Positive affirmations

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Alan McDougall

Alan McDougall
Registered Senior Member
Here Are affirmations that help one become like God and overcome negativity in our lives

We gather together in the pure perspective of Soul Consciousness for in the daily and outer activities, there is a certain attraction and a certain focus on family, environment, and other concerns and needs of the mental, emotional, and physical nature. Even in the midst of approaching the outer world from these perspectives, there is always a link, a connecting point. There is always an instantaneous opportunity to connect with that which is the totality of our being, the totality of your consciousness that is the consciousness of I AM, the consciousness of Oneness.

There is never a separation, although from the consciousness perspective there seems to be a focus that draws one away from the center of their being. That is of course why it is so important to meditate, to reflect, and to feel the inner presence, to know the inner presence, and to know the truth of your being.

The Attributes of the Soul which are real. They are knowable; they are immutable, unchangeable, and eternal aspects of the created presence of the soul. These Attributes are the connecting link; they are the window to understanding and knowing the Oneness of the universe and the Oneness with the Creator.

It is a very simple process to discuss and to feel the Attributes by simply acknowledging their presence, acknowledging who you are. By "I AM" Affirmations below. I freed myself from the bondage of a very serious bipolar disorder by using these affirmation on myself
State this daily

I AM Spirit. I AM the foundational energy that goes forth on waves of Light from the central core of Love. I AM Spirit that is the animating principle of Light that carries forth creation into all aspects of existence. I AM Spirit that is the linking consciousness to the consciousness of Oneness. Spirit flows in and through all of creation. I AM Spirit.

I AM Beauty. I AM the essence of the creative experience that is the qualitative statement of expression of Spirit moving in and through creation. Beauty is my nature. I AM all that is Beauty. I AM the Beauty within every cell, within every atom, within every collection of energy patterns that permeates all of creation.

I AM the Mightiness of creation. I AM the Might of the Creator that is the stabilizing and control component of all existence. I AM the Might of the universe that gives strength and stability to the creative process.

I AM Harmony. I AM the Harmony of the universe where all is in perfect balance, perfect Harmony. And I AM the conditions of Harmony that exist beneath the surface of all relationships within the context of all activities. It is only the externalization of ego, mental and emotional needs that disrupt the Harmony. I AM the absolute Harmony of creation.

I AM Life. I AM the Life Force that is the result of the flow of Love and Light into creation. I AM the Life Energy that sustains the process of evolution of consciousness. I AM the Life Energy that is the substance and the sustenance of all creation.

I AM Truth. I AM the one Truth of all existence. There cannot be two truths. I AM the total embodiment of the Truth of who all souls are for I AM the singular Truth that is the Truth of all creation.

I AM the Intelligence of the Creator manifesting in and through the created experience. I AM the Intelligence of the Creator that brings forth the wisdom and understanding of the entire process of creation. I AM the Intelligence of the universe that is always available as a reference point for the processing of experience and for the coming into the realization of the Truth of one’s being.

I AM Image. I AM the reflected Image of the Creator within the soul. I AM the presence of the Creator in its entirety within the soul. The soul is created in the Image and likeness of the Creator. I AM Image.

I AM Reality for within the context of Reality all is known, all is understood, all is complete, and all is combined in consciousness as One. The Reality of existence is known through the Intelligence of the universe, through the assembly of all of the Attributes into a composite understanding. I AM the Reality of all that is. Nothing else exists outside of the Reality that I AM.

I AM Opulence, the Opulence of the universe, the fullness and completeness of all that exists is within the context of the Opulence of the universe. There is nothing lacking. There is nothing missing. All that is needed for the soul to evolve in awareness and to remember the connecting link to the Creator is always available. There is never a need that is not met. The Opulence of the universe is magnificent. It is infinite. I AM Opulence.

I AM Light. I AM the Light of the universe. I AM the Light that permeates all creation. I AM the Light that is the inner glow of understanding that rises to the surface of consciousness as a soul awakens to its true nature. I AM the Light that goes out on waves of creative experience that is always available and always exists for the purpose of bringing into the fullness of the creative experience the Reality and Truth of all existence. I AM Light.

I AM Principle. I AM the Operating Principle of the universe and I AM the Principle upon which all creation exists. I stand alone as the singular foundational element that is the capstone of all creative experience. There is always a Principle of operation. There is always a Principle of existence that underlies all created experience. I AM the Principle within the context of the Attributes of the Soul. There is the consciousness of the soul. I AM the totality of Soul Consciousness.

I AM the total combination, the total unifying presence of all Attributes within the soul. As the soul evolves into the awareness of whom and why it is, the consciousness of the soul blends with and is One with the consciousness of the Creator.

I AM the consciousness of the soul. There is nothing lacking. All that you are is contained within the consciousness of the soul. Know the truth of your being. Reflect often on the Attributes. Understand the inner meaning of the Attributes and apply, with purity of motivation and purity of intent, the Attributes in every aspect of your existence and you will come into the fullness of knowing who and why you are. I AM the Love, the Light, and the Life of the universe.

You don't have to believe it, just say it and it might become a reality in your life

Don't you get tired of posting this drivel?


That one obviously doesn't work for some people...

You know absolutely nothing about the positive energy that come from positive affirmations, yet from the basement of your tiny mind you call it drivel. Your type of person would have mocked Albert Einstein and called his great theories drivel because to there limited intellect they would be drivel and beyond the reach of your understanding

I am not going to sit back and read silly comments like you constantly post.

Start a tread of your own so that I can read with my own mind some of the drivel you post

All you are doing is trading insults with as many members that you can

Why the heck are you comment in this subforum , where every post will offend your delicate hardwired thought processes
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You know absolutel nothing about the positive enery that come from positive affermation, yet from the basement f your tiny mind you call it drival
I do wish you'd stop making assumptions about me, you're wrong every time.

What "attributes of the soul" are real?
Here Are affirmations that help one become like God and overcome negativity in our lives

Forgive me if I am hallucinating, but didn't you say somewhere that you were bipolar. To me positive affirmations - as generally taught and suggested - have an air of mania about them. Which is fine, many creative people have real insights during mania. The trick however is to have insights that are profound enough to reach someone in depression. If you are bipolar, imagine taking such a list of affirmations to yourself when down. Don't the words just bounce off you with little effect? In mania radical change seems easier than it is. In depression harder. The two must learn to work together, each with their insights. That would be truly profound. How can the sad and damaged pieces and persons be lifted? Are words enough?
I do wish you'd stop making assumptions about me, you're wrong every time.

What "attributes of the soul" are real?

But it is drivel. All of it. Why even focus on 'the attributes of the soul' when the whole 'I AM...' thing is as creative and insightful as a cliche written on the back of a McDonalds menu.

There isn't even anything to discuss, the only bit he left out was 'I am the universal hole in the ass'

Ha! And look! Doreen has shown up to give her cold reading couch sessions with Oprah prattle. What a dear. Too bad she didn't even get close to understanding even the context of one of Gendy's posts.

Take the shingle off your door Doreen.:cool:
I see you edited your post and made additions.

I am not going to sit back and read silly comments like you constantly post.
Silly comments? In other words you can't actually substantiate anything you post and have to resort to this...

All you are doing is trading insults with as many members that you can
Wrong again.

Why the heck are you comment in this subforum , where every post will offend your delicate hardwired thought processes
Because I like to point out to those who can't think that they can't, in actuality, think. It may jog them into doing so at some point.
Now, one more time: can you substantiate any of your statements or are you merely using this forum to practise writing fairy stories?
I see you edited your post and made additions.

Silly comments? In other words you can't actually substantiate anything you post and have to resort to this...

Wrong again.

Because I like to point out to those who can't think that they can't, in actuality, think. It may jog them into doing so at some point.
Now, one more time: can you substantiate any of your statements or are you merely using this forum to practise writing fairy stories?

I am sick and tired of your constant insulting posts that will you will only agree with if they concur exactly with what you believe

You insult me and you cant even spell properly

GOOD BY :mad:
I am sick and tired of your constant insulting posts that will you will only agree with if they concur exactly with what you believe
You have yet to pint out, despite multiple requests, even ONE insult.
And you made yet another assumption.

You insult me and you cant even spell properly
On the contrary, I think you'll find I make few, if any, spelling errors (unlike yourself). Is this more evidence of your delusion?

You see? You spelt that wrong as well, it's Goodbye.
But it is drivel. All of it. Why even focus on 'the attributes of the soul' when the whole 'I AM...' thing is as creative and insightful as a cliche written on the back of a McDonalds menu.

There isn't even anything to discuss, the only bit he left out was 'I am the universal hole in the ass'

Ha! And look! Doreen has shown up to give her cold reading couch sessions with Oprah prattle. What a dear. Too bad she didn't even get close to understanding even the context of one of Gendy's posts.

Take the shingle off your door Doreen.:cool:
Are you still bothered by those PMs from months and months ago? And then you PM gedanken about me. Jeez. Please stop grinding the ax lucysnow.
I'm sorry, I can't stand this. Alan, stop bashing people if you haven't read previous posts by them, you don't know Dywyddyr at all, don't pretend that you can read what they think, please.
Are you still bothered by those PMs from months and months ago? And then you PM gedanken about me. Jeez. Please stop grinding the ax lucysnow.

I don't have an ax its a machete. And no I was making an observation on your penchant for the couch and your shingle hanging there and need to make use of this resident Oprah style.

I find it 'shallow' and the antithesis of 'kindness'.

As for Gendy, do you actually believe she needs any help from me? I only gave her the group round-up of the confederacy of dunces. Its been a long time since she's been here to know all the new cast in this year's production of Arsenic and Old Lace.

Anyway that post wasn't even directed towards you.

Oh yes and remember, I didn't invite your little pm's so don't complain of my open remarks. Sending PM's to tell people what you think of them is fine, I do so too but openly. Don't like it then shut up.
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positive thinking is a very good thing. When applied correctly it delivers results in business, education and ones private life. I am pleased that you have found these affirmations useful for yourself. That is also a very good thing.

Now the other shoe drops. To an average person reading these they do indeed sound like drivel. Now ask yourself this - who is responsible for that reaction?

I fear you may seek to blame those who call it drivel, but I can only blame you. You had a valuable and important message to deliver - positive thinking can be a very good thing - but you blew it. You have people arguing and slining negative thoughts all around the thread. Think on how you could have approached this in a way that would not have generated such negative reactions. If you really can't see how you might have done this I'll be happy to offer some pointers, but I expect you will see it yourself without too much trouble.
Originally Posted by Lucysnow
I don't have an ax its a machete. And no I was making an observation on your penchant for the couch and your shingle hanging there and need to make use of this resident Oprah style.
I find it 'shallow' and the antithesis of 'kindness'.

I understood all this. You do communicate clearly. At least the gossip put down type communications.

As for Gendy, do you actually believe she needs any help from me?

No, never thought that. But obviously you did. As you say here...

I only gave her the group round-up of the confederacy of dunces. Its been a long time since she's been here to know all the new cast in this year's production of Arsenic and Old Lace.

Um, as you said above 'Do you really think she needs any help from [you]?
Anyway that post wasn't even directed towards you.

Bullshit. Talking about someone to a third party, in front of that someone, is so.....high school.

Oh yes and remember, I didn't invite your little pm's so don't complain of my open remarks.

This made no sense.
Sending PM's to tell people what you think of them is fine

I knew that, glad you've changed your mind.

I do so too but openly. Don't like it then shut up.

And that made no sense. I openly responded here. Don't like it then shut up, as someone you must consider wise once said.
positive thinking is a very good thing. When applied correctly it delivers results in business, education and ones private life. I am pleased that you have found these affirmations useful for yourself. That is also a very good thing.

Now the other shoe drops. To an average person reading these they do indeed sound like drivel. Now ask yourself this - who is responsible for that reaction?

I fear you may seek to blame those who call it drivel, but I can only blame you. You had a valuable and important message to deliver - positive thinking can be a very good thing - but you blew it. You have people arguing and slining negative thoughts all around the thread. Think on how you could have approached this in a way that would not have generated such negative reactions. If you really can't see how you might have done this I'll be happy to offer some pointers, but I expect you will see it yourself without too much trouble.

How about the following?


Instead of thinking about
What you are missing, try thinking about
What you have that everyone else is

A positive attitude may not solve
All your problems, but it will annoy
enough people to make it worth the

When you are in a valley, keep your
Goal firmly in view and you will
Get the renewed energy to continue
The climb

There are always flowers for those
Who want to see them?

Some people are always grumbling
because roses have thorns. I am
Thankful that thorns have roses.

It takes but one positive thought
When given a chance to survive and
Thrive to overcome an entire army
of negative thoughts.

Some people see things as they are
And say why? I dream things that
Never were and say why not?
And how about this?

lan McDougall:

Here is an essay I wrote a while back that might give you insight how to plan and live your life as best you can


A guide to life by Alan McDougall

Trust God and the guidance of those that love you. Have faith in God.

Your time on earth is so limited so embrace life and live it to the full and savor all the joy and happiness it can give you, pluck the beautiful fruits off the tree of life and share it with your fellow beings

Remember what you have forgotten

You are given all the tools and resources you need during your life and what you do with them is up to you.

You are responsible and accountable for your actions in life, every deed, word, and thought.

Think before you utter a word because once spoken it can never be taken back

Be grateful for the life that God has given you. The old old saying “count your blessing one by one”, reverberates in its truth across the universe.

Be aware of what is happening around you and don’t let the beautiful gift of live come and go without you noticing it in all its beauty and meaning

Be willing to try to do your best in life, “Life does not require that we be the best-------- only that we try” (H Jackson Brown Jr.)

Love overcomes all barriers and banishes the useless attribute hate

Be honest with yourself and others all the time it checking each word and statement you utter before it leaves your mind in the form of writing or speech. Remember you can lie to yourself so often that you can finally believe it as truth.

A lie in any dialogue, debate or communiqué results in the entire being flawed and void of real truth. A molecule of cyanide mixed into a glass of sparking spring water will kill you; it is the Lie that separated us from God in the Finale.

Be patient with your partner, loved ones and especially yourself. Impatience can grow into anger and anger into hate.

You only live in the here and now and this is the platform for the rest of your life, a new beginning not an end. I f you can live in the moment you will find peace.

What you hate in another is what you hate in yourself, so banish the most destructive attribute from your life and learn to love yourself.

Be tolerant and nonjudgmental to both yourself and to others. Change what you can.

There are some situations or events that you simply cant alter so release them into the wind of healing

Do you want to live in a prison most of your live. Well if you start destructive habits that lead to addition you become trapped in a prison of your own making. Withdrawal will make you return to these false highs again and again until you run out of options and come to the cross roads of Life or Death Choose life

Be courageous bravery is not being fearless, bravery is overcoming your fear

Destructive habits and additions can only really be overcome in if you really really want to stop even if you die in the process of regaining your God given free will.

Replace evil habits with good and positive ones, Opiate additions can be overcome by running as running makes your brain make endorphins that are much more powerful than any drug

Real wealth and abundance is when you are contented with what you have

In order to grow through life one must first establish a harmony within oneself, harness all our natural talents, gifts, formal and non-formal education towards the essential goals in life. Chose early that which you love and do the utmost to make that your career and you will not really have to work one day in your life. Establish a hierarchy of preferences and aim for those most realistic and highest on the list.

Imagine you have only one year of life left and list the things you would do if this were all the time left for you. Incorporate this into the list, ranking all the events, and look at it. It should give you much food for thought in planning your journey through life.

Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood (Helen Keller).

Be a perfect listener, observe what is happening around you by this your response will be the correct one

There is one set of cloths that you will carry for your whole life, your body a gift from god so appreciate ,look after it and love it Accept what you cannot change and change for the better what you can.

Self esteem is the highest morality if you hate yourself you will hate others and if you love and appreciate yourself you will love and appreciate others. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. You are in a partnership with your body it is the temple of God and deserves the utmost love and respect Regular exercise and healthy lifestyle should be obvious.

Pleasure should be the manifestation of inner joy and you experience through your five senses normally, but sometimes the sixth sense gives you glimpses of the eternal places of happiness. It is not a sin to have fun and be glad you are alive.

God has given you eyelids so close then and don’t let Depravity in all its forms into your mind. The eye is the window to the soul, look into the eyes of a stranger and you will hear your mind saying “beauty, kind, shy, bad, ugly, evil” or remote etc. By just one careful look, one can read much about the character of one you do not know. When alarm bells ring in your mind, please listen to them.

Look, listen, read and enjoy that which is good and healthy to the mind. Guard all the doors or inputs to your mind; you are the one that permits these images or sounds into your brain. What we allow into our minds in of such prime importance that it cannot be overstated.

The greatest attribute is honesty so be actively honest and truthful. When you are totally honest God is nearest.

You are or will be the combined result of the choices you make in life. Life will throw you some hard curve balls so try to catch them and make something positive out of them.

Be fair with yourself and others but remember life is not always fair and your circumstances are unique so address them with your own wisdom or with the help and love of those you admire as wise.

Become a person of grace by embracing your higher spiritual self, it is grace that leads you into eternity.

Let compassion grow in your inner being and look at the plight of others in great need and those that are suffering and in pain, hunger, sorrow and disease , pray or send positive thoughts to them, this does help even if you cannot see the results..

You are bound by your own ethics, morality and conscious and if you live according to those your life will be more peaceful. It is not really God who judges you; it is you who judges yourself at the end of the day.

Humor is a great secret of bodily as well as mental health, so find what makes you laugh and laugh out loud and often, this will flood your body and brain with healing brain hormones and endorphins. The greatest lesson is possibly not taking ourselves seriously and laughing at ourselves

Laughter is the mother of happiness

The lessons of life will be repeated to you over and over again until you have learned them and only when you have learned them can you move on to the next lesson in the great school we call life

Never ever, stop learning, even if you live to be one hundred years of age. Fascination with all things around you makes a rich and wonderful personality. A very high-developed sense of humor is of absolute prime importance in order to overcome the pitfalls of life. You might say, ‘well that’s all right for the young but I am middle aged or older, However no matter what ones age, do the suggested exercise and you will be amazed at the richness and opportunities out there still within your grasp. Life is rich and has so much to offer us all. Be positive in the midst of negativity by using that powerful tool, your sense of humor. Very important absolute necessity of very carefully choosing a real soul mate and friend who travel’s the road of life with you, namely your spouse “Love and cherish God together.

Establish and maintain a link to the Divine, each one in their own personal way, be it by meditations, prayer, or contemplation of the glory of existence. Do whatever invigorates you the most. Make life fun, pleasurable, happy, joyful but never depraved. “Don’t practice sin” Really, life should be exquisite, fun, pleasurable, enjoyable and glorious. Avoid unhealthy obsessions like a plague. However not all obsessions are unhealthy and the magnificent obsession is the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There are energy vampires, who will drain you of your life energy, leave you exhausted and depressed. Avoid them at all costs where practical.

Make your friends are energy invigorators and try to be one yourself. Again, the key here is ones sense of humor. The mendacious are a pain and do not make good company but sometimes we can overlook and just laugh at their ridiculous stories.

Of course, life is not always a bed of roses and those dark times will come to us all. Nevertheless, when in the long cold night of darkness of hopelessness and despair, one should always realize that the dawn will always come again and the sun shine warm once again upon ones cheek in the morning of joy. Take it from someone who really knows!

Oh! How important it is to be forgiving. Unforgiveness has no purpose and will fester like a malignant tumour and result in ill health, doing more harm to yourself than to the one you will not forgive. Love each other. However, how does one do this? Love is an action, so do love, even if you don’t feel it. Carry it out by actions.

Compassion is a wonderful unique human quality, so enhance this within your being to the utmost degree. Read and study your bible daily. Have dialogue with God by prayer.

Don’t allow anyone to take away from you that which you know is true to yourself. Honesty is the best policy.

Wisdom comes with the passing years, but asks children difficult questions and you will be amazed at their insight.

Live life like an incandescent light, glowing brightly until you put off this mortal cloak and blink out of existence. In other words, live until your demise.

Savour and cherish each glorious moment. Be careful not to say hurtful things to others because once the words have left your lips you can never take them back.

You legacy will become the heritage of those that come after you, and so what you do with your life is not only important to yourself. There is one companion that will be with you every moment of your life and you should love this person as much as you love anything in the whole world. This precious person is none other than you. Use and develop your intuition to a very high degree and it will help you from stumbling on the rocks along the pathways of Life.

Have you not been aware when you come into a room and meet a stranger that there is an instant liking or dislike between the two of you? On the other hand, you have felt that a course of action was wrong and the closer you got the more uncomfortable you got with this course of action. These are examples of intuition, listen and adjust to them carefully and you could avoid much pain sorrow and anguish in your life.

You are truly absolutely 100% unique. There has never been one like you, there is now no one like you, and in all the future eternities, there will never be another just like. Of you fathers half billion sperm cells, only one reached you mother’s egg and this was you. No has ever had your unique genetic D.N.A. code or fingerprint. Are you not, therefore, very special and is it so wrong to love and respect the wonderful creation you are?

Go outside or get away from the noise of the city and in the quiet of early morning listen carefully, you will hear the birds chirping like beautiful electrons in the mind of God. Take in the glory of existence all around and feast your eyes on its beauty.

You know, of all the countless trillions of snowflakes, leaves, flowers, and no two are identical and each one is a unique creation of the Divine mind of God. Feel the breeze upon your skin, smell the fragrance of the universe bath in the glory and joy of you existence.

Be at peace with yourself and all the rest of the universe. You are a child of the universe, so special and wonderful. Develop the dormant senses beyond the five that are not utilized, and you will merge yourself in the wonder of the cosmic mind.

Take your mind into the place of unimaginable beauty and wonder, go on a journey into places you have never been and go further into the cosmic vastness of the beauty of the universe, with the power of imagination.

What is the purpose of life? It is to live it to the full, without hurting others or doing the depraved. Charity is wonderful gift to the soul. Question everything with a sense of anticipation and wonder.

Love and respect your mortal body, as it is the vehicle that takes on this journey through mortal life on earth. However, know this your consciousness or life energy is eternal and continues on forever, beyond the last curtain of life on this blessed earth.

Planet earth is our beloved mother and we must preserve her, love her and cherish her in all her blue glory. She is a blue blazing diamond glowing brightly in the vastness of the universe. Love all Gods’ creatures.

Get all your priorities in order. Spouse, companion, family and children first. A balance in life between ones occupation and home life is essential or the psyche becomes unbalanced and depression and anxiety will take hold of you. Take much time to be with the one you know best, namely, yourself.

Life is a school and if you do not pass a test, you will repeat it repeatedly until you have passed it and only then be able to move on. Life made up of countless choices and each choice could ultimately determine and define ones destiny. Refer back to chapter one!

How we maintain good health, I think by developing a powerful sense of humour, much laughter and exposing one to things we find extremely funny. Then having sufficient exercise combined with a balanced diet of fish and a combination of as many brightly coloured fruit and vegetables as one can afford. Genetic proposition unfortunately plays a factor not always under our control. Red meat should be restricted to the rare occasion. Remember, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and if you pollute it with toxic substances, you will suffer the consequences thereof.

I, however, acknowledge that the complexities and realities of life are much more complex than what I have written in my brief essay and thousands of voluminous unreadable books have been written of this subject. Therefore, the above is my humble attempt, be it what it may.

By Alan McDougall
Composed 12/7/2007
You're obviously not here to actually discuss anything. You'd rather post your poems and essays and avoid discussion or questions.
I'm truly sorry, but you are simply preaching. You are not listening to anyone else. You seem to think no one else has anything important to say. Such obvious preaching is self defeating.

Now, your initial 'rewrite' of your message was really good. It would have been better if you had asked for people's views. But then you destroyed the mood and the opportunity by your lengthy self indulgent essay.

Really, take a long hard look at what you are trying to achieve here. I know your motives are good, but you are well on the way to being a laughingstock.
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