Police: Man stabbed by person in gorilla suit

Brian Foley

Valued Senior Member
Police: Man stabbed by person in gorilla suit
WEST PAWLET, Vt. -- Vermont State Police are investigating a Sunday night incident in which a Vermont man said he was stabbed by a person wearing a gorilla suit, police said.

The incident happened at 8:20 p.m. on New Street, just over the New York state line from Granville, according to Vermont State Police.

The victim told police he heard someone at his front door and opened it expecting a trick-or-treater, police said. Instead, he found a man who was nearly 6 feet tall and wearing a gorilla suit, who stuck him with a "small, needle-like device" and fled, police said.
Trick or treat?...There can't be too many gorillas living in the US State of Vermont. Easy case to solve. /sarc.

For someone with imagination there is a movie to be made here.