Police use knives and cut up homeless people’s tents.


Registered Senior Member
Police use knives and cut up homeless people’s tents.


Can anyone tell me where the police have the right to destroy someone’s personal property like this and be within the law? It’s one thing if the homeless people were trespassing and the authorities confiscated or required the people to leave but it’s another thing to actually cut and destroy another person’s personal property.

If a police officer had been shot in the head while doing this to an American Citizen I wouldn’t feel sorry for him in the least, and consider the homeless person protecting what was clearly a threat to his person and his property.

Very sad!
Can you explain where people have the right to put up tents and live on someone else's property without permission? Why not let everyone just put up tents instead of paying taxes, rents, garbage pick up fees and a multitude of other things.
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First of all, this has dick to do with homeless people. These are assholes camping out outside a crime scene, the place where Hailey Cummings went missing. These jerks are possibly ruining a crime scene. THEY WERE TOLD TO LEAVE. The police cannot put them all in jail. Guess what? If you park your stuff on a crime scene, tough titties if it gets destroyed. They should have left.
First of all, this has dick to do with homeless people. These are assholes camping out outside a crime scene, the place where Hailey Cummings went missing. These jerks are possibly ruining a crime scene. THEY WERE TOLD TO LEAVE. The police cannot put them all in jail. Guess what? If you park your stuff on a crime scene, tough titties if it gets destroyed. They should have left.

No need to jail them , just remove their cars, trucks, campers, tents or whatever. They are not abiding the law.
I agree, but there's a limit on manpower/fear of mobs. I really hate these do-gooding fucks who obscure the goal of finding the newest missing, possibly-dead white child of the week they claim to care so much about.
I agree, but there's a limit on manpower/fear of mobs. I really hate these do-gooding fucks who obscure the goal of finding the newest missing, possibly-dead white child of the week they claim to care so much about.

Then just turn off the news or do as I do, write to the news stations where you live or the national syndicated ones and tell them how upset their way of reporting makes you. If enough people write in they will have to change their ways or lose many viewers.
I love when people assume I don't take any sort of action.

No, thank you, because I never thought of that until you said it. Really.

I'm disturbed by the behavior of these people camping illegally on a crime scene. Not watching the news doesn't change it.
Well I wasn’t aware it was a crime scene, but barring that even if the people camping there are really asses or even protesters or whatever the hell they are it shouldn’t matter if the Police have the crime scene blocked off properly. My entire point is that the police shouldn’t be legally able to destroy property. If the police wanted to confiscate the tents and ticket the people that’s and entirely different situation.
They should be also to show a receipt and get reimbursed by the police department...
... My entire point is that the police shouldn’t be legally able to destroy property. ....

With a search warrant, they can smash up a house looking for ...whatever it is they're looking for. If they don't find it, the city is responsible for the damage. IF they find it, then it's tough shit for the owner.

But all that aside, you really must believe, don't you, that the cops had the approval of the city bosses to cut up the tents. I mean, think about it ....would a bunch of cops just walk into some place like that and start to cut up people's property?? ...especially being filmed? Geez, if you think so, they you have a really poor opiinion of the police in the USA.

Baron Max
First of all, this has dick to do with homeless people. These are assholes camping out outside a crime scene, the place where Hailey Cummings went missing. These jerks are possibly ruining a crime scene. THEY WERE TOLD TO LEAVE. The police cannot put them all in jail. Guess what? If you park your stuff on a crime scene, tough titties if it gets destroyed. They should have left.

Geez, this twist on the perspective certainly changed my initial impression of the OP. These people need to get the fuck away, although I'm not sure if the police went about it in the most efficient way possible. None the less, the "campers" needed to be removed...
that being said if the operning post WAS acurate it wouldnt have surprised me. A similar thing happened in SA a while ago where the police came into a camp of homeless people living in the park and confiscated all there posetions while they were away. They destroyed alot of it and left the rest with the homeless drop in center. Leaving it with the center isnt a problem per say (assuming they told them where it was) as they have lockers that the homeless can use to store there stuff during the day anyway but deciding that there matresses and tents wernt in good enough order so they should be destroyed (leaving them with nothing to sleep on and under insted) is apsolutly ridiculas
that being said if the operning post WAS acurate it wouldnt have surprised me. A similar thing happened in SA a while ago where the police came into a camp of homeless people living in the park and confiscated all there posetions while they were away. They destroyed alot of it and left the rest with the homeless drop in center. Leaving it with the center isnt a problem per say (assuming they told them where it was) as they have lockers that the homeless can use to store there stuff during the day anyway but deciding that there matresses and tents wernt in good enough order so they should be destroyed (leaving them with nothing to sleep on and under insted) is apsolutly ridiculas

See, this sort of situation is what I initially thought the OP was referring to. The homeless problem needs to be addressed - violence and abuse are not the answer, at least IMO. However, self centered "thrill seekers" camping out to get media exposure is an entirely different story. It still does not warrant excessive force by the police, but these people (apparently) had a choice. They could "go home"... Entirely different kettle of fish.
Yes set aside any reason why the people were there, and when I originally read the story I wasn’t aware it had anything to do with a missing girl or a crime scene, my point was simply the authorities took it upon themselves to actually damage citizens property in a malicious manner.

The authorities have transports busses to round up large numbers of people in the event they need to make arrests on large scale and even have city trucks that could be used as a moving truck to take the tents to police impound, but the actual maliciousness of cutting or destroying property was wrong IMHO.