
Thats not what sciforums is for, dudeman, maybe you should try another site?
Heck, shrike ...

If scifred is really from the Northwest Territories he's most likely bored out of his gourd and has only pot and jerking-off to amuse himself with. That is, other than inane posts.

Kind of like a retired dude like myself.
You have to be retired to smoke pot?
Haha, how funny, I am not retired, oh no.
But man, do I like to smoke pot.
Not all day, just in the evening, nice and easy with a book or tv.
It is such relaxing stuff, I prefer it with good music...
Good music and pot, man, wonderful...
:p :p
Think I am going to make a joint now.
I see two of scifred's posts in this thread at the moment, of his currently 4 posts.
Did you found sciforums, shrike? Could you elaborate what "Free Thoughts" means as a subject and deny that pot has been a subject therein before?
I like to smoke pot, too.
Speaking of jerking off is not exactly the antithesis of inane, either.
Open your heart, mind, body, and soul.
The measurement of thought requires that we allow thoughts to fully form themselves.
I agree there is nothing directly to be gained by scifred's posts as of yet, aside from this discussion, but it may be worth it to wait and see.
Action borne of ignorance is often later regretted.

"Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly, and they will show themselves great."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mmm yes. I like it too.
Here in sweden that makes me a loose cannon and a danger to society.
Spot on :D
whoa, I'm sorry I'm sorry, wasn't acting like meeself. Scifred I apologize. I'll...be nicer in the future. Cya around.
I see shrike's comment at the last post before this so I think I will just drop an observation and wander on along. I have noticed that sometimes from the most silly of discontinued thoughts posted that the members make it into something far better than it started out to be. As odd as it sounds there are so many members here that can take some unrelated bits and turn them into a conherent train of thought. It is sometimes amazing what develops in the course of posting.
yOu guys are idiots! all of you! i dont like pot im just obsesed with it. heh. im just a idiot. no, youre idiots! no, id unoo, just leemee alone. acropolis!
Poor Scifred.
I don't care if you are an idiot.
As long as you stay far away...:D

Pot is nice and relaxing, it really is.
Sometimes you laugh your 'head' off...
Nice, lets go crazy....!!!
Who sang that song?
Lets Go Crazy...?
Was it the Artist, or Prince, or the Symbol?
By the way, where is this singer and his band gone too?
Sorry, now I am way off topic...
I leave.
Oh man, I can feel the thoughts...
I really do see them, the thoughts, so nice.
All colors.
Is this pot?
I will have a better look, I feel so weird.

Yes, it is, just pot or weed, or wiet (Dutch) or Marijuana....
Or so.
:p :p