Pope Benedict's Visit to UK 2010

Not impressed, more words (including lots of the wrong words), no action.

Can't wait for him to leave.
i can't imagine why anyone would give a rat's ass what the pope is doing and where.
Isn't that just slightly arrogant?
He is the Spiritual leader of a Billion people. Does that count for nothing in your estimation?
i was raised Catholic..and i don't mind the Pope..
but i'm not overly excited about him either...
i think it's a nice faith, and if i have children, i will bring them up Catholic.
Isn't that just slightly arrogant?
He is the Spiritual leader of a Billion people. Does that count for nothing in your estimation?

can't say i'm impressed, no. not with him or his "followers". it's just all so silly, and that's a euphemism.
Isn't that just slightly arrogant?
He is the Spiritual leader of a Billion people. Does that count for nothing in your estimation?

What I found seriously astonishing of the last few Popes, is their silence of claims there was no temple in Jerusalem being openly declared in the M/E. This totally impacts on the Gospels, which says Jesus visited this temple. The Vatican is very able to diplomatically respond to such falsehoods - but not a whimper. What's it all mean!? :shrug:
Isn't that just slightly arrogant?
He is the Spiritual leader of a Billion people. Does that count for nothing in your estimation?

But what does that even mean? Does every person on the planet that considers themselves a Catholic blindly follow the words of the Pope? Do they even agree with his words?

Adults need to learn to think for themselves and leave the fairy tales behind. Make your own mind up about the world around you. And if you can't be bothered then consider a lobotomy.

It annoyed me that he thinks atheism is leading to a less moral society (I forget his actual words, if someone would like to post them?). Fuck him for spreading lies.
i was raised Catholic..and i don't mind the Pope..
but i'm not overly excited about him either...
i think it's a nice faith, and if i have children, i will bring them up Catholic.

How do you mean "bring them up Catholic"? What does that entail exactly?
............. And if you can't be bothered then consider a lobotomy.

It annoyed me that he thinks atheism is leading to a less moral society (I forget his actual words, if someone would like to post them?). Fuck him for spreading lies.

Actual Words:

"Even in our own lifetimes we can recall how Britain and her leaders stood against a Nazi tyranny that wished to eradicate God from society and denied our common humanity to many, especially the Jews, who were thought unfit to live.

"As we reflect on the sobering lessons of atheist extremism of the 20th century, let us never forget how the exclusion of God, religion and virtue from public life leads ultimately to a truncated vision of man and of society and thus a reductive vision of a person and his destiny."

Wow, the Pope said that? How can he be so ignorant of the history that he lived through?
Joining the Hitler youth didn't harm his career prospects, so maybe Nazi tyranny wasn't so bad.
Ok, that's not fair.
How do you mean "bring them up Catholic"? What does that entail exactly?

well TO ME,
it means things like, getting christenend, having a first communion, going to church on Easter,celebrating christmas..
those kinds of things.
i won't preach the church to them, my parents didn't to me, but i would want them to believe in some sort of god or have some sort of faith..
I was raised Catholic and I would keep my children as far away from Catholicism (and religion in general) as I could while still remaining in my wife's good grace.

Christmas needn't be about religion - just about being thankful for friends and family.
Easter... well, the Christian faith merely hijacked the Pagan festival, so again one needn't be theistic to celebrate it. Unless you genuinely feel Easter Eggs are of religious significance... and to be honest, that's all children care about. ;)

The Pope's visit was hyped too much, with too much coverage, I feel.
I understand that the attendances weren't as poor as some people had expected, but I'm not sure that the visit did anything to persuade non-religious people to start heading back to his, or any, church.
And his resolve to strengthen the Catholic stance on various things will have only alienated the liberals in this country even further.

Personally, as an atheist, I'd have preferred my taxes to go to help the flood victims in Pakistan, or similar relief programme.

Otherwise it was all very "meh". From what I've read his arguments for Catholicism/religion are fairly weak... and from the supposed spokesperson of God for the Catholic faith it just highlighted to me the lack of God.

And then there is the beatification of Newman... citing a miracle that simply wasn't.
The beatification smacks of politicking - trying merely to garner favour with the British public. Yet those who want to believe continue to do so. :shrug:
I'm glad it's allowed for him to be shown as the bigoted, hateful, asshat that he is and the pityful views his religion has. I only hope some of the followers hear his words and think twice, then at least some good can come of this.

On the plus side it allows for lots of hilarious references to Family Guys "who cares? imma da freaking pope" and the batmanesque phrasing of "to the popemobile".
What was striking about the Pope's visit was that he strongly advocated his religion and warned the UK not to ban Christmas in case it offended another religion i.e Islam. Whether you are a Catholic or not doesn't matter, the Pope at least speaks up for the religion he believes in. It's the Protestants who should be worried. The present Archbishop of Cantebury, Rowan Williams, head of the church does his best to play down his religion even suggesting that some parts of sharia law should be integaretd into the British legal system. His all inclusive style will be the end of the C of E. What protestants need is a blood and thunder type spokesman and I don't mean the evangelical type of mad man but just a man who can lead. Rowan Williams is an academic dreamer with no charisma whatsoever. No wonder the churches are empty.
Did no-one else enjoy the Pageantry of it?
The spectacle?
Or is this new scientific age so Puritan that it cannot appreciate such things?