Pray For Me


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member
Mat 21:21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this [which is done] to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. Mat 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Do you believe? Is your faith strong enough to have your prayers answered? Unless the Bible is telling a lie, if you believe in your god and its ability to answer your prayer, your prayer will be answered. In fact, Jesus himself said "all things" will be given, if you believe. Is your Bible lying? Was Jesus lying? Do you really believe? Find out now!

Say a prayer for me to abandon my atheism. If you feel you must pray for something else regarding me, that's fine. However, you must pray for something that isn't likely (best if not possible) to happen on its own. For example, don't pray that I'll have good things happen to me. If you choose to pray for something other than me to leave my atheism behind, you also need to specifically explain exactly for what you're praying.

Prayer experiments have not produced any positive results.
There is a slight effect on patients who know that someone is praying for their recovery.
Compared to a control group, they do worse.
It is suggested that the cause is increased stress.
If you know someone is praying for you, then you must be really ill.

You are, of course, not asking to be healed, so none of my remarks above have any relevance.
To answer your question...
...Assuming Jesus actually said the words attributed to him and assuming he really meant it...
...then I think Jesus was deluded.

I don't believe anyone was taking notes while Jesus spoke (assumption).
I believe the authors of the gospels invented the sayings (belief).
These supposed sayings were the kind of sayings that they imagined Jesus said (theory).
They might have heard some rumours about Jesus and filled in the gaps (guess).

Filling in the gaps is another way of saying they were "inspired" by the the Holy Spirit (imaginary being).
To put it another way, they used artistic license (what ever).
To put it another way, they made shit up (excuse my French).
And it appears, I completely misunderstood the OP.

OK, here goes...

Please God, your wonderfulness, save this lost soul and convert him to your true religion.

Did it work ?
I am going to specifically pray for you to not genuinely renounce your atheism, as a living example of the power of God's prayer. Given that in answering this prayer God will have shown his alright power, there would surely be only one recourse: to believe whole heartedly. But thanks to his power, you will not renounce your atheism despite him answering.

Okay, I'm praying...

... still praying...

And.... done.

Have you renounced your atheism?
It seems to me that certain types and styles of prayer can have value as a meditation and as a way of focusing one's thoughts, and as a social ritual that makes a gesture or symbolises something. For example, lots of people observe a minute's silence to remember the dead or something on commemorative occasions.

But asking God to do things for you would seem to be a waste of time. The evidence for miracles is practically, or entirely, nonexistent.
Say a prayer for me to abandon my atheism. If you feel you must pray for something else regarding me, that's fine. However, you must pray for something that isn't likely (best if not possible) to happen on its own. For example, don't pray that I'll have good things happen to me. If you choose to pray for something other than me to leave my atheism behind, you also need to specifically explain exactly for what you're praying.
Would being thankful for your happiness be enough? And if being an atheist makes you happy, is it necessary to even say a word?
Would being thankful for your happiness be enough? And if being an atheist makes you happy, is it necessary to even say a word?
The answr coud depend on ther bein an afterlife or not... do you thank ther is an afterlife.???
Who is the comedian who made the observation

God has a master plan for everything in the Universe and you think he is going to change it because you are praying with a $2 bible?

Carlin of course....:)

Except he put it a little less delicately; "I think people treat God rather rudely. Millions and millions of prayers. And most of them on Sunday. His day off."

"A long time ago God made a Divine Plan and it was a good plan. Now you come along and ask for something that's not in the Divine Plan. What do you want God to do? Change His Plan? Just for you?
What good is a Divine Plan if every schmuck with a two dollar prayer book can come along and fuck up your Plan?"
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