Population Control


Registered Senior Member
What is religion's answer to the problem of population control?

It's pretty obvious that the "evil" of this world is proportional to it's number of human inhabitants. Our increasingly dire situation is to be expected from both a prophetic viewpoint, and a rational one. Does scripture acknowledge the hypocrisy of our biological drive of reproduction, and the inevitable corruption of the world as we approach this population limit?

Is Armageddon truly a judgment upon the world, or just a necessary surgical procedure planned by God?
When the HolyBabble was written they had no idea what population would be today. Like they had no idea of what most things would be today. If god is omnipotent, it could easily have managed birth rates so that the surgical procedure would be unnecessary.
They just each want to out-reproduce the others, so when the showdown comes, the last man standing is ..... pick your favourite superstitionist.
In my view population control is a behaviorist matter, and China for instance did make the subject matter political Government related.
Today many governments pay women to have babies so the more they have the more money their boyfriends make.

Many religions do not believe in birth control because there would be fewer people within their religion.

One way to stop have children would be to pay women not to have children nor supply them with any help if they do so but cannot afford to raise the child.
What is religion's answer to the problem of population control?

masturbation control?

(sarcastic response from other thread)

what is societies response to overpopulation??
why is this a religious issue?
I think there is no answer of population problem.

Sure there is - a very simple one. Let women control their own sexuality and fertility.

In every society where that's happened to even a small degree (usually as a fluky by-product of an economy needing women in the work-force), the birth-rate declined. In every society where infant mortality is reduced and most children reach adulthood, the birth rate declines. In every society where the theocracy loses its stranglehold on domestic and reproductive choice, birth-rate declines. In every society where education and standard of living improve, the birth rate declines. And where birth-control is covered by health insurance....
I think there is no answer of population problem.

Yes there is, if everyone had a mobile in the world, then the ptb could control female hormones on mass to decide if and where they get pregnant.

SO there most definitely is a way, but at the mo demographics matter.
how to control population.
teach your children well, train them to only have sex with ppl who line up with some sort of standards, the higher the better.

how would this work?

because ppl are having lower standards for themselves, pretty soon there wont be anyone left with high standards to mate with.
We can't even take care of everything we got now. We should keep it to two children per couple, that way we keep the same general population. Maybe if some people want more children some people can sign up to have less children and we can still control the population.
This thread topic is like saying Candyman in front of a mirror five times, only something far worse than Candyman shows up.
Is there a reason why the population needs to be under control? Is the current ongoing population growth causing a perceived problem?
Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.

Been there, done that, wouldn't want to do it again.

Nothing like quaint adages controlling attitudes and therefore causing catastrophic policy decisions/indecision.'

ForrestDean said:
Is there a reason why the population needs to be under control? Is the current ongoing population growth causing a perceived problem?

Was that intended to be ironic or was it accidental?
What is religion's answer to the problem of population control?
In past times it was war, nowadays many religions are switching to more sane methods (like birth control.) Even the Catholic church, long a holdout on birth control, is now OK with some methods.
It's pretty obvious that the "evil" of this world is proportional to it's number of human inhabitants.
Agreed - but so is the "good."
Does scripture acknowledge the hypocrisy of our biological drive of reproduction, and the inevitable corruption of the world as we approach this population limit?
There's no hypocrisy in our biological drive; we share it with every other organism on the planet. We are, fortunately, starting to slow down our population increase, so while still have to be vigilant, we are at least headed in the right direction.
Is Armageddon truly a judgment upon the world, or just a necessary surgical procedure planned by God?
More a silly story than anything else. Have you ever read Revelation?