Posting policy? Everneo is upset.


Registered Senior Member
HTML is the code needed to make numbered lists, quotations, special characters, definition lists, formatted posts, insert images, change colors, and so on.

Various posters use HTML to make bold, italic and underlined words. Others use it to change the font face, color and size.

Everneo is irritated by use of HTML to enhance posts and threads.

What policy is there about posts? Is there any restriction on using html and other web formats to represent posts in this forum?

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There is no policy for or against. Be creative as you wish when using HTML.

However, there have been complaints in the past against some users using extremly large fonts.

If some techniques are seen as irritating or offensive then I am sure other members will voice their opinions.
Zippitty-doo-dah, Zippitty day

Originally posted by good, old Cris
If some techniques are seen as irritating or offensive then I am sure other members will voice their opinions.

Redoubtable voices his opinion:

What the fuck . . .
And of course they may or may not be totally ignored.
Make him stop, Cris!

The colors make my eyes bleed!

Cris may not have a particular opinion on this, but as co-moderator of this forum, I am taking a position on it.


You've already posted one unusable thread in this forum which had to be deleted. I don't want to see you destroy any more threads.

If you continue to do this, I will arrange to have you banned.

This will be your only warning.
Fine, good bye.

Originally posted by James R

Cris may not have a particular opinion on this, but as co-moderator of this forum, I am taking a position on it.


You've already posted one unusable thread in this forum which had to be deleted. I don't want to see you destroy any more threads.

If you continue to do this, I will arrange to have you banned.

This will be your only warning.
Everneo: Yes I see your point - I hadn't seen that.

Redoubtable: I thought the colors were pretty good, especially the bars seperating the posts.

James: No problem from me, as we discussed.

Godlied: Superb creativity but probably in the wrong place.