Political ambition disguised in religious clothes


Registered Senior Member
Its lazy thinking to suggest that people like Gerry Adams and Martin McGuiness were in any way motivated by anything but Political zeal.

As a recent US Army Document points out .. "Al Qaeda" learnt from the success of the IRA that veiling their Political aims by proclaiming themselves as "religious martyrs" gleaned support especially for m the USA - no change there then...they probably thought the were giving money to soddin' leprachauns!.

How can anyone possibly be naive enough to believe that nitwits like Bobby Sands were remotely interested in matters of the Church?

US Army explains the Al Qaeda doctrine thus..

"Al Qaeda learnt to exploit religion to achieve its Political aims in the same respect that the Provisional IRA clothed their political ambitions in Roman Catholic Iconography despite the fact that many of it members were not devout members of the Catholic church'.