Pope now resigns!

I feel he was put in the position to lead, and when the going got tough, he got going, out the door that is. Anybody can sit in a position when all is good. Only a leader will stay in that position when the going gets tough, and that leader will guide the others to the proper ways in times of need. He failed to do that for his people.
I personally hate the Catholic Church so I could care less.

Catholics usually know little of their history and how many innocent deaths the Catholics are credited for not only during the crusades or inquisitions.

I'd love to have free access to the Vatican. Imagine the hidden books and treasures that must be hidden inside. We know that the great Egyptian Empire fell when Rome took it from Cleopatra giving Rome access to some of the greatest Egyptian artifacts known to man. Then the Catholics committed fraud and stole Rome from Emperor Constantine using forgery, so the Catholics were able to claim Ancient Rome as their own.

Today Catholics are non violent organization, but it was a military organization and Popes were the mean generals at one time.

Not only did the Catholics murder their way to power and strength, but they also took away what I believe are historical "Magick" books and journals. For example; Nostradamus was alleged to use certain drugs in conjunction with his readings, but those books and meditative ideas are lost to the large book burning fires of the Catholics. I happen to have interests in the type of books burnt by the Catholics so I consider it a loss. These books contained Herbal cures and remedies in many cases that may have also advanced our pharmaceutical knowledge today.

The pope should disband the Catholic Church as a final act.
Finally a pope who isn't going out on a deathbed. More leaders should do like him, Castro, can you hear me?
I feel he was put in the position to lead, and when the going got tough, he got going, out the door that is. Anybody can sit in a position when all is good. Only a leader will stay in that position when the going gets tough, and that leader will guide the others to the proper ways in times of need. He failed to do that for his people.

I think it takes a rare level of intelligence and humility to realize that you are no longer the best choice and that another leader would do a better job for your church. Good for him for being able to put the church above his ego.
An arch-conservative pope resigns? Good. Maybe the next one will stop telling his flock that homosexuality and condoms are the work of Satan.
An arch-conservative pope resigns? Good. Maybe the next one will stop telling his flock that homosexuality and condoms are the work of Satan.

He recently announced that condoms are now appropriate in some situations (preventing spread of STD's.) Good for him.
I think it takes a rare level of intelligence and humility to realize that you are no longer the best choice and that another leader would do a better job for your church. Good for him for being able to put the church above his ego.

I agree with your statement, but I certainly do not assume that his intentions are in the best interest of the church. If he realized he wasn't cut out for the job, and put the church before himself then great, he is an upstanding individual that has realized his potential. However, if he were to be considered the captain of the ship, and the ship starts sinking, why is he not going down with the ship?
I thought these high level positions were inspirationally chosen by God. I know another recent one (archbishop?) that it was asked if he was chosen would he decide to refuse, and the premise is that you don't refuse, you have to fill that spot, because it's the will of God. Is the Pope no different, and was a mistake then made? Maybe it was a misunderstanding from static or something.
However, if he were to be considered the captain of the ship, and the ship starts sinking, why is he not going down with the ship?

1) I don't think the church is "going down"
2) Reading between the lines of the announcement, he's dying - so he's pretty much going down anyway.
He recently announced that condoms are now appropriate in some situations (preventing spread of STD's.) Good for him.

A small, meek step in the right direction after years of Olympic-level lunges in the wrong direction doesn't warrant praise, in my opinion.
I think it takes a rare level of intelligence and humility to realize that you are no longer the best choice and that another leader would do a better job for your church. Good for him for being able to put the church above his ego.

I have to agree. I am not a Catholic, I don’t agree with many of the Church’s teachings. But I have no doubt the Holy Father and many in Catholic Church are sincere in their beliefs and have only the best of intentions. I admire the honesty and integrity of this Pope and the many good deeds and contributions the Church has made toward the betterment of mankind in recent years.
I have to agree. I am not a Catholic, I don’t agree with many of the Church’s teachings. But I have no doubt the Holy Father and many in Catholic Church are sincere in their beliefs and have only the best of intentions. I admire the honesty and integrity of this Pope and the many good deeds and contributions the Church has made toward the betterment of mankind in recent years.

So you're cool with the gay-bashing and injunctions against contraception?