Population control methods.


Your superior
Registered Senior Member
Whether you agree with it or not, most(ie ALL) goverments use one or several means to control thier populous to varying degrees. Several classics are fears and oppression. There is also religious manipulation. And media manipulation is always getting worse. There are culture modifying laws. The education system (or lack of) seems really effective as well. And of course there are the various conspiratorial type activities like organizations that make certain things occur, and put certain information out. And the wacky, but fun, realm of brainwashing and the neurolinguistic arts.

My question is which method/s yoo feel are most "wrong", if any. And which ones you feel are "okay", if any. Do you consider this type of thing an immutable fact of life today, and are merely glad that a certain less destructive form effects you? Or do you delude yourself into blissful ignorance? Or perhaps you are actually personally benefiting from it, or favor it for some other reason? I myself admire this artform when done right. It has a playing-god type quality to it, molding large groups of humans, and herding them in certain directions.

I'm too tired to spell correctly right now. :(
Gah, that title may be a bit misleading. Just to clear things up, I'm not talking about population levels and physical numbers of humans.
Governments should encourage large and growing populations. (Pr. 14:28)

Denying the right to procreate is only but one small step from denying the right to live.

Most any country should be proud to welcome large and growing human populations within or without its borders, so all the more people can live.

You would think that humans would favor human interests?

Population growth is in the interests of "the many."

And society benefits from population growth. Many people really do have something to contribute to society.

Is pro-population growth, a form of "population control?"

Are people slaves who should be subject to much "control?"

Shouldn't people be controlled inwardly, by God? Not by seeking the praises of men?
I tried to clarify that I am not speaking on population levels, or the numbert of people, but on manipulations of society etc. to push things in certain directions. Read my first post.
Why don't you just list the methods right out?

To be frank, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

You're saying the government influences it's people into, say, becoming mathematicians and scientists?

I would agree that it promotes those things, but the government doesn't influence me directly too much.

I noticed they ran an Ad called, "Verb: it's what you do." That didn't touch me, or anyone I knew.
So where did we get the over-simplistic idea that high population #s are the problem?

Originally posted by blankc
I tried to clarify that I am not speaking on population levels, or the numbert of people, but on manipulations of society etc. to push things in certain directions. Read my first post.

Well I agree that actual population numbers are but a small factor in population management. Does it matter than places like Japan or Singapore have unusually high population densities, if they use the proper technologies to manage it? Singapore is 40 times as densely populated as China, and yet I hear that Singapore is rather clean.

Population can be managed, without resorting to any actual arbitrary limit on human numbers. Perhaps that is largely my point on human population size not being much of any "problem," but rather how humans behave. I am much more interested in the social graces and in my neighbors being friendly, than in how many neighbors I might happen to have, or how close people live to one another. I don't mind "crowded" environments where people are friendly, and people's needs are accomodated.

I think when it comes to population, humans would be smart to "look the other way" and excuse our large numbers, since our large numbers benefits our own kind. After all, isn't "population" just people? People like our friends and relatives who otherwise couldn't be here?
look hes talking about MANIPULATION of people in order to make them accept cirtan things

like war, homelessness, slavery (if we go back a away), or even earlier serfdom

a good moden example would be the patrot act (american), the child overboard incident (for australians), Faked dosssier (brittan)
I found the ideas laid out in Al Gore's book to be rather interesting(in regards to this topic, of course)...