Positive and negative theology

The common ground between positive and negative theology is that they are both theology, and in some cases may be written by the same person. They are, however, at opposite ends of the spectrum. For example, Christianity and Satanism, both are theology, however thats about as far as the similarities go.
I would say that both negative and positive theologies work toward their own survival, and are therefore both creationist and destructive int heir actions. The converting of "native savages" "saves them" but also destroys their culture and self-identity.

Therefore, they are the same when looked at through the "long time frame" glasses.

However, in the short term, positive theology purposely tries to reduce suffering, while negative theology either tries to creat suffering, or doesn't care one way or the other.

Given that both will end up in similar positions given enough time, I choose to align myself with positive theology, because of the short-term goals.
Well positive or negative theology can also act as positive or negative reinforcers. Some parents use operant conditioning without knowledge to confirm in their kids the values of positive theology. As sad as that might be it happens with hardcore religious parents. Both theologys have their place and both have their followers. Another similarity would be passionate support both theologys enjoy from avid and passionate supporters of them.
im glad atleast their arent any satanists.....i mean its so foolish to worship satan. people who worship satan must realize that jesus will triumph over him oneday, and cast his followers into the pool of fire
+ or - Theology ?

+ or - in what sense .

Im sure I can come up with your concepts of + and - , Im just pointing out the ignorance .

Christianity and Satanism, both are theology, however thats about as far as the similarities go.

I assume u think Christ + and Satanism - , why ?
Also , Satanism is not quite theology , not in the Abrahamic sense anyways . So Abrahamically u cant compare it to Christianity , as theology .

I would say that both negative and positive theologies work toward their own survival, and are therefore both creationist and destructive int heir actions. The converting of "native savages" "saves them" but also destroys their culture and self-identity.
Therefore, they are the same when looked at through the "long time frame" glasses.
However, in the short term, positive theology purposely tries to reduce suffering, while negative theology either tries to creat suffering, or doesn't care one way or the other.
Given that both will end up in similar positions given enough time, I choose to align myself with positive theology, because of the short-term goals.

I still dont know the differnce , why is a theology considered positive and to that answer i would like to ask why as well , at to that one after it as well . How is theology constructing and destroyuing , or are we confusing religion here ? And whats with that suffering deal ?

im glad atleast their arent any satanists.....i mean its so foolish to worship satan. people who worship satan must realize that jesus will triumph over him oneday, and cast his followers into the pool of fire

Only a christian can be so small minded to indetify an english word with that red dude with horns they understand out of it .
Satanism has little to do with either Jesus or Satan . Satanist dont like fire and red things and all those "evil" emotions u come up like hate and anger etc , instead of "christian' love and compassion .

Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics


I still dont know the differnce , why is a theology considered positive and to that answer i would like to ask why as well , at to that one after it as well . How is theology constructing and destroyuing , or are we confusing religion here ? And whats with that suffering deal ?

At least in Western culture, positive theology tends to be defined as a theology wherein the feelings of other beings are taken into account while actions are being decided. In opposition to that, negative theology tends to reffer to theologies wherein the practicing individual is the main focus.

For a concrete example, take the idea "I want to live here on this plot of land"
western defined 'positive theology' - "by living here, I will have the following negative effects of the things already here - 1).......I will also get the following positive effects 1)...."
western defined 'negative theology' - "by living here, I can do the following 1)....which is alot more than I could do by living somewhere else, so I'll stay here."

Both are logical, and both deal with the idea of "more", but one tends to focus less on the effects on it's surroundings.

An additional concrete example, my old college roomate and his best friend. Both are Druidic/Wiccan. My roomate was really burnt out, and wanted a quick fix of energy to finish out the school year. His best friend gave him a dark crystal which he had imbued with energy. His friend meant it to be a battery off which my college roomate could pull in times of serious need. Instead of doing that, my roomate performed a ceremony, crushed the crystal into dust with a hammer, and pulled all the energy that he could from the crystal all at once. With no regaurd for the long-term effects of his actions (such as, now no one else could use it if a more important need arose), he went for the maximum benefit in his eyes- getting all the energy that he could. He and his friend don't talk alot these days.
It doesn't matter you belive in the reality of imbuing crystals with energy, or in the ability to gather energy from the destruction of an object. What matters about the above story is that one person saw the world in a wide field of view, while the other's feild was much narrower. both are fully able to function int he world, but one goes for the hard and fast approach to life, and the other takes things more easy.

The above is all, of course, just from my expirience, which is notably more focus towards 'positive' type theologies, so I could be way off.