possible treatment for Alzheimer's?


science man

I've recently read something that could be treatment for Alzheimer's. It wouldn't cure it, but would treat it in the meantime. Ok so, the disease is caused by the constant death of neurons, so constant, so constant in that the brain can't reproduce enough of them in time to keep up with their death rate, right? Well why don't we just inject them into the body? But are we going to get them from? Take them from someone who can afford it. Better yet, take them from someone who has a disease that causes an overgrowth of them, that way you can kill two birds with one stone. :)

Please know that I'm not joking around. I have a grandfather who has Alzheimer's.
What I have done is as follows from my neurosurgeon:

Lots of blueberries every day
Huperzine A

They work great for me.....
I had an accident ...

Getting out of shower, I slipped and fell where as bad luck would have it I hit my head on the hard tile floor....ended up with epiduarl and subdural hematoma. Ended up in the emergency room.

For 3 days, things were not good even through I was lucid. The doctor told me, there is nothing they can do. The body has to heal itself or not. I used icepack to keep pain level down. If too much fluid would have been generated putting pressure in the cranium, they might have drilled it which could cause inflections etc.

Anyway, my body slowly healed itself - thanks to massive vitamins and herbal stuff I took in prior years. But the doctor said, I could get AD and suggested what I should do. The MRI came out clean after 9 months. It takes brain that long to heal when you are old. Even the damn brain matter moved and then moved back!

So, now I am determined not to have AD. Perhaps because, we both worked for NASA, my neurosurgeon and I became friends and I picked his brains (pun intended) and learned what I should do.
Question-what effect does quercetin have on the brain? I've been taking it in megadose format for sinusitis...and that would explain some weird things...

AAH! worked my google-fu skills...That explains why I became very energetic when I first started taking it! I was worried I was becoming bipolar or something...nope.

But quercetin does wonders for my allergies-from what I've read it works as a mast cell stabilizer-like singulair, but unlike singulair you can keep taking more and achieving greater benefit in my experience. I understand it's possible to OD and get a paradoxic effect, but I'm up to 16 grams a day and my allergies are stomped into submission. I love the stuff.

Okay...that was a bit off topic...sorry...
(hmm, NASA, huh? wonder if I live near you... NASA rules!)
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"Winged Spindle is used in China as a folk medicine to treat type 2 diabetes. This herb is rich in kaempferol and quercetin. Scientists from the Chinese Pharmaceutical University investigated the possible mechanism of antidiabetic activity of these phytochemicals in cultured adipocytes"
My take on AD:

Alzheimer's appears to be caused by misfolded proteins (beta amyliod) that accumulate and clutter up the neuron until it dies. When the cell dies and the cell wall ruptures, cleanup cells reuse the misfolded proteins as if they were still good and give them to other neurons. Unfortunately, usable proteins that come into contact with the misfolded ones then become misfolded as well. (Similar processes appear to be in play in Huntington's Chorea and Parkinson's Disease.) Meanwhile, an enzyme - acetocolinesterase - mops up the spilled acetocoline and gets rid of it. Unfortunately, your brain needs that acetocoline to make more brain cells.

While new neural stem cells are constantly being created in your brain, they don't come quick enough to keep up with the damage progression, so you get dementia.

Effective preventatives include participating in an ongoing aerobic exercise program and a healthy diet rich in antioxidants. There is some evidence that cannabinoids can prevent the overproduction of acetocolinesterase and the associated chronic inflammation as well, but this 'needs further study'.

The damage from a TBI can manifest over as long as 2 decades after the event. Supplements have not been shown to be effective in preventing AD. Much of the progression of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's appear to be related to a series of small ischemic micro - strokes that gradually destroy an increasing amount of brain tissue.

Maintaining circulatory system health appears to be of the utmost importance in preventing these debilitating conditions.

EDIT: My mom had Parkinson's and Vascular Dementia. She just died a couple days ago in the nursing home. For quite some time now the lights have been on but there has been no one at home. Needless to say, I practice what I preach on this topic.