Police should use waterboarding


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Since waterboarding is not torture and it is very effective for getting information out of suspects, the police should use it. It would simplify the prosecution, cut the time and make it cheaper.

If it turns out we waterboarded the wrong suspect, well, we can always say sorry... Also they might confess an unreleted crime.
Not torture? You're putting someone through physical trauma in order to scare them. It's also dangerous and prone to accidental deaths, so you can't just say "sorry" if the victim dies from you getting water in their lungs.

Get real.
Small problem. Citizen s of the US, unlike illegal combatants are subject to the US constitution and the right to not incriminate themselves. These rights actually do not exist under the Geneva convention even for proper Prisoners of War. So it is like comparing apples and oranges. Idf we did not have a 5th amendment we would probably still be using heat lamps to get people to talk.
Since waterboarding is not torture and it is very effective for getting information out of suspects, the police should use it. It would simplify the prosecution, cut the time and make it cheaper.

If it turns out we waterboarded the wrong suspect, well, we can always say sorry... Also they might confess an unreleted crime.

I think waterboarding should be used instead of spanking.

Come home too late.

20 seconds on the table.

Talk back during dinner.

30 seconds on the table.

No scars, it is a manly punishment, so no teenager need feel shame like they've been treated as a little kid.

Highly effective.

Employers too should keep this one handy.

Come in late three times: 20 seconds on the table. Make the other employees watch.

It is not torture.

It's just a pain in the ass. Ah, well....nose.
Small problem. Citizen s of the US, unlike illegal combatants are subject to the US constitution and the right to not incriminate themselves. These rights actually do not exist under the Geneva convention even for proper Prisoners of War. So it is like comparing apples and oranges. Idf we did not have a 5th amendment we would probably still be using heat lamps to get people to talk.

Rubbish. Amendment shmendment.

They can combine the taser with the waterboarding. Neither is torture.
Small problem. Citizen s of the US, unlike illegal combatants are subject to the US constitution and the right to not incriminate themselves.
Of course. You cannot waterboard someone to make them testify in court.
And the person being waterboarded can always remain silent. They can always choose to continue the waterboarding and remain silent.

Originally Posted by TW Scott
These rights actually do not exist under the Geneva convention even for proper Prisoners of War.

From the Geneva convention:
Prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated.

Prisoners of war are entitled in all circumstances to respect for their persons and their honour.

Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity.

I agree with you. Waterboarding is humane, respectful, is not at all a form of intimidation and is a far cry from the level of aggression involved in insults or even worse public curiosity.

Waterboarding is a form of communication.

So it is like comparing apples and oranges. Idf we did not have a 5th amendment we would probably still be using heat lamps to get people to talk.
I've always thought the threat of being raped or pummeled in a holding cell was more effective than the heat lamp. Thank God that is no longer possible.
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hmmmm, waterboarding would probably work better than grounding, huh? I wonder if there is a how-to video on you tube.
Most people didn't get the notion that police should use waterboarding not as a punishment but as for gathering information.

Now if you guys want to use it as part of the justice system after the crime was proven, hell, I am not against any good ideas....
Whatever happened to the good old days of thumb screws and iron maidens?

What's with these pansy tortures?

Real torture is also preventive maintenance. Kneecap some one and they can't flee crime scenes.
Syzygys you are crazy.

All that you have proven for yourself is that you represent modern police de-evolving to create order.
It contradicts our evolutionary status in modern society, if we were to lower ourselves to that which we strongly oppose.