Pope dead next but one antichrist bla bla


Valued Senior Member
Nostradamus predicted bla bla next Pope will be short lived and the following one will be Anti Christ bla bla--so waddaya think?

I'm actually quite interested to see what happens, but if the next one truly does find his demise sooner rather than later, I might just start to get a bit worried, even though I think all this religious and prophetic stuff is just bull.
No idea, might be something good, might bring on change, granted, it may be an abrupt change, but I am sure that something good can be learned from it.

Of course, I do not care much about the catholic church, nor do I believein Christ, so how bad can the Anti-Christ be?

Alas, from another perspective: If the next pope ist the antichrist, would that not prove that the catholic church ist a pervertet and twisted institution that runs contrary to the christian ideal?

Ahh, so many unexpected possibilities... I find that interesting.
if he was the anti christ then we probably wouldnt be able to tell as if he was going to do massively bad things then he wouldnt need to become the pope he could just become the president of a major nation (no jibe intended) or head of a major corperation,so if he wants to be pope he would probably just make subtle changes which will eventually bring about the end of days.or maybe he just wants to do it for fun.or maybe it wont happen.
Bush for Pope:

He already believes he has been destined to be president by god.

God told him to attack Irag, and then latter conquer the M.E. for oil reserves.

Bush already ordered all flags at half staff in government buildings across the land.
Thus a great leader of socialism, fascist state has died.
May Gawd have mercy on the sob's soul.

The Vatican has solved a "modern" way to elect the next Pope;
Let the old farts battle it out in a new survivor show for Fox Networks.
The winner is our next Pope.


I think electing the pope is soooo related to politics,
much like this last one was
chosen to fight against comunist regime in Poland and eventualy helping bringing it down...
how quickly they all forgot Gorbachev and give all the credit to this religious dood is a facsinating example of Big media mind controling propaganda :rolleyes:
*facsinating example of Big media mind controling propaganda*

Scorpius; you've hit the "nail" on it's head!.

tablariddim said:
Nostradamus predicted bla bla next Pope will be short lived and the following one will be Anti Christ bla bla--so waddaya think?

I'm actually quite interested to see what happens, but if the next one truly does find his demise sooner rather than later, I might just start to get a bit worried, even though I think all this religious and prophetic stuff is just bull.
the one before this one died very quickly, and was'nt the anti-christ surposed to turn up before the millennium.
but seriously you dont believe in prophecys do you.
It all depends on how you define Anti-Christ?

I'm sure there were some traditionalist Catholics who regarded Pope John XXIII as the Anti-Christ because he initiated Vatican II, the liberalising Council (1962-1965) that saw the end of Latin masses and of the priest at a service facing away from the congregation etc.

A new pope-but-one who in the face of the AIDS epidemic relaxed the rules against using contraception would also face the charge of being the Anti-Christ from those who opposed him.

I think electing the pope is soooo related to politics,
much like this last one was
chosen to fight against comunist regime in Poland and eventualy helping bringing it down...
Wow. Would that all "political decisions" turned out as well as that one did!

But of course, you're right about the media. I was like, "Wait a minute - Pope John Paul II brought the end of Communism? But when Ronnie Reagan died, I kept hearing that he single-handedly brought down Communism!" I have absolutely no doubt that we'll be hearing it all again when Maggie Thatcher finally joins the choir invisible.
who cares who the next pope is? catholicism and christianity in general make no sense at all.
Is that just a statement intended to cause trouble? A man just died who right now is being mourned by what cannot be less than one billion people, many of different faiths or none. Just because you don't share the beliefs of Christians you cannot deny the effect this man had upon the world - and consequently the effects that his successor might have, for good or ill.

I think they will pick a non-controversial choice, an old man (in his 70s at least) who won't attempt to emulate the late pontiff's legacy or start any major revolution or reformation, and will have a much shorter reign.

I read The DaVinci Code and couldn't figure out what it was talking about half the time about the "liberal Pope", particularly about him banning Opus Dei - then I realised that the succession of a new Pope after John Paul II was the subject of Brown's previous novel, Angels and Demons. That might be worth a read right now to get a general idea of the behind-the-scenes goings-on which are taking place right now.
Godless said:
The Anti-Christ is already here and it's this guy!
I doubt he would be this hated the world over if he were the antichrist.

But then maybe the reasons many Christians love him so much is because he is the antichrist (because really, Satan's only enemies are Christians, he has no reason to look good in the eyes of Atheists). Hmm....

He has a horrible reputation, and the only people against him are the ones that mean absolutely nothing to him...

Wow. :eek:
M*W: Christians believe the coming of the Antichrist will bring many evils to the world; but, what if the Antichrist comes and destroys Christianity? Seventy-five percent of the world's entire population do not believe in the Christian-feared Antichrist, so technically, the coming of the Antichrist would only be confounding 25% of the world's population. Should this Antichrist be a Pope, he could destroy the faith of more than one billion Catholics, and Protestants would not be far behind. Although I personally don't believe in the alleged Antichrist, wouldn't the destruction of Christianity be Antichristian? I believe the scientists and archeologists and biblical scholars will uncover the truth and/or the bones of Jesus. In a manner of speaking, Jesus himself was an Antichrist, since his characterization was just fiction written by Paul. If there were a true historical Jesus as depicted in the Gnostic Gospels, he was nothing like Paul's literary characterization.