Pre 20th century Bible women not allowed in heaven


Another Imaginary Friend
Registered Senior Member
I recently heard somewhere

that women were not allowed in heaven until they re-wrote
the bible about a hundred and fifty years ago

anybody got any info on this ?
I recently heard somewhere

that women were not allowed in heaven until they re-wrote
the bible about a hundred and fifty years ago

anybody got any info on this ?
I'm pretty sure, 99%, that woman have allways been allowed in heaven, since it says that in heaven we won't have any gender, neither will there be any race but human, so wherever you heard that only men would be allowed they are wrong.

A man is allowed to marry a unbelieving woman, and a woman is allowed to marry a unbelieving man. But who are you man, to think that you can save your woman? And who are you woman, to think that you can save your man?
regardless if its true or not

Religion has always degraded women in many ways

It has always amazed me that so many women have bought into the
" BuyBull " when the prejudice is so obvious
Religion may degrade women but Christianity doesn't. It fills the hole in your soul and makes you whole.:cool:
Lastest official word is that they're allowed into Heaven but won't be able to elect angels, testify in Heavenly courts or appear alone in public without their wings. Also, their defective and depraved nature will be in Heaven as it is on Earth.
Sandy you make it sound like christianity is not a religion

when its clearly just another mindless cult

that does a fine job at degrading women

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Religion may degrade women but Christianity doesn't. It fills the hole in your soul and makes you whole.:cool:

M*W: Sandy, christianity has always degraded women. What about all the innocents they killed in the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Burning Times, the Holocaust, etc.? Christianity has been taught from its very inception that women are inferior to men.

I don't know what kind of christianity you believe in, after all, there are some 34,000 christian cults in the world. I think your eyes are blinded to the truth. I hope by coming to sciforums, you will read and heed the truth about your beloved christianity.
Compare areas of religous domination and I BELIEVE that areas dominated by christianity are more progresive and offer more rights to everyone including women, deviates and foreign populations.

"Landover Baptist Creation Scientist, Dr. Fred Neiman, announced findings related to his research into the female soul early this week. "The absence of either salvation or condemnation for women finds extensive support in the Word of God." He reported. "Jesus said that the sole reason God created women in the first place was to provide company and service to men (1 Corinthians 11:9), God determined that men would be lonely living alone, so he created women purely to keep men company and serve their needs (Genesis 2:18-22). Women are therefore completely subordinate to men (1 Corinthians 11:3). It stands to reason, though, that once men enter the Kingdom of Heaven, they will be one with God, and will no longer be lonely and in need of mortal companionship. Thus, the reason behind having women will no longer exist. Women, like the members of the animal kingdom, will fall by the wayside."

Dr. Neiman went on to say that, "once men reunite with their maker, they will no longer be burdened with the care of women. After all, women were inferior creations from the start. Women are fond of self-indulgence (Isaiah 32:9-11). They are silly and easily led into error (2 Timothy 3:6). They are subtle and deceitful (Proverbs 7:10; Ecclesiastes 7:26). They are zealous in promoting superstition and idolatry (Jeremiah 7:18; Ezekiel 13:17, 23). And they are active in instigating to iniquity (Numbers 31:15-16; 1 Kings 21:25; Nehemiah 13:26). It was the inherent weakness of women that led them to be deceived by Satan (Genesis 3:1-6; 2 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Timothy 2:14). Consequently, women were cursed from the start (Genesis 3:16). There is simply no room in heaven for such flawed and inadequate beings."

Pastor Deacon Fred warned the congregation that there was no reason to be alarmed. "Dr. Neiman's conclusions still need to be formalized," he assured. "I am certain that our team of religious experts will find some way around these Scriptures." Some of the women present were visibly shaken by the report. A teary eyed Sister Taffy Crockett said through choked sobs, "I've heard of colored women not having souls... but me? NO! This is outrageous!"

Pastor did have some comforting words for the ladies of Landover. "I personally want to assure all female members of this church that until we examine Dr. Neiman's research to our complete satisfaction, consider yourselves saved."

"Landover Baptist Creation Scientist, Dr. Fred Neiman, announced findings related to his research into the female soul early this week. "The absence of either salvation or condemnation for women finds extensive support in the Word of God." He reported. "Jesus said that the sole reason God created women in the first place was to provide company and service to men (1 Corinthians 11:9), God determined that men would be lonely living alone, so he created women purely to keep men company and serve their needs (Genesis 2:18-22). Women are therefore completely subordinate to men (1 Corinthians 11:3). It stands to reason, though, that once men enter the Kingdom of Heaven, they will be one with God, and will no longer be lonely and in need of mortal companionship. Thus, the reason behind having women will no longer exist. Women, like the members of the animal kingdom, will fall by the wayside."

Dr. Neiman went on to say that, "once men reunite with their maker, they will no longer be burdened with the care of women. After all, women were inferior creations from the start. Women are fond of self-indulgence (Isaiah 32:9-11). They are silly and easily led into error (2 Timothy 3:6). They are subtle and deceitful (Proverbs 7:10; Ecclesiastes 7:26). They are zealous in promoting superstition and idolatry (Jeremiah 7:18; Ezekiel 13:17, 23). And they are active in instigating to iniquity (Numbers 31:15-16; 1 Kings 21:25; Nehemiah 13:26). It was the inherent weakness of women that led them to be deceived by Satan (Genesis 3:1-6; 2 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Timothy 2:14). Consequently, women were cursed from the start (Genesis 3:16). There is simply no room in heaven for such flawed and inadequate beings."

Pastor Deacon Fred warned the congregation that there was no reason to be alarmed. "Dr. Neiman's conclusions still need to be formalized," he assured. "I am certain that our team of religious experts will find some way around these Scriptures." Some of the women present were visibly shaken by the report. A teary eyed Sister Taffy Crockett said through choked sobs, "I've heard of colored women not having souls... but me? NO! This is outrageous!"

Pastor did have some comforting words for the ladies of Landover. "I personally want to assure all female members of this church that until we examine Dr. Neiman's research to our complete satisfaction, consider yourselves saved."

M*W: Man, you need to get some legitimate sources!
Sandy, christianity has always degraded women. What about all the innocents they killed in the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Burning Times, the Holocaust, etc.? Christianity has been taught from its very inception that women are inferior to men.

No, MW, you're mistaking the actions of a few for the Christian religion. That's like claiming the Islam is a violent religion because al-Qeuda kills a few people in the name of Islam. You wouldn't do that, would you?

I don't know what kind of christianity you believe in, ....

Perhaps. But we all know what kind of Christianity that you're talking about; You're reacting to the actions of only a few who claim to be Christians ....just like members of al-Queda claim to be Muslims.

The way you rationalize your hatred of religion is sorta' like blaming and denigrating the human race because a few of them commit murder. There's always a few bad apples in the barrel, but one doesn't say that all apples are bad, do they?

Baron Max
Religion may degrade women but Christianity doesn't

'A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent'.

This is christianity, this is the orders of the christian god. If christianity was taken even remotely serious you women would be chained to the kitchen sink. The only reason you're not is because even christians know that jesus was full of shit.
'A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent'.

This is christianity, this is the orders of the christian god. If christianity was taken even remotely serious you women would be chained to the kitchen sink. The only reason you're not is because even christians know that jesus was full of shit.
What you quoted was in refference to the church, where a strong discipline is needed and is active to this day, also, this is what Paul wanted when he helped to bring order in the church of his time, it was clearly a matter of discussion amongst christians even then, but as he said, they didn't have any other order and it's really not that bad a order anyway, God's teachings finds it's way - cause that is what is important isn't it?
What you quoted was in refference to the church, where a strong discipline is needed and is active to this day

Church, mosque or bingo hall.. it goes to promote females as inferior beings.


'Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man'

'And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is just as though her head were shaved. - A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.'

'For man did not come from woman, but woman from man'

'And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner'

All go to show that a woman is inferior to men as far as christian doctrine is concerned.

Having said that I don't see anything specifically prohibiting them from entering heaven - which is an answer to the original post.

God's teachings finds it's way - cause that is what is important isn't it?

There's the thing though.. the only teachings that find their way are the ones you personally want to listen to. Stone your naughty child to death was an order given by god but nobody does it because - when it comes down to the crunch, nobody gives a shit what god wants if it doesn't serve their human needs and morality. Is it important? Only if and when you say so.