Possible Prions in flu vaccine?


Registered Member
I was just reading some interesting info on the flu vaccine...aside from possible prion disease, there is also 2% of lukemia and Cancer virus in each embrio that they extract for the vaccine that they cannot remove....I don't know about you guys but I'm not rolling up my sleeves.....I'll take my chances.

Any other opinions on this?
er..... ouch?

as another opinion, we could kill everyone, then start the records from scratch. then there would be no deaths!
WhitePhoenix said:
I don't know about you guys but I'm not rolling up my sleeves.....I'll take my chances.

GROAN :rolleyes:

It’s the same old erroneous and flawed reasoning that people have always used to argue against vaccinations.

No one (who knows what they are talking about) has ever argued that vaccination is totally safe. Depending on the disease in question and depending on the vaccine production method and strategy, there are always certain risks associated with vaccinations.

So, like nearly all other areas of medicine, vaccination is a risk management scenario. It’s a matter of weighing up benefits versus risks. And sure enough, when it comes to vaccines the benefits from gaining immunity to horrible deadly diseases far outweighs the very minor risks from the vaccine itself.

When it comes to influenza vaccination, the point has been made continuously by health officials that it is only really necessary for the very young, the very old, immuno-compromised people and health-care professionals. The fact is, very young, very old and immuno-compromised people are far more likely to die from influenza than from the very remote chances that they will contract a prion or cancer virus from the flu vax.

The benefits outweigh the risks.<P>
It really ticks me off when I hear of people anywhere from their teens to middle age, with no immune system defects getting the flu vaccine yearly, just because they don't want to risk getting a runny nose. It's funny how I remember reading that when antibiotics first came out people were loading themselves full of it every time they sneezed, and what was the product of that? Superbugs that grew immune to the antibiotics. Is it possible for a similar problem to arise from abusing the flu vaccines?
Unlikely, as vaccines have totally different mode of action as compared to antibiotics. Antibiotics resulted in selection for super-resistant strains (by killing of non-resistant ones, leaving the resistant to grow). This is especially the case if the antiobitics are used in low doses or for a too short time.
Now vaccines on the other hand do not work against the bacteria or virus per se, but rather provides the immune system with antigens specific to the bacterium or virus the vaccine is against. The immune systems "remembers" this and on a real infection the immune response is faster and stronger.
Sleepy_118 said:
It really ticks me off when I hear of people anywhere from their teens to middle age, with no immune system defects getting the flu vaccine yearly, just because they don't want to risk getting a runny nose.


It really ticks me off when I hear people referring to influenza as “a runny nose”. You clearly have never had the flu or you would not be making such an inaccurate comparison. Influenza is not just another version of the common cold. The flu is a serious and potentially deadly infection. It is far worse than any ordinary cold. It is one of my pet hates that so many people think they have had the flu when all they have really had is a cold. When someone finally does have a genuine influenza infection, they never again make such faulty comparisons.

The flu knocks you out for a least at week (minimum). If you are out of bed, then you don’t have the flu. It produces severe cycling phases of bone-chilling shivers followed by sweats that leave you literally dripping wet. It produces severe body aches and pains that make it painful to move at all. It produces nausea, light-headedness and fainting. It produces sinus congestion and pressure and a sore throat the likes of which a cold can never produce.

As has been stated, health authorities recommend flu vax for the very young and the very old. Young fit people are not in danger of actually dying from the flu, whereas very young and the very old are in danger. If you ever do get a case of the flu, you will fully realize how the influenza pandemic on 1919 killed more people than World War I. I am neither young nor elderly, but I get a flu vax every year (not this year) for the simple reason that I cannot afford the 7-10 days off work should I suffer the misfortune of contracting the flu.<P>
Ooh I've had the flu before, I've been out for almost two weeks because of it. Sorry, I'd admit that I was making an underestimation and I strayed away from the point I was trying to make. What I basically meant to say was could there be any negative consequences of using the flu vaccine, and if so, is it worth giving the flu shot to regular people with a healthy immune system?
The newer vaccines have as far as I know little to none harmful sideffects. Basically I'd say that if one lives in an area where flu is recurring commonly a regular flu shot ain't a bad idea. If only to reduce spread a bit.
Sleepy_118 said:
What I basically meant to say was could there be any negative consequences of using the flu vaccine

According to the CDC, the only potential side minor effects of the flu vax are…

-- Soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given
-- Fever (low grade)
-- Aches

If these problems occur, they begin soon after the shot and usually last 1 to 2 days. Almost all people who receive influenza vaccine have no serious problems from it. However, on rare occasions, flu vaccination can cause serious problems, such as severe allergic reactions. The viruses in the flu shot are killed (inactivated), so you cannot get the flu from a flu shot.

FACT SHEET -- Key Facts About Flu Vaccine

Sleepy_118 said:
and if so, is it worth giving the flu shot to regular people with a healthy immune system?

I would say the answer is yes as the side effects (if any) are very minor. As I see it, for people with a healthy immune system it boils down to a matter of choice rather than a matter of necessity.<P>