Pope dies and has a revelation in heaven


In search of Immortality
Valued Senior Member
Upon entering heaven the pope asks if he can view an original version of the bible.

After studying it for a while he suddenly shouts "oh no it says celebrate".

Well I thought it was funny. :D
jesus said to john come forth and I will give you eternal life, john came fifth but he still won a toaster.
The account of man's creation in the book of Genesis is so familiar and so entrenched in our cultural heritage that many accept as actual historic fact the assertion that Woman was created from one of Adam's ribs.

Science has railed against such simple beliefs for centuries; last week, at a dig in the escarpments along the western shore of the Dead Sea, archeologists have uncovered ancient, original texts that pre-date these writings by 1,300 years. Translated, their account of life's beginnings on earth are much more scientifically plausible...

"... and God created Woman, giving her three breasts to succor her young".

And God spoke, saying to her, "I have created thee as I see fit, but mine is no longer the only opinion in the universe (sigh). Is there anything about thee that thou would prefer differently? "

And Woman spoke, saying, "Lord, I am not made to birth whole litters; I do not need but two breasts."

And God said, "Thou speak wisely, as I have created thee with wisdom." There was a crack and a lingering odor of ozone, and it was done, and Woman stood holding her third breast in her hand.

"Now just what am I going to do with this useless boob?" Woman exclaimed.

And so it was, God created Man.
Thats the English sense of humour Cris. Do you think Americans will get "Little Britain"?
stretched said:
Do you think Americans will get "Little Britain"?
Little Britain is absolute gold. You can't beat Vicky Pollard. But I wouldn’t expect Americans to get it, either.
Too bad for them.
OK I'll have to display my ignorance here - what the heck is Little Britain?
a very poor comedy show for over here, it's as funny as a bullet in the brain cris, all though tom baker is very good. it's equal if not worse than the league of gentlemen, another piss poor try at comedy.
however each to their own.
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In the beginning, god created the Universe. This is now widely regarded as a bad move.

Hapsburg said:
In the beginning, god created the Universe. This is now widely regarded as a bad move.

He stole the copyright.
Hi Cris,

Ah, youre in the States. Its a fairly new BBC comedy series. I think its great. Beautiful scripting. Awsome acting. Subtle commentry on life in Britain. Kinda hard to get at first, you have to dig a bit deeper. My kind of humour. My fave is Anne in the asylum. And of course Daved - the only gay in the village. Hi zenobia, I cant wait for series 3!
My nice sent me this one: (note its mostly by memory)

After god created man and woman, god said unto both, well there's one more thing, One of you will get a penis, and be able to go to the bathroom standing up, and the other... at which time Adam began screaming, "Let it be me, let it be me I wantit, I want it, So god made his wish come true, and Adam went crazy runnig all over the place peeing everywere standing up, and acting all foolish..seeing his happines Eve aske god, "well and what was the other thing?" Brains my dear child!. LOL..
