powers to stop a heart


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
i was watching a TV program which was saying the rusians did experiaments where phyic powers were used to stop a heart

i am nither hear now now about this kind of stuff and i was wondering was the reacurch real? what were the results? ect

Psy-powers to stop hearts

I've noticed that we humans have the power to stop the heartbeat for a second of the opposite sex,....

Being a Man, I know that Woman can break your heart quiet hard.

Greetz fukushi

ps: serious: you don't need psyhic powers to stop the heartbeat,....meditation can do the trick for you.

so how's your heart Asguard? It's still beating isn't it? (I'm pleased to see you in a better shape,...)

i ment stop someone ELSES heart

ie use it as an assaination tool
Well eehm:

I mean: there are some pretty nasty, saddistic girls out there, I'm a tellin ya! They can stop your heartbeat instan'ly!

no: serious: ask Adam: in australia the native people: the aboriginals have the finger of death: they point and your heart stops,....no joke,...so it exists in one place I'm shure of: but hey: aren't you also Australian? shouldn't you suppose to know about this stuff? Look here: I'm a Belgian, and I know of this stuff: but I knew it would come in handy: here I am : telling you! Hehehehehe

greetz fukushi
im not looking for conspiricy stuff

just wondering if anyone has any LEGITAMIT resurch on it

ie from a scientist
What you are asking for is supressed. Research on paranormal and psychic phenomenon is never admitted into peer review journals because they fear that their reputations will be tarnished. Even if the data and experiments are solid and repeatable, they simply consider it all a taboo. The reason why is that such thing as psychic phenomenon are a part of spirituality, and thus related to religion. A general premice of the scientific community is that things like ghosts, spirits, are just as unproveable as a divine creator. Now, wether that premice is supported by fact or not is no longer relevant, but there you have it. It's politics.

Consider too the consequences of wether or not ghosts or psychic phenomenon would be proven. That would mean that science would have become involved in religious matters, and thus unable to consider itself neutral, creating public outcry, as well as upsetting the beliefs of atheists, seccularists, creationists, and pretty much anyone else who is involved in the politics of science and religion.
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Offcoarse the millitary experiment with even the most crazy far fetched theories, if there is even the slightest remote change it can be done , you would want to have this advantage over your enemies.
Here's the CIA's remote vieuwing manual

Ok, old stuff, but they spended billions of tax-payers dollars on programs like these!
can anyone authenticate this????

thats what im looking for

authentic reasurch not conspiricy stuff
Is just read the "manual" My first impression of it's "Gestallt" was HOAX, i followed the timelines and they seem to intersect the matrix at MIT. For a brief moment I could actually see the egghead that was making this up, he wore glasses held together with duct tape and he was chewing pencils....:eek:
heyya all :)
Heyya Asguard...

cross authentication....
well you need to look to those who were involved...
all those who are currently involved will be under threat of death and family assasination so dont go causing any innocent deaths!!!

look @ the far sight institute...
that is one of thiers!
be carefull who you follow you might not see the cliff untill you are falling!!!

just remember what you are investigating...
types of murder by remote attack,
if it is possible thier will be a list of the dead already and if you find it you may be added to it by those ohh soo nice people.

scary stuff dude!
stay safe!

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.
As I said, you aren't going to find cross-authentication on a subject which is a complete taboo for it's connections to spirituality in science. If you want proof, write to the editors of peer review journals like Nature and the Royal Society, London and ask for copies of articles they have rejected on the said phenomenon.
thanks i will

and i really dont care if they want to get me

if anyone wanted to get me i have given them better reason than that by jumping up and down and saying i want to shoot bush

asio dont need a reason to lock people up anymore so if i disapear for 5 years u know where ill be:p

Well since when you sneeze your heart stops for a split second, I guess if you could make someone have a reallllllllllllllly long sneeze it would kill them.
heyya all :)

yo shains ... a realy long sneexe would be more like catatonic sczsphrenia
and how fast were you thinking at that very poit
and would you have fired a gun in your hand if you sneezed?
oranges and apples
are a nice day work

yo asgaurd.... note . threat assesment!!!

...mumble,mumble....sleeping dogs...... chemicalweapons...mumble
breakfastshopping in tibet ........ mumble ...mumble,,,,,

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above