Pope: Atheism is Bad


Popo says "modern atheism has led to the greatest forms of cruelty and violations of justice." Hmmm. I'm not a huge fan of the Pope but I wonder what he means?:confused:

Popo also critically questioned modern Christianity, saying its focus on individual salvation had ignored Jesus' message that true Christian hope involves salvation for all. :rolleyes:



I wonder what God thinks of all this? :confused:
Rev. Robert Gahl, professor of ethics at Rome's Santa Croce University, said the pope's message was "tremendously relevant" for today's materialistic societies "where people put hope in science and medical cures."

Hope in science and medicine has, for the masses, been more reliable than hope in something else. There's nothing wrong with placing your hope in them.


"How could the idea have developed that Jesus' message is narrowly individualistic and aimed only at each person singly? How did we arrive at this interpretation of the 'salvation of the soul' as a flight from responsibility for the whole, and how did we come to conceive the Christian project as a selfish search for salvation which rejects the idea of serving others?" he asked.

Who is the "we" referring to? Who exactly is it that's promoting flight from responsibility?

sandy said:
Popo says "modern atheism has led to the greatest forms of cruelty and violations of justice." Hmmm. I'm not a huge fan of the Pope but I wonder what he means?

He's making the common mistake of giving religion, or lack thereof in this instance, too much credit when it comes to history. Stalin's version of communism is what led to the things he's talking about, atheism just happened to be a part of it.
Well duh, does the pope shit in the woods?
It's just like any other business slagging off the competition.

I like the way he states that only God can end all suffering.......do you hear that God?? Do something you lazy arse!!!
Popo says "modern atheism has led to the greatest forms of cruelty and violations of justice." Hmmm. I'm not a huge fan of the Pope but I wonder what he means?

The article explains that the Pope's comments are fallacious. Did you not read it or just didn't understand it?

Popo also critically questioned modern Christianity, saying its focus on individual salvation had ignored Jesus' message that true Christian hope involves salvation for all.

The Pope is criticizing everyone who isn't Catholic. Is that a surprise?

I wonder what God thinks of all this?

Which god?
Popo says "modern atheism has led to the greatest forms of cruelty and violations of justice." Hmmm. I'm not a huge fan of the Pope but I wonder what he means?:confused:

Popo also critically questioned modern Christianity, saying its focus on individual salvation had ignored Jesus' message that true Christian hope involves salvation for all. :rolleyes:



I wonder what God thinks of all this? :confused:

no shit the pope is going to say that.
He's making the common mistake of giving religion, or lack thereof in this instance, too much credit when it comes to history. Stalin's version of communism is what led to the things he's talking about, atheism just happened to be a part of it.
agreed and an extremely small part, religion has much more in common, especially Christianity (Acts).
I just fail to understand why anyone cares what the Pope says or thinks. It's not like he's God or anything...:rolleyes: He's just a man.
Just a man.

Just a woman.

Either way you look at it, there is no objective qualities whatsoever associated with such claims made by the pope. Infact, it is fancieful to imagine anyone believing in any such garbage.
Popo says "modern atheism has led to the greatest forms of cruelty and violations of justice."

The atheists need about 10000 years to at least try and equal all the misdeeds perpetrated by god-fearing religions up to and including now. Make that 15000, not like theists are going to stop their behavior overnight.
There is the atypical / typical train of thought which sandy might enjoy exploring, or for us to etc; which involves how exactly the pope was right. My post ^^ says that there is no objective qualities what so ever, associated with such and such... Maybe, there is something to it. What a total weird debate, I suppose it could spark many interesting comments though.
Is there a difference between modern and ancient atheists? The pope is just saying what the sheep want to hear, he's no dummy.
Nope. Only God knows His own thoughts. I would think he would be disappointed that man invented religions instead of just worshipping Him. :(
Nope. Only God knows His own thoughts. I would think he would be disappointed that man invented religions instead of just worshipping Him. :(

Oh. Ok. I thought all theists knew what god was thinking. My mistake.
Atheist: The Pope is bad.

The ideally atheist Marxism, it turned out, could not be implemented on the basis of it's strength as social/economic theory alone. It used the religious conditioning of the people to establish charismatic god-kings in the figures of Lenin and Stalin. They produced technological miracles like Sputnik, and their decrees were not subject to rational inquiry.