Poor Jesus and the circle of life.


Registered Senior Member
The first time around he was called a blaphsamous for saying that he is Christ.
Now christians are awaiting his return, but when he comes, they'll most likely call him the antichrist. well, how else are they going to recognize him? So poor Jesus is destined to be misunderstood when he was a shepard and when he was made a christ.

The story of our universe:
God create universe
God create man
man created material things
man worshiped material things
God send prophets (purer men) to guide man to their true mission
man killed prophet
man felt bad and worshipped a man-made idol of the prophet (christ)
Prophet came back to guide man
man called prophet a liar (couldn't proof that man is christ)
Man killed christ again while calling him the antichrist
God destroy man
God commit suicide
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Both of you should not denounce God or His providence, things of which you have no understanding, and, please, look before you leap.

Rappaccini said:
"At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth and the ends of the heavens."
~Mark 13:26-27~

Jesus will not be a man when He returns.
Rappaccini said:
Both of you should not denounce God or His providence, things of which you have no understanding, and, please, look before you leap.

Jesus will not be a man when He returns.
M*W: I was inspired by your last statement! First, I want to welcome you to this blood bath called sciforums!

When I think of Jesus returning, per se, I don't think of it as being in the body of a "man." That just wouldn't work! I think of it being more like a gradual return of the spirit that will overcome humanity and make it more Godlike. We're already on our way! My beliefs may not be so totally opposite to your views, but I don't place a label on what I believe, like calling it "Christianity!"

Both of you should not denounce God or His providence, things of which you have no understanding, and, please, look before you leap.
There is no need to be reverent towards things that do not exist.

Jesus will not be a man when He returns.
If he returns it will be as before – as a myth.

Q25 said:
I don't think he will return,he promised to return to his generation which was about 2000 years ago,and it never happened,
could it be b/c hes dead?

Yes, I've read it before.
It would be more fitting as "race". That is what my bible reads.
Maybe all of them should.

Katazia said:
There is no need to be reverent towards things that do not exist.

Flores' original premise, the return of God, was an acknowledgement of Biblical record as truth. However, her follow-up on this premise and everneo's consequent agreement were both incorrect.

I was not revering God in my statement, but re-informing Flores and everneo.

That is my opinion, however, and you might have gleaned something differenet from my words. It would be no marvel if you did. In that case...

Some are hypocritical, incredulous, or hateful when it comes to God.
I am reverential toward Him while those others are not. This is indicative of my convictions.
You can see that, I'm sure, and yet you state to me that there is 'no need' for reverence. This may be true for you, as a skeptic, but it is not true for me. Please, I request that you remember that.
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Some are hypocritical, incredulous, or hateful when it comes to God. I am reverential toward Him while those others are not. This is indicative of my convictions.

Or dismissive as something that should be ignored as valueless, as is my conviction.

… you state to me that there is 'no need' for reverence. This may be true for you, as a skeptic, but it is not true for me. Please, I request that you remember that.

Yet you wish to retain the right to criticize others for their convictions as in –

Both of you should not denounce God or His providence, things of which you have no understanding,

It is an unfortunate trait of Christians that they often display the attitudes of superiority, condescension, and arrogance, and where hypocrisy is a close companion.

Rappaccini said:
However, her follow-up on this premise and everneo's consequent agreement were both incorrect.

I don't agree with the climax that Jesus is cruicified again and God commit suicide.
Rappaccini said:
Flores' original premise, the return of God, was an acknowledgement of Biblical record as truth.

Actually, I'm not aware of the biblical record, but the Quranic record in regards to Jesus return is very very clear.

[4.157] And their saying: Surely we have killed the Messiah, Isa son of Marium, the apostle of Allah; and they did not kill him nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them so (like Isa) and most surely those who differ therein are only in a doubt about it; they have no knowledge respecting it, but only follow a conjecture, and they killed him not for sure.
[4.158] Nay! Allah took him up to Himself; and Allah is Mighty, Wise.
[4.159] And there is not one of the followers of the Book but most certainly believes in this before his death, and on the day of resurrection he (Isa) shall be a witness against them.

According to the Quran...Jesus didn't die on the cross, but was raised to god ALIVE. Jesus will make this truth manifest to all christians (people of the book/bible) before his final death and all christians will believe in this before god finally ordain Jesus to die. Jesus will die on or near the day of resurrection and he shall act as a witness againest those that said lies againest him.

Now based on the Quranic record, it is clear that Jesus will come back in a man form, since he never died. Jesus will live again amongest us and later dies as a human being. Based on that premises, I suggest that the second coming of christ will be missed by christians and christians might even kill christ. This act will trigger dooms day and resurrection and Jesus shall testify againest all those that didn't do him justice.

Rappaccini said:
However, her follow-up on this premise and everneo's consequent agreement were both incorrect.

Even I most serious person ever have the right to joke and lighten the mood every once in a while.
sargentlard said:
Flores i thank you for a good laugh

Jeez....finally an alien without a probe in their ass.
Thank you Sargentlard for getting my odd sense of humor.
Katazia said:
Or dismissive as something that should be ignored as valueless, as is my conviction.
That would be incredulity, something I listed, would it not?

Yet you wish to retain the right to criticize others for their convictions as in –

No, I do not.

Katazia, I criticize errors as I see them. Flores' original post, which seemed to initially credit and then immediately discredit Scripture, appeared to be logically flawed. My criticism for this error was not a denunciation of Flores' convictions.
I am surprised that you view it in this way.

Did I once criticize Islam, Flores' religion, in my post? No, I did not.

What I did criticize was a misunderstanding of the Biblical account and a flawed argument based on this misunderstanding, such as I saw the matter then. I was angered by her seeming error, that is all.

Now, however, I realize that she may've been using Quaranic references only. She did not clarify this in her original post, as should have been done.

everneo said:
I don't agree with the climax that Jesus is cruicified again and God commit suicide.

Oh... I'm sorry: I may have misinterpreted your reponse. :bugeye:
I'm still not quite sure I understand.

Flores said:
According to the Quran...Jesus didn't die on the cross, but was raised to god ALIVE... he shall act as a witness againest those that said lies against him.

Even I most serious person ever have the right to joke...

Thank you for addressing this further, Flores, but, as I stated earlier, it would have been helpful had you related this in your first post, which, verily, was flawed according to scripture.

If this was a joke, it was not very amusing for me. :eek:
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