay its life again, beyond pretending but rather deeply attached to its remade identity. Then from whatever moment in time it ataches to as a restart point it will begin moving forward in time, again. Nothing will change in its life, nothing can change. It is a replay.

Now the quirk. All memories from birth to death are already recorded in the brain. Out brains memory fuction may have them alll stored and ready to be recalled in a linear time manner just for this occassion, but due to our brain's structure the memories that occured today, tomorrow and who knows how far in the future may only be a neropathway way. And for that matter, some of the neuro pathways may intercept. What if a nearopathway of the perceived present (from the ego/self that is reliving its life again) crosses another neuropathway from the future? And again, I dont really mean THE FUTURE but rather the future that is already contained in the mind from the first go round of our life before ultimate death. Is it possible that precogs are the leakage of memories already lived that are structurely connected to the perceived present?

Anyway, I got this tought about a month ago, so I havent had time to thoroughly dissect it. All are welcome to comment.


I kinda get dreams where stuff happens. Later this stuff happens. The problem is I forget the dreams when I wake up. I get a strong "I've seen this" and suddenly I know what's going to happen immediatly. It's usually only a minute in length.

The only way I know I've seen them in my dreams (I forget them, remember?) is because when I'm waking I often think "what was that?" or "that was weird". I'd get this "I've seen this, wait what was that about... oh that makes perfect sense NOW". Like I'd be browsing the net, except I'd seen the dream before I knew what computers were (certainly confused me..). And I've yet to see a dream about ANYTHING useful. Mosly it's "walking on the street oh a cat! Wait.."

Some intresting points, however..
a) I started to snap my fingers whenever I had a "vision" at one time when I thought I couldn't even remember ever seeing them before. True enough, now I dream about snapping my fingers and then something happening...
b) Tried to succesfully change what happens in a dream. Mostly "I'm going to talk to my friend there... EXCEPT I WONT!", but it works.
c) Got a weird feedback-loop at one time, when I remembered wondering one morning about this dream where I had... Remembered wondering about this dream.. ad infinitum. It only stopped when I said "WOW".
d) Only lately I've started to get the "visions" BEFORE they occured, for example in similiar enviroment as in the vision, or with the same people (or reading the same comic..). Something like "Wait, I've seen this...Wait, it's not happening now..?"
e) Strangely enough, everything I've learned in the past few years have been eye-opening and all..But when I look at some of the stuff I wrote as a kid, or remember the stuff I thought, I even seemed SMARTER, like I already knew the stuff I just learned. Not ordinary stuff like "world is round", but rather stuff like "How do I know I'm not dreaming?", which I later read from a book written by Descartes. Also my latter studies in the eastern philosophies certainly taught me stuff I thought was new, only to notice I played with the same ideas when I was seven! This might have nothing to do with the actual subject, but I posted it anyway to pick up patterns..

On a side note, seeing the future is pretty meaningless skill if you can't change it. I mean, what's the use? What do you do with this information? Also, you can change the future, and the visions adapt. Does this mean the dreams skim the plateau of possible futures and displays the most likely? Does one's inability to change react to one's ability to see future, or is the ability rather tied to ones ability to see what remains unchanged during his/her life? Is self-awareness important, to what extent?
Also a precog dreamer

I have had and do have many precog dreams as well!!! I notice that yours seem to happen on a latter date but almost all of mine happen at thee exact instant that I am dreaming it or the next day after I wake up! And also none of mine seem to tell anything really important, thay are just weird random things, also I have not yet learned to tell the differnce between knowing if my dream will be precog or not! any suggestions on learning how to tell would be greatly appreciated! along with any other info that may be useful!!!
Thanks so much! Susie precog dreamer
I have a question for the people having the precog dreams.

Do you also ever have out of body experiences?
Hello ^_^. Im 17 and I started having dreams aat the age of 15 and usually after 6 months they come true. Usually its the feeling of deja vu when the event happens it comes back to me that i have had the dream and its all playing out. At the moment its just social events. Nothing dangerous. I'm wondering, will this increase to having dangerous dreams? My twin brother dont have them at all but I do. Is having this a power/ability?:shrug:

Also I have had one or two but I cant remember them (outer body experiance) But I do know I have had them.
Hello ^_^. Im 17 and I started having dreams aat the age of 15...

You have been having dreams all your life. You might not have remembered them until the age of 15.

...and usually after 6 months they come true.

Usually its the feeling of deja vu when the event happens it comes back to me that i have had the dream and its all playing out. At the moment its just social events. Nothing dangerous.

Log your next dream on this site in exquisite detail and we'll check back in six months to see how it compares with reality.

I'm wondering, will this increase to having dangerous dreams? My twin brother dont have them at all but I do. Is having this a power/ability?:shrug:

Dreams are hallucinatory simulations your brain puts a minimal version of your consciousness through. It is not uncommon for them to be predictive (essentially training you for improved response to possible future outcomes).

While there might be some real danger in your future and your brain might pick up on that possibility and simulate it, the actual content of your dreams has no impact on anything beyond your own mind.

Also I have had one or two but I cant remember them (outer body experiance) But I do know I have had them.

They are also part of a group of normal human hallucinatory experiences.
You have been having dreams all your life. You might not have remembered them until the age of 15.

Log your next dream on this site in exquisite detail and we'll check back in six months to see how it compares with reality.

Dreams are hallucinatory simulations your brain puts a minimal version of your consciousness through. It is not uncommon for them to be predictive (essentially training you for improved response to possible future outcomes).

While there might be some real danger in your future and your brain might pick up on that possibility and simulate it, the actual content of your dreams has no impact on anything beyond your own mind.

They are also part of a group of normal human hallucinatory experiences.

Crunchy Cat....I'm just curious....I know you don't believe in anything that is posted in this section of the forum so I'm just wondering if you post here to A) make ppl feel stupid, B) "educate" the masses or, C) stir the pot. Not once, in the ENTIRE time that I have been a member of SF, have you ever posted one thing positive in this section of the forum, so I'm just wondering why you even come here? If you don't believe, why don't you just avoid this section? People come here for talk with others who have had experiences like them, but YOU are not one of those people so why don't you just avoid this section?
I agree, if what you say is true maybe you can be the first recorded case of psychic powers. Record the dreams you think are going to come true in a diary (which can easily be proven, like the plane crashing) and hand them off to a researcher before it has come to pass.
No, record them ALL and then see what actual percentage do come true...

If you don't believe, why don't you just avoid this section? People come here for talk with others who have had experiences like them, but YOU are not one of those people so why don't you just avoid this section?
Although adressed to Crunchy, I'll throw in my two penn'orth.
Maybe because this is a science forum - evidence is required, not merely wanting it to be real.
There's a difference between believing something and it actually being true.
And unfortunately this particular topic falls under the category of "not true".
Crunchy Cat....I'm just curious....I know you don't believe in anything that is posted in this section of the forum...

That's not entirely true. Lucid dreaming for example is a very real phenomenon; however, it's so heavily tied psychologically to 'para'-whatever that putting it in any other sub-forum wouldn't make sense. I'm just wondering if you post here to A) make ppl feel stupid, B) "educate" the masses or, C) stir the pot.

It's not an OR answer, but rather an AND answer. I'll be happy to clarify (and Oli is consequently correct).

A) To educate people about the knowns of their psychology (so they don't have to start exploring experiences from scratch).


B) To learn more about a wide variety of aspects of human psychological phenomenon.


C) To expose liars, charlatans, and the hopelessly deluded. This is a science site after all, and science values truth.

Not once, in the ENTIRE time that I have been a member of SF, have you ever posted one thing positive in this section of the forum, so I'm just wondering why you even come here?

I supposed the interpretation of "positive" is subjective. For example, my last post to bulldozer600 defined a few things as well as set up a way to help him understand the difference between dream experiences and real-life events. I interpret that as quite positive.

If you don't believe, why don't you just avoid this section?

This site isn't about belief. It's about science.

People come here for answers...

Good. I have alot of answers that are quite true. talk with others who have had experiences like them, but YOU are not one of those people so why don't you just avoid this section?

I'm not? I've experienced 70%-90% of what's been described on this sub-forum and a few things that have not. I have no issue with people sharing experiences; however, I do have an issue with people inventing causes for those experiences. At the same time, I have to presume that if people are coming to a science site "seeking answers" then they are seeking objective answers.