Practical Inspiration

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Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Practical Inspiration

Some Ideas just rise up into Consciousness. Why? What is the Mechanism? What are the Dynamics? And in the Case of Religious Inspiration, how do the Ideas get from Heaven to Earth… and is Leo somehow involved?

Just the other evening I was enlisted to be a ‘Go Between’ betwixt Heaven and Earth. I was in a long and elaborate Dream when I suddenly realized I was dreaming. In the Dream I had been peering into a clear black star-lit Night Sky when a particularly beautiful Constellation of copper-red stars stood out in an almost three-dimensional emphasis. It was to impose a New and Powerful Astrological Reality upon the World… then I realized I was dreaming.

So I lifted off into the Air. Levitating is the first thing I do during Lucid Dreams (dreams where the dreamer knows he is dreaming). And then I prayed a complete “Hail Mary”… just to see if I could. In Dreams, Prayers are very powerful, while Attention Spans are extremely volatile, and so it is difficult to get through entire Prayers… but, here, I got through the complete “Hail Mary” and then was somewhat disappointed when nothing happened…

Then, all at once, I found myself in Heaven, in the Presence of the Blessed Virgin Herself. She is often described as very Young, but such is not how She portrayed Herself for me just then. She was a Matronly Forty-Something, and wearing quite a full gown that might have been well at home in Maria Antoinette’s Closet. There were Angels and Saints standing about, but She was quite in charge of the Conversation, speaking in a full, animated and happy Voice. When She noticed me, She summoned me forward and introduced two Saints who had written Philosophy books. In the Dream, I was familiar with them and knew something of what their Books were about, though it all escapes me now. Our Lady told me these Two were Her favorite Authors of Philosophy, but that now, down in the World, their Philosophies are all but forgotten, but that this can be remedied. I was handed the Two Books by their Authors, who beamed with smiles as they handed me the large copies (each as large as Clinton’s New Book), and our Lady instructed me to deliver them to a particular young man. He also was a favorite of Our Lady. She called him by a pet name – something like ‘Kwilly’ – and made it clear that he would be able to assimilate the Philosophies, clarify and elucidate them so that they would become of general interest and influence in the World’s Intellectual Community. And then I was sent on my way.

As I left Her Throne Room, I was about to fly down to Earth, when an Angel pulled me up short and gave me a piece of advice – “Before flying off, make yourself very still, as though freezing in place”. So I did… with no great effort – I simply kept still the way we used to do for those old cameras 50 or 60 years ago that had those slow shutter speeds, when the Photographers would say “Smile! And don’t move.”. It turns out that this is a New Trick in Lucid Dreaming. The instant I consciously held still, I became a BLURRR between the two points of location – of where I had been and where I was going to. It was quite faster then the fastest flying could ever be. It was how the Angels traveled.

There I was, with ‘Kwilly’ and several of his friends. He and they were young men of the Academic Community. I probably would have startled them, but they were together in their Dreams and were nonplused at my arrival, which would not be so bazaar as it would be if they had been awake. I handed over the books to the young man and told all present that Our Lady the Blessed Virgin was quite assured that he would… and noticing the informal atmosphere of the gathering… “he would well be able to straighten out all this S__t”…. and they laughed. But the young Doctor of Philosophy respectfully took the books, even as he smiled, intuitively knowing of their importance.

So, somewhere in the World a young Doctor of Philosophy or Theology has been given two major developments of Thought because Our Lady is convinced that he will be able to assimilate and synthesize them Up into a Major Third. It will appear as though he is simply a very intelligent man, and, Yes, Ofcourse he is, or he would not have been Chosen, but only we will know that many of the Foundations for his Ideas were elaborated first by several Saints in Heaven, and that they were delivered to him from Above.
These days we are swamped by a Moral Relativism. Various Ideologies come at us like Fads, but since there is no reason to believe any of them, they all soon blow over. Civilization has lost its Consensus.

But Civilizations always re-emerge. The Ruling and Intellectual Classes determine a Moral Code and arrive at a Consensus. It is often referred to as Law, but it goes deeper than mere codification. It embodies Moral Assumptions.

Many people do not believe in the Reality of an External Material God. However, it might be compelling to believe that Humanity has something of a Collective Consciousness -- that Humanity, as a Collective, has some sense of its Needs and Requirements for Humanity's or even the World's Survival. This Collective Consciousness, then, finds ways to communicate its messages and priorities to first the Subconscious Minds and then the Conscious Ruminations of certain Individual Members of Society.

When Dreams hit the Heavenly Level, they are expressions of the Collective Consciousness.
Just the other evening I was enlisted to be a ‘Go Between’ betwixt Heaven and Earth. I was in a long and elaborate Dream when I suddenly realized I was dreaming.

Haven't been taken your medication lately Leo?.

Your dreams are about what you get into! backwash of the subconscious mind, you interpret these "dreams" as an *inspired revelation* only to you! your sarcasm of beign devine is getting pretty obnoscious around here Leo.

Your just as human as I, though your going mad, and can't even realise it. Your mind is getting so full of your religious BS that you "dream" of what you read so much!.

Take a break man, before you believe you can actually fly or walk on water at will.


P.S. Dont forget to take your medications!!
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